Wise words from President Carter

Carter's advice on foreign affairs is like dating advice from the Pope

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
I don't think they are wise. They are incredibly naïve.

Carter is well known for being a fool while he was in the White House, and he is still a fool.

He thinks they ought to just sit down and talk!

What is Assad going to talk about: say he is sorry he gassed the little children, but he he'd like to stay on and try to do better?

I 100% agree!
Carter's advice on foreign affairs is like dating advice from the Pope

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.

Even if that were true, which it isn't.

Just getting such mortal enemies in the same room, was quite a trick.
President Carter: 1977


Marijuana continues to be an emotional and controversial issue. After four decades, efforts to discourage its use with stringent laws have still not been successful. More than 45 million Americans have tried marijuana and an estimated 11 million are regular users.

Penalties against possession of a drug should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself; and where they are, they should be changed. Nowhere is this more clear than in the laws against possession of marijuana in private for personal use. We can, and should, continue to discourage the use of marijuana, but this can be done without defining the smoker as a criminal. States which have already removed criminal penalties for marijuana use, like Oregon and California, have not noted any significant increase in marijuana smoking. The National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse concluded five years ago that marijuana use should be decriminalized, and I believe it is time to implement those basic recommendations.

Therefore, I support legislation amending Federal law to eliminate all Federal criminal penalties for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. This decriminalization is not legalization. It means only that the Federal penalty for possession would be reduced and a person would received a fine rather than a criminal penalty. Federal penalties for trafficking would remain in force and the states would remain free to adopt whatever laws they wish concerning the marijuana smoker.

Jimmy Carter: Drug Abuse Message to the Congress.

The corp-0-fascist were appalled and set out in earnest the denigrate his Presidency at every turn.

He also had his enemies in the Bush family and in the Oil Patch.

As President Rayguns' ratings drop, President Carters' will rise.
How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.

Even if that were true, which it isn't.

Just getting such mortal enemies in the same room, was quite a trick.

Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.
I don't think they are wise. They are incredibly naïve.

Carter is well known for being a fool while he was in the White House, and he is still a fool.

He thinks they ought to just sit down and talk!

What is Assad going to talk about: say he is sorry he gassed the little children, but he he'd like to stay on and try to do better?

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

It's amazing what bribing the Egyptians with American tax money will get you.
["War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."

We don't have to kill the children of the fundamentalist Muslim nut jobs. They strap bombs to them and send them to blow themselves up to kill us.
Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.

Even if that were true, which it isn't.

Just getting such mortal enemies in the same room, was quite a trick.

Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?
Even if that were true, which it isn't.

Just getting such mortal enemies in the same room, was quite a trick.

Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Camp David Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?


You give him too much credit.

He simply brought the two factions together and they negotiated with each other.

If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?
He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the shiaa or sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalysit for peace.
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Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Camp David Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?


You give him too much credit.

He simply brought the two factions together and they negotiated with each other.

If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?

You're too much.

The very source you cited disputes your post.
He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the Shia'a or Sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalyst for peace.

The problem is assumption. Assuming is when you attack Syria without knowing whether or not Assad actually used chemical weapons or not is dangerous. Bush II did not fail in Iraq either, although he went in on faulty intelligence, he did kill off Saddam Hussein, a man who gassed thousands of Kurds and was indeed responsible for using chemical weapons on his own people. Given that the Shia'a and Sunnis are enemies, and given that they have gone to war with one another multiple times, having them coexist is impossible. If Carter wasn't able to successfully negotiate the Iranian hostage crisis, then what makes you think he could help make two mortal enemies make peace?
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Mr. CRA speaks? dont that jackass have an economy to tank?
oh yea, he done did that

Actually he did the opposite.

He (and Volcker) got the economy out of the tank.

maybe, if u dnt consider inflation, unemplotment, the deficit and SLOW GDP growth. not mention loss of GDP in his final year

Volcker started a recession to slow growth and cool inflation.

It was unpopular, but it worked.
Wise words from President Carter


"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."

"The chemical attack in Syria should be a catalyst to end hostilities and urgently find a political solution."

Wise words from President Carter which should be ringing in the ears of world leaders as they debate how to act in Syria.

By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

Wisdom leaves a man when he is President, I attribute it to the sin of pride, and only has an opportunity to return when he leaves office. PRESIDENT CARTER certainly illustrates that to be true. I am not saying he did not do any good, he saw a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, but I see him doing much more good things after he left the Presidency.
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He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the shiaa or sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalysit for peace.

Or allowing Syria to break up. Like Yugoslavia did and Iraq should of..
Say's the worst president of the last 80 years.

Guess everyone's criteria for "worse" is different.

Like some people hold Ronald Reagan as one of the worst.

Because of his traitorous activities.

Some would hold Johnson as one of the worst, because of all the people killed when he ramped up the war in Vietnam.

Carter was completely honest. Perhaps that was part of the problem.
"I'll never lie to you" - Jimmy Carter

And he never did!

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