Wisconsin Republicans: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds A ‘Priority’

It isn't a 'priority' and never has been. Republicans need to get the hell out of women's bodies.

fine, you Democrats need to get off the gun control and you all can have all the unrestricted abortions you want and kill off the liberals..

You really believe that it's only liberals having abortions don't you. So pathetic it makes me a little sad.

You know what, I'm willing to compromise. I'll trade a 10 round limit on magazines for transvaginal ultrasounds. You in?
the vast majority of baby killers are libbs.
where would we be w/o the Republican morality police? :rolleyes:

I depends. Would we be getting rid of the Democrat morality police as well?


They certainly exist – but without a specific example we can’t make an accurate comparison as to the constitutionality of a given measure advocated by the left.

Although some may oppose regulatory measures proposed by democrats, if there’s no potential civil liberties violation, such measures can’t be placed on the same level as a state’s effort to violate the privacy rights of citizens.
Virginia did the same thing, I believe a couple years ago. Rape is God's will and now this...where will they go next?
Whether the boyfriend will dump her. Upcoming vacation. Important dance and a dress that fits now but won't in a month. Sure there are a lot of reasons.

Any girl or women who would have an abortion for these reasons is obviously too immature and irresponsible to have and raise children. Abortion is probably the best option for them.

Maybe too immature and irresponsible to be trusted to make decisions on whether to have sex too. Maybe in need of some discipline and supervision.

Probably more in need of better education on the importance of contraceptives and free and easy access to them.

Hopefully you're not one of those who promote abstinence as the only acceptable form of birth control and bitch and moan about sex education in public schools. If you are, good luck with your discipline and supervision plan.
Virginia did the same thing, I believe a couple years ago. Rape is God's will and now this...where will they go next?

Obviously republicans can’t control the idiotic actions and statements made by fellow republicans.

But there needs to emerge a corps of common-sense republicans, representing a majority of republicans, to speak out against this illegal and invasive procedure, as well as other examples of extreme right nonsense such as legitimate rape and conception resulting from rape being ‘god’s will.’
Virginia did the same thing, I believe a couple years ago. Rape is God's will and now this...where will they go next?

Obviously republicans can’t control the idiotic actions and statements made by fellow republicans.

But there needs to emerge a corps of common-sense republicans, representing a majority of republicans, to speak out against this illegal and invasive procedure, as well as other examples of extreme right nonsense such as legitimate rape and conception resulting from rape being ‘god’s will.’

Like Arlen Specter (RIP) and Chuck Hagel who are hung for being traitors to the new brand of Republicanism. Conform or die is the message. Moderate Republicans are too afraid to step out the shadows these days. Their silence will ensure a continuing failure on the part of the Rep party to gain a Senate majority or a shot at the Presidency.
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Virginia did the same thing, I believe a couple years ago. Rape is God's will and now this...where will they go next?

Obviously republicans can’t control the idiotic actions and statements made by fellow republicans.

But there needs to emerge a corps of common-sense republicans, representing a majority of republicans, to speak out against this illegal and invasive procedure, as well as other examples of extreme right nonsense such as legitimate rape and conception resulting from rape being ‘god’s will.’

Like Arlen Specter (RIP) and Chuck Hagel who are hung for being traitors to the new brand of Republicanism. Conform or die is the message. Moderate Republicans are too afraid to step out the shadows these days. Their silence will ensure a continuing failure on the part of the Rep party to gain a Senate majority or a shot at the Presidency.

Totally Agree. Sadly, the party is being held hostage by the right wing extremes of people like Ted Cruz of Texas. There are moderate Republicans who I respect and I have voted for in the past, but they are shaking in their boots as the Tea Baggers and the RW loons try to push the GOP over a cliff. They may very well be successful in the near future

PS: Baggers needs to be recognized by the spell check...:eusa_angel:
Choice only works one way. It is only acceptable to have an abortion. When a woman sees that unborn baby, that's torture. She has to look at the face of the person she's killing. Take a look at these 4D ultrasounds. You can't deny that this is a baby, a child. It's just torture to show that to a woman contemplating abortion. This is twisted and ghoulish.

Women already understand what a pregnancy is, they already understand what a baby is. Deciding to have an abortion is not an easy decision. Many factors come into play. Age, financial impact, number of current children.....that is why we allow women to make the ultimate decision

Whether the boyfriend will dump her. Upcoming vacation. Important dance and a dress that fits now but won't in a month. Sure there are a lot of reasons.

And whatever the reason it’s not the place of the state to determine which reasons are ‘appropriate’ and which are not.

Citizens are not required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right, that burden rests with the state.
Obviously republicans can’t control the idiotic actions and statements made by fellow republicans.

But there needs to emerge a corps of common-sense republicans, representing a majority of republicans, to speak out against this illegal and invasive procedure, as well as other examples of extreme right nonsense such as legitimate rape and conception resulting from rape being ‘god’s will.’

Like Arlen Specter (RIP) and Chuck Hagel who are hung for being traitors to the new brand of Republicanism. Conform or die is the message. Moderate Republicans are too afraid to step out the shadows these days. Their silence will ensure a continuing failure on the part of the Rep party to gain a Senate majority or a shot at the Presidency.

