Wisconsin Use of Anti-Bullying Laws to Intimidate Those Opposed to Gay Agenda

If you are a true Christian one does not eat hog sammiches at Bubba's House of Que and Tire repair Emporium.
The Bible condemns it.
Don't you know??

It is amazing to me how libtards can just make shit up and think it somehow counters the facts someone presents to them.


This site is so much fun.

I vote Republican for 40 years+ and own 3 corporations.
Try again, just a little harder next time.

Oh, please go to the Democrat Party where you belong and stop fucking up the GOP, OK?
Those were both highly unlikely claims. That a six-year-old would ever be charged with sexual harassment is preposterous, and that a student would be kicked out of school for drawing a cross even more preposterous. I don't find it incredible at all that someone would CLAIM something like this happened, and the evidence presented so far supports THAT. What it doesn't support is that either of them actually did.

I have personally heard some fairly ridiculous claims regarding sexual harrssment, and know that some of these gender-war feminists can be absolutely insane on the topic.

Knew a woman who claimed sexual harrassment because her boss would lean back in his chair and that would cause he to stare at his crotch, lol. Of course the company they worked for has a policy of sheilding sexual harrassment accusers so the poor guy never found out what it was that got him fired.

Here is just one case where no one on any side claims it did not happen or that the school did not over react:
6-Year-Old's Kiss Aside, Sex Harassment Does Plague Schools - Letter - NYTimes.com

Of course that wont pass your sniff test either because you have sacrificed your right to use reason when you subscribed to your ideology, lol.
You may believe everything you read but in my world, the real world as I have been a licensed forensic investigator for 34 years, ....

Yeah, right.

It's funny how on the internet there are so many experts who cant persuade anyone of anything without making appeals to their own authority, authority anyone can claim posting on theinternet, lol.

You are a closet liberal. All you require is if it matches your ideology and that makes it fact.

Except you dont know my ideology because I dont subscribe to one.

Ideologies are for lazy people who dont want to do their own thinking.

My values are totally eclectic.
It is amazing to me how libtards can just make shit up and think it somehow counters the facts someone presents to them.


This site is so much fun.

I vote Republican for 40 years+ and own 3 corporations.
Try again, just a little harder next time.

Oh, please go to the Democrat Party where you belong and stop fucking up the GOP, OK?

Oh, boo hoo and sorry for you Jimmy. We see a few of you cry babies here and there over the years in the Republican Party and have to baby sit you each election.
You folks are as thin skinned and milk weak as they come. Closed minded and so insecure can not deal with anyone with a different opinion.
Grow some stones.
People of faith are protected by the 1st amendment.

The 1st amendment does not permit people of faith to attack others for disagreeing with them.
I have personally heard some fairly ridiculous claims regarding sexual harrssment, and know that some of these gender-war feminists can be absolutely insane on the topic.

"Fairly ridiculous" is a subjective judgment on your part. "Six-year-old kicked out of school for accidentally brushing another boy's leg" is an objective statement subject to proof, which has yet to be offered.

I don't question that some sexual harassment claims have been "fairly ridiculous" in your judgment. In fact, while we would probably disagree on many of these cases, I've known some fairly ridiculous claims myself (that's MY subjective judgment). But a kid kicked out of school for accidentally brushing another kid in the locker room? I won't believe it until I see the proof.

Here is just one case where no one on any side claims it did not happen or that the school did not over react:
6-Year-Old's Kiss Aside, Sex Harassment Does Plague Schools - Letter - NYTimes.com

Did the kid get kicked out of school? That's what struck me as not credible.

Of course that wont pass your sniff test either because you have sacrificed your right to use reason when you subscribed to your ideology, lol.

Ah. So because I won't accept right-wing assertions at face value without questioning them and demanding proof, I've "sacrificed my right to use reason"?

I think you need to take a look in the mirror.
JimBowie has fail when he foregoes fact finding for tired old philosophies that have fallen apart.
Atty Says School Threatened, Punished Boy Who Opposed Gay Adoption | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

This is just getting started. It wont be much longer till Christians will have to talk about their religious beliefs in specially designated areas like smokers who have to go outside in so many places.

I give this about ten years and its all over due to the catastrophic withdrawal of Americas best and brightest who do not let the elites decide what is moral and stick instead to God's law.

What is the "gay agenda"?
JimBowie has fail when he forgoes fact finding for tired old philosophies that have fallen apart.

