Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Republicans supply the ammo to take their own candidates out with :rofl: This stuff is radioactive to Idies/Undecideds :clap2:
Some folks may be wondering about my passion on this subject.

My wife and I have lost two babies to miscarriage. Dear God, but that hurt. It still does. We console ourselves knowing we'll get to hold our lost babies in Heaven.

I simply cannot understand why anyone would knowingly choose to throw away something that precious.

I just can't.

So, kid, you can fuck off with your demand for more and more abortions, you twisted little bastard.
I have two kids and lost one by miscarriage. It does suck and i totally understand how that is.
it is a tough choice to make but its not my place to make it for people. Free will is a big thing, and this is striping that from people. Abortion is a heavy thing to take on for a woman. ( least most)

The difference is dave, i will support whatever choice you and your wife decided. You do not.

That says a lot
I can't understand why anyone would look at the numbers of abortions performed annually and say, "Oh, well..." -- especially when they've lost babies of their own.

There's a huge disconnect going on in your head. And it's pathetic.

Because its not my place to make that choice for that person. Thats the difference between you and I.
I mind my own business.
I haven't read this thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet.

I heard somewhere that most abortions are preceded by an ultrasound anyway? That it's part of the assessment procedure. I don't have corroboration on that. Is it true?
yes because educating women before determining to abort a pregnancy is so terrible. Liberals are all for limited government when it comes to the protection of the unborn, but limiting the size of soft drinks, Happy Meal Toys, smoking--they are all for government intrusion. Sickening hypocrites.

Women don't need lifers to educate them. They know what abortion is, they don't need to see the fetus before making a decision. They are not stupid.

yeah, out of sight out mind makes easier to kill your child

Why are so many unable to use Google? Either they don't know how it works, or they just don't want to know.
Right, because abortions are not invasive. I mean sticking a vaginal vacuum into a woman's cervix after going into her vagina to suck out her unborn baby is not invasive, but going only into her vagina is...

An internal ultrasound is not necessary, and there is no medical reason why she needs to have one.

Force men to have a rectal exam before they get a prescription for Viagra, see how they howl the roof down then.

Because pregnancy and an erection is the same in the perverse mind of a leftist.

Very rarely can one not precede the other.

Looking at the legislative agenda in Wisconsin should clue in everyone of the Republican Agenda. Big Brother will intrude in the bedrooms and doctors offices if those authoritarian misogynists have their way.

I wonder if any of those who posted on this thread and are opposed to abortion understand how little different they are from the Taliban?
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yes because educating women before determining to abort a pregnancy is so terrible. Liberals are all for limited government when it comes to the protection of the unborn, but limiting the size of soft drinks, Happy Meal Toys, smoking--they are all for government intrusion. Sickening hypocrites.

You need an vaginal ultrasound in order to educate women about abortion? Don't you think there are more effective, non-invasive ways of doing it, like with a pamphlet?

Don't you think that women that are getting an abortion have already found out what it is all about? Geez, you don't give women much credit, must be a Republican.

Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

so there are men in your bedrooms forcing you to spread 'em?
Because it's better to risk the health and life of women than to actually require abortion providers to determine the age of the baby they're killing.
Because it's better to risk the health and life of women than to actually require abortion providers to determine the age of the baby they're killing.

they don't care about ANY of that or all the other lift long effects abortion has on a woman
I know.

Better that women should die than require the abortion perverts to take a few simple medical safety precautions.
I haven't read this thread so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet.

I heard somewhere that most abortions are preceded by an ultrasound anyway? That it's part of the assessment procedure. I don't have corroboration on that. Is it true?

Bumping my question. Seriously curious about this. Are ultrasounds standard before abortions as I recently heard?
yes because educating women before determining to abort a pregnancy is so terrible. Liberals are all for limited government when it comes to the protection of the unborn, but limiting the size of soft drinks, Happy Meal Toys, smoking--they are all for government intrusion. Sickening hypocrites.

You need an vaginal ultrasound in order to educate women about abortion? Don't you think there are more effective, non-invasive ways of doing it, like with a pamphlet?

Don't you think that women that are getting an abortion have already found out what it is all about? Geez, you don't give women much credit, must be a Republican.

Women don't need pamphlets, either, they will be filled with pro life junk. Women can make their own decisions and they don't need men controlling their lives!

So your making the point there are no women that are for this?
Yes, in some clinics. I was with a woman who had an ultrasound at an abortion clinic; the clinicians told her they didn't see an embryo...but they took her money and gave her an "abortion" anyway.

But the vaginal one is more accurate. It would make it a lot harder for the clinics to give illegal late term abortions if they were required to actually determine the age of the baby without any doubt...which is why they are fighting so hard against it.

See, late term abortion is not rare...and if they are forced to actually use the latest in medical technology, they will lose the ability to lie about the age of the babies they're killing, or will be forced to actually misrepresent the images, or alter them, or destroy them......which is more difficult than what they do now, which is to just make up an age to tell the mothers coming in for abortions, and on what little paperwork they actually keep.
It's no end of ironic to see the left, who insist that abortion is a "medical" and "scientific" procedure that takes place for the benefit of women's "health" are fighting tooth and nail against modern practices which make it less risky, and allows women to be more fully informed about the procedure.

What ever happened to the "women's health" and "education is the answer!" mantra? "Women have a right to know!"....Is any of this ringing a bell?
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they don't care ABOUT the women, just being able to crow they are pro-choice and dump on republicans for anything

Rdean especially doesn't care about anyone, just his sick and twisted brand of hate he spreads

like this
One thing we know beyond a doubt. If there were ever a way to determine if a fetus was going to be gay, Republican opposition to abortion would completely evaporate.
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It's no end of ironic to see the left, who insist that abortion is a "medical" and "scientific" procedure that takes place for the benefit of women's "health" are fighting tooth and nail against modern practices which make it less risky, and allows women to be more fully informed about the procedure.

What ever happened to the "women's health" and "education is the answer!" mantra? "Women have a right to know!"....Is any of this ringing a bell?

Forcing a woman to have an ultrasound is not about her right to know. She can exercise her right to know anytime she chooses.

There is no legitimate medical reason for this mandate; there is no legitimate non-medical reason for this mandate. This is nothing more than the diehards in the anti-choice camp trying to fuck with people in a battle they've already lost.
She's not being forced to have an ultrasound. It's a part of the procedure. If she doesn't want it, she can leave.

There is a legitimate medical reason...#1 and foremost is it allows the woman to make an INFORMED decision.

#2, it allows the butchers to accurately determine the age of the baby.

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