Totally Agree. Sadly, the party is being held hostage by the right wing extremes of people like Ted Cruz of Texas. There are moderate Republicans who I respect and I have voted for in the past, but they are shaking in their boots as the Tea Baggers and the RW loons try to push the GOP over a cliff. They may very well be successful in the near future

PS: Baggers needs to be recognized by the spell check...:eusa_angel:

the only ones you liars respect is the Democrat-progressive lite Republicans..when you kick out your avowed Socialist from you party we'll take you ugly people serious
ok, now turn all you said around on your all's cry for GUN CONTROL
just makes you all look like a hypocrite

Poor choice for comparison

You are still allowed to have guns just not assault type weapons with huge magazines. The type preferred by those who want to kill first graders

ok then, these women will be allowed to have a probe done to see the little baby they will be KILLING..same diff

Most abortions are done at the zygote, blastocyst and embryonic stage. They will not be seeing "little babies." What they'll be seeing is not a whole lot different from what a chimp or a pig would see during an ultrasound of their pregnant uteri. A mass of cells in the very early stages of mammalian development.

Hyperbole is the debating tool of the uninformed. Use it and be prepared to suffer the charge of idiot, Stephanie.
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Poor choice for comparison

You are still allowed to have guns just not assault type weapons with huge magazines. The type preferred by those who want to kill first graders

ok then, these women will be allowed to have a probe done to see the little baby they will be KILLING..same diff

Most abortions are done at the zygote, blastocyst and embryonic stage. They will not be seeing "little babies." What they'll be seeing is not a whole lot different from what a chimp or a squirrel would see.

Hyperbole is the debating tool of the uninformed. Use it and be prepared to suffer the charge of idiot.

call them what you want if it makes you sleep better to go kill them. and you suffer from some sort on condescending mental disorder..not pretty
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ok then, these women will be allowed to have a probe done to see the little baby they will be KILLING..same diff

Most abortions are done at the zygote, blastocyst and embryonic stage. They will not be seeing "little babies." What they'll be seeing is not a whole lot different from what a chimp or a squirrel would see.

Hyperbole is the debating tool of the uninformed. Use it and be prepared to suffer the charge of idiot.

call them what you want if it makes you sleep better to go kill them. and you suffer from some sort on condescending mental disorder..not pretty

If condescension is pointing out the ridiculous, then I suppose I'm condescending. If it's not pretty, then maybe you should educate yourself and I won't need to point out the ridiculous.
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Most abortions are done at the zygote, blastocyst and embryonic stage. They will not be seeing "little babies." What they'll be seeing is not a whole lot different from what a chimp or a squirrel would see.

Hyperbole is the debating tool of the uninformed. Use it and be prepared to suffer the charge of idiot.

call them what you want if it makes you sleep better to go kill them. and you suffer from some sort on condescending mental disorder..not pretty

If condescension is pointing out the ridiculous, then I suppose I'm condescending. If it's not pretty, then maybe you should educate yourself and I won't need to point out the ridiculous.

maybe you can go to hell..
Obviously republicans can’t control the idiotic actions and statements made by fellow republicans.

But there needs to emerge a corps of common-sense republicans, representing a majority of republicans, to speak out against this illegal and invasive procedure, as well as other examples of extreme right nonsense such as legitimate rape and conception resulting from rape being ‘god’s will.’

Like Arlen Specter (RIP) and Chuck Hagel who are hung for being traitors to the new brand of Republicanism. Conform or die is the message. Moderate Republicans are too afraid to step out the shadows these days. Their silence will ensure a continuing failure on the part of the Rep party to gain a Senate majority or a shot at the Presidency.

Totally Agree. Sadly, the party is being held hostage by the right wing extremes of people like Ted Cruz of Texas. There are moderate Republicans who I respect and I have voted for in the past, but they are shaking in their boots as the Tea Baggers and the RW loons try to push the GOP over a cliff. They may very well be successful in the near future

PS: Baggers needs to be recognized by the spell check...:eusa_angel:

Much of the problem is republicans are victims of their own success.

Republicans at the state level have so aggressively gerrymandered the congressional districts that many districts have become these homogeneous realms of hard-core rightwing extremism, almost devoid of any demographic or political diversity.

This may have been successful in retaining control of some state houses and the House in Congress, but makes it extremely difficult for republicans to win state-wide elections and General Elections, as we saw in 2010 and last year.
It isn't a 'priority' and never has been. Republicans need to get the hell out of women's bodies.

fine, you Democrats need to get off the gun control and you all can have all the unrestricted abortions you want and kill off the liberals..

Pro choice people aren't marching into schools killing school kids, are they?
I think it would be very difficult for a woman to see the ultasound and have the abortion. My other feeling is that if you are going to do this then it is up to the taxpayers to all chip in and help support the child. In many cases the mother cannot afford to raise the child. Therefore, if we are going to encourage pregnant women to do this I think its not a terrible idea but there needs to be support AFTER the child is born, it doesnt end at birth. More incentive. I dont think we could have it any other way.

It has been proven that women who have the ultrasound are not likely to change their minds about the abortion.

If they had the baby, right wingers wouldn't want to help pay for the cost of it, they go back to their pathetic ranting of 'she shouldn't have had sex if she didn't want a kid'.
call them what you want if it makes you sleep better to go kill them. and you suffer from some sort on condescending mental disorder..not pretty

If condescension is pointing out the ridiculous, then I suppose I'm condescending. If it's not pretty, then maybe you should educate yourself and I won't need to point out the ridiculous.

maybe you can go to hell..

Predictable response. You're at least 0 for 3 with me. Do you want to go for another loss? I'd prefer not to, if I'm honest. I find you inane and boring. Not really my cup of tea.
Since it takes two to tango, If the women involved have to get this then men Involved should be forced to get a proctology exam. That could save lives too!

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