I don't know, he sure hit the nail on the head with this:

"Of course that wont pass your sniff test either because you have sacrificed your right to use reason when you subscribed to your ideology, lol." ~ JimBowie

Political correctness negates common sense.
Atty Says School Threatened, Punished Boy Who Opposed Gay Adoption | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

This is just getting started. It wont be much longer till Christians will have to talk about their religious beliefs in specially designated areas like smokers who have to go outside in so many places.

I give this about ten years and its all over due to the catastrophic withdrawal of Americas best and brightest who do not let the elites decide what is moral and stick instead to God's law.

What is the "gay agenda"?

Are you kidding????
Taking elementary school children to lesbian weddings. (We went to the planetarium).
Teaching "gay" history in our schools. (We were taught History)
Skewing majority laws to favor minority rights.
Inundating social media with gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.

We have a whole generation of children that have no idea that the word gay means happy.
A six year old shouldn't know what sex is, let alone know how to harass someone with it.
Supply them with jump ropes and kick balls, not condoms.
Let our children be children. :(
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JimBowie has fail when he forgoes fact finding for tired old philosophies that have fallen apart.

I don't know, he sure hit the nail on the head with this:

"Of course that wont pass your sniff test either because you have sacrificed your right to use reason when you subscribed to your ideology, lol." ~ JimBowie

Political correctness negates common sense.

Jim is big on political correctness: his political correctness.
anti-bully laws?

It's not to attack the faith, it's to get the faith to stop attacking the guys. duh.
Atty Says School Threatened, Punished Boy Who Opposed Gay Adoption | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

This is just getting started. It wont be much longer till Christians will have to talk about their religious beliefs in specially designated areas like smokers who have to go outside in so many places.

I give this about ten years and its all over due to the catastrophic withdrawal of Americas best and brightest who do not let the elites decide what is moral and stick instead to God's law.

What is the "gay agenda"?

Are you kidding????
Taking elementary school children to lesbian weddings. (We went to the planetarium).
Teaching "gay" history in our schools. (We were taught History)
Skewing majority laws to favor minority rights.
Inundating social media with gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.

We have a whole generation of children that have no idea that the word gay means happy.
A six year old shouldn't know what sex is, let alone know how to harass someone with it.
Supply them with jump ropes and kick balls, not condoms.
Let our children be children. :(

Well, it's up to the parent/legal guardian about that decision. Like taking your child to church.

I think it should be taught at a 3rd person view without taking sides at the most. While it IS controversial, many said the same about women's rights, diversity rights, and religious rights once upon a time.

So laws should just cater to Christianity, instead? I think a law that allows both is proper. Religion needs to be put in it's place, like our forefathers intended it to be. Laws need to include gay rights, not cater to them.

Then change the goddamn channel. Nobody is forcing you to watch it.

Of course, I agree with the rest.
But then, sex ed is something to teach around the ages 14-16. They will go through puberty, there's no stopping that.
Atty Says School Threatened, Punished Boy Who Opposed Gay Adoption | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

This is just getting started. It wont be much longer till Christians will have to talk about their religious beliefs in specially designated areas like smokers who have to go outside in so many places.

I give this about ten years and its all over due to the catastrophic withdrawal of Americas best and brightest who do not let the elites decide what is moral and stick instead to God's law.

What is the "gay agenda"?

Are you kidding????
Taking elementary school children to lesbian weddings. (We went to the planetarium).
Teaching "gay" history in our schools. (We were taught History)
Skewing majority laws to favor minority rights.
Inundating social media with gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.

We have a whole generation of children that have no idea that the word gay means happy.
A six year old shouldn't know what sex is, let alone know how to harass someone with it.
Supply them with jump ropes and kick balls, not condoms.
Let our children be children. :(

Weddings are bad?
Don't gays have a history? What about Alan Turing? The father of modern of computer language. Or Phillip Johnson, the designer of the Crystal Cathedral.
What rights are skewed?
I never hear anything about gay unless it's right wingers complaining about them.
What about gay children?
People are giving little children "condoms"? Are you sure? Do you have a link?
What else can children be but children?

Honestly, I don't know what you are complaining about? I really don't.
What is the "gay agenda"?

Are you kidding????
Taking elementary school children to lesbian weddings. (We went to the planetarium).
Teaching "gay" history in our schools. (We were taught History)
Skewing majority laws to favor minority rights.
Inundating social media with gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.

