Wisconsin police fatally shoot BLACK teen, fifty years after Selma

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
Madison police say a 19-year-old man has died after being shot by an officer.
Police Chief Mike Koval says the man was shot Friday after an altercation with the officer. Koval did not know if the man was armed.
Madison Police 19-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot by Officer - ABC News

Just right on the 50th anniversary day of U.S.A. Civil Rights March. The Irony of Fate.
No matter what happened, but it can cause a lot of "no justice, no peace" noise.
And once again, a police officer is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Right behavior or not?
Once again...he attacked a cop. They havent released how.

So for now...yes....even on the 50th anniversary of Selma...if you attack a cop you may get shot.

WTF is your point? Should blacks be immune from rule of law because today is Selma day?
Madison police say a 19-year-old man has died after being shot by an officer.
Police Chief Mike Koval says the man was shot Friday after an altercation with the officer. Koval did not know if the man was armed.
Madison Police 19-Year-Old Dies After Being Shot by Officer - ABC News

Just right on the 50th anniversary day of U.S.A. Civil Rights March. The Irony of Fate.
No matter what happened, but it can cause a lot of "no justice, no peace" noise.
And once again, a police officer is acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner. Right behavior or not?

So now without all the facts, you are judging and finding the police at fault. Interesting spin.
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison Wisconsin - NBC News

A summary.

Cops get called for black man walking in middle.of road and hitting people. Cop shows up. Black man attacks cop. Cops shoots him.

Protests in this liberal mecca erupt.

"BlackLiveMatter" erupts. Blah blah blah. Mans graduation photo is posted. Says he was dreaming of college.

And for a fair and balanced report...the news interviewd his GRANNDMA. Breaking news....she says he was a loving and caring young boy.

Its going to be a very...VERY...long summer folks.
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison Wisconsin - NBC News

A summary.

Cops get called for black man walking in middle.of road and hitting people. Cop shows up. Black man attacks cop. Cops shoots him.

Protests in this liberal mecca erupt.

"BlackLiveMatter" erupts. Blah blah blah. Mans graduation photo is posted. Says he was dreaming of college.

And for a fair and balanced report...the news interviewd his GRANNDMA. Breaking news....she says he was a loving and caring young boy.

Its going to be a very...VERY...long summer folks.
When the blizzards end, the heat will be on.

All those left behind by Hope and Change are going to blow.
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison Wisconsin - NBC News

A summary.

Cops get called for black man walking in middle.of road and hitting people. Cop shows up. Black man attacks cop. Cops shoots him.

Protests in this liberal mecca erupt.

"BlackLiveMatter" erupts. Blah blah blah. Mans graduation photo is posted. Says he was dreaming of college.

And for a fair and balanced report...the news interviewd his GRANNDMA. Breaking news....she says he was a loving and caring young boy.

Its going to be a very...VERY...long summer folks.

Another criminal thug that was shot while resisting arrest.
Maybe the criminal thugs and their "cheerleaders" should all move somewhere where they can live in anarchy, where they apparently prefer to live.
A place where there are no police, It's "Survival of the fittest".
It sure seems like that is the kinda place they want to live.(No police, anarchy, survival of the fittest).
Protesters are saying the usual shit.

He "didnt deserve to die". No. Most people dont "deserve" to die. But he attacked a cop. Sometimes that will.be the end result.

And stop calling him black. His mother is snow lilly white. Hes at most half black. Cop shot his white half.
Two things....

1) It appears he was on a death wish. Only thing that makes sense.
2) People are idiots. Generally speaking. ("Black lives matter crowd")
Black Teen Tony Robinson Shot Dead by Cop in Madison Wisconsin - NBC News

A summary.

Cops get called for black man walking in middle.of road and hitting people. Cop shows up. Black man attacks cop. Cops shoots him.

Protests in this liberal mecca erupt.

"BlackLiveMatter" erupts. Blah blah blah. Mans graduation photo is posted. Says he was dreaming of college.

And for a fair and balanced report...the news interviewd his GRANNDMA. Breaking news....she says he was a loving and caring young boy.

Its going to be a very...VERY...long summer folks.

"Yes Sir." and "No Sir." could avoid negative interactions with police. Quit being mouthy asserting rights you think you have and if you're innocent you'll be on your merry way in moments.

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