We have a whole generation of children that have no idea that the word gay means happy.
A six year old shouldn't know what sex is, let alone know how to harass someone with it.
Supply them with jump ropes and kick balls, not condoms.
Let our children be children. :(

Weddings are bad?
Don't gays have a history? What about Alan Turing? The father of modern of computer language. Or Phillip Johnson, the designer of the Crystal Cathedral.
What rights are skewed?
I never hear anything about gay unless it's right wingers complaining about them.
What about gay children?
People are giving little children "condoms"? Are you sure? Do you have a link?
What else can children be but children?

Honestly, I don't know what you are complaining about? I really don't.

anti-bully laws?

It's not to attack the faith, it's to get the faith to stop attacking the guys. duh.

I assume we're defining "attack" as "daring to disagree with or disapprove of", because we all know what a horrible, abusive attack leftists consider it to not be told how wonderful and correct and perfect they are by everyone they encounter. :eusa_hand:
anti-bully laws?

It's not to attack the faith, it's to get the faith to stop attacking the guys. duh.

I assume we're defining "attack" as "daring to disagree with or disapprove of", because we all know what a horrible, abusive attack leftists consider it to not be told how wonderful and correct and perfect they are by everyone they encounter. :eusa_hand:

I "disapprove" of you. Which is why it's against my beliefs that you be allowed to marry.
anti-bully laws?

It's not to attack the faith, it's to get the faith to stop attacking the guys. duh.

I assume we're defining "attack" as "daring to disagree with or disapprove of", because we all know what a horrible, abusive attack leftists consider it to not be told how wonderful and correct and perfect they are by everyone they encounter. :eusa_hand:

I "disapprove" of you. Which is why it's against my beliefs that you be allowed to marry.

And as with the person I was actually addressing, and indeed as with all liberals, I don't give a fat rat's ass what you disapprove of. If anything, the fact that a flatlined dipshit like you doesn't like something is prima facie evidence that there must be something right about it.

Please feel free to resist the urge to direct your worthless, nonsensical babble in my direction in the future.
I assume we're defining "attack" as "daring to disagree with or disapprove of", because we all know what a horrible, abusive attack leftists consider it to not be told how wonderful and correct and perfect they are by everyone they encounter. :eusa_hand:

I "disapprove" of you. Which is why it's against my beliefs that you be allowed to marry.

And as with the person I was actually addressing, and indeed as with all liberals, I don't give a fat rat's ass what you disapprove of. If anything, the fact that a flatlined dipshit like you doesn't like something is prima facie evidence that there must be something right about it.

Please feel free to resist the urge to direct your worthless, nonsensical babble in my direction in the future.

Exactly. Which is what they feel about your tiny and insignificant self. Funny how that works.
What is the "gay agenda"?

Are you kidding????
Taking elementary school children to lesbian weddings. (We went to the planetarium).
Teaching "gay" history in our schools. (We were taught History)
Skewing majority laws to favor minority rights.
Inundating social media with gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.

We have a whole generation of children that have no idea that the word gay means happy.
A six year old shouldn't know what sex is, let alone know how to harass someone with it.
Supply them with jump ropes and kick balls, not condoms.
Let our children be children. :(

Weddings are bad?
Don't gays have a history? What about Alan Turing? The father of modern of computer language. Or Phillip Johnson, the designer of the Crystal Cathedral.
What rights are skewed?
I never hear anything about gay unless it's right wingers complaining about them.
What about gay children?
People are giving little children "condoms"? Are you sure? Do you have a link?
What else can children be but children?

Honestly, I don't know what you are complaining about? I really don't.

1. Not a lot of field trips make kids sit through a boring wedding. Making them sit through a boring lesbian wedding is tutoring.
2. Alan Turing, George Washington, Phillip Johnson, Frank Loyd Wright, Truman Capote, Norman Rockwell, and Doc Holiday all have histories. Who sleeps with whom isn't necessary to teach history.
3. The ones that we were guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
We gave up free speech to accommodate political correctness, so no one gets their feelings hurt.
We gave up the right to protect our property so the Heinz Corp. could emanate domain and get bigger.
We gave up the right to a speedy trial, by introducing hate crime legislation.
4. Turn on your TV, you can't miss them. Being gay and being an celebrity, no problem. Being a celebrity, because you are gay. Enough already. I'll bet our kids don't even know that straight people can design clothes or decorate a room. ;)
5. I'm all for kids, period. And I'd treat them all the same.
6. Not people. Our school officials. In elementary school. You can google those mindless decisions.
7. Children can be anything we shape them into. They are extremely pliable.
Children can be the next generation of Nazis if you train them right. Ask Hitler.
They can be the next socialists. Ask Obama

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