Wise words from President Carter

He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the shiaa or sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalysit for peace.

There is no resolution between Sunni's and Shia because they don't want one. We're talking religious hate, there's no reasoning with that. Another great reason for the "not our problem" approach.
Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Camp David Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?


You give him too much credit.

He simply brought the two factions together and they negotiated with each other.

If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002

The Norwegian Nobel Committeehas decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to*Jimmy Carter, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to Jimmy Carter - Press Release
Nobody is interested in anything that loser has to say. He is insignificant and irrelevant.
He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the shiaa or sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalysit for peace.

Or allowing Syria to break up. Like Yugoslavia did and Iraq should of..

Possibly. Or the Arab League might want to try and reach some accomodation.
If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002

The Norwegian Nobel Committeehas decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to*Jimmy Carter, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to Jimmy Carter - Press Release

I think lonestar was asking why he didn't win one for that specific event. A lifetime of undercutting and destruction to the United States wasn't enough until he reached inside to find how completely he hated us. A feat repeated by the lunatic Al Gore and again by Muslim fanatical supporter Hussein Obama. The international left loves liberal Americans who hate America.
Say's the worst president of the last 80 years.

Guess everyone's criteria for "worse" is different.

Like some people hold Ronald Reagan as one of the worst.
Because of his traitorous activities.

Some would hold Johnson as one of the worst, because of all the people killed when he ramped up the war in Vietnam.

Carter was completely honest. Perhaps that was part of the problem.

Those folks are more commonly known as fucking idiots. :eusa_whistle:
Mr. CRA speaks? dont that jackass have an economy to tank?
oh yea, he done did that

Actually he did the opposite.

He (and Volcker) got the economy out of the tank.

I'm sorry. His policies brought forth Stagflation, which REAGAN had to clean up during the first few years of his term! Yes, if you lived during the late 70's and early 80's you know exactly what I mean. Interest rates skyrocketed when Carter desperately tried to combat it with increased government spending. He established voluntary wage and price guidelines to control inflation. Both were largely unsuccessful.

Consumer spending and borrowing by businesses ground to a halt when the Federal Reserve Board under Carter clamped down on the money supply in 1979, that in turn caused interest rates to again rise, and by not supplying an inflation ravaged economy with the money it needed, a great recession ensued. No thanks to President Carter's economic policies.

Try harder.
Mr. CRA speaks? dont that jackass have an economy to tank?
oh yea, he done did that

Actually he did the opposite.

He (and Volcker) got the economy out of the tank.

I'm sorry. His policies brought forth Stagflation, which REAGAN had to clean up during the first few years of his term! Yes, if you lived during the late 70's and early 80's you know exactly what I mean. Interest rates skyrocketed when Carter desperately tried to combat it with increased government spending. He established voluntary wage and price guidelines to control inflation. Both were largely unsuccessful.

Consumer spending and borrowing by businesses ground to a halt when the Federal Reserve Board under Carter clamped down on the money supply in 1979, that in turn caused interest rates to again rise, and by not supplying an inflation ravaged economy with the money it needed, a great recession ensued. No thanks to President Carter's economic policies.

Try harder.

On the other hand, he did cut down on the wasteful use of paper clips practiced in the Pentagon...
If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?

The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002

The Norwegian Nobel Committeehas decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to*Jimmy Carter, for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development. The Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to Jimmy Carter - Press Release

I think lonestar was asking why he didn't win one for that specific event. A lifetime of undercutting and destruction to the United States wasn't enough until he reached inside to find how completely he hated us. A feat repeated by the lunatic Al Gore and again by Muslim fanatical supporter Hussein Obama. The international left loves liberal Americans who hate America.

His commitment to peace was demonstrated by the peace agreement he helped bring about and all he did later to work towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict in Israel/Palestine and to support peace Iin global conflicts.
Carter's advice on foreign affairs is like dating advice from the Pope

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

And that is on Carter?? No.. that is on Israel not going to kick the butts of others in the region...

You want to mention the horrid flubs he had in foreign policy? Or you just wanna harp on the one thing you choose to look at with partisan blinders??

What next?? Because Kennedy puffed his chest in the Cuban Missile Crisis, peace was achieved and the Soviet Union fell??

Carter was a HORRID foreign policy President... well, a horrid president all around, but particularly bad at foreign policy

Bullshit. Israel could have decided upon that course of action by themselves, with no need for peace talks and a treaty.

Your butthurt over foreign policy success by Democrats is both annoying AND amusing.
What did Obama do to deserve The Nobel Peace Prize? He was a black man elected President who made a lot of Promises about change. Problem, we still await those promises to be fulfilled. Certainly, he has brought peace to noone.
Sadat and Begin created the peace between Egypt and Israel. He could do nothing if they hadn't been willing to do it, and they could have done it without him.

He got nowhere with Palestine, except that he and the head of the primary terrorist organization both won "peace" prizes.

Everyone wants peace, that's nothing. Creating it is the trick, and he's done little to nothing to accomplish that.
Carter's advice on foreign affairs is like dating advice from the Pope

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
Do you have anything – ANYTHING – to back up this bullshit? :lol:
I don't think they are wise. They are incredibly naïve.

Carter is well known for being a fool while he was in the White House, and he is still a fool.

He thinks they ought to just sit down and talk!

What is Assad going to talk about: say he is sorry he gassed the little children, but he he'd like to stay on and try to do better?

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

It's amazing what bribing the Egyptians with American tax money will get you.
Any ridiculous excuse to not give a Democrat credit. Pathetic.
Mr. CRA speaks? dont that jackass have an economy to tank?
oh yea, he done did that

Actually he did the opposite.

He (and Volcker) got the economy out of the tank.

When Reagan was President?


So Carter owns the Reagan recession and 10% unemployment?


I learn oh so much here at USMB

If a Democrat craps in their own pants, it's not their fault.

There are good and bad politicians, but Jimmy Carter and Al Gore are probably the two most flat out useless Democrats of our generation.
How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
Do you have anything – ANYTHING – to back up this bullshit? :lol:

["War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."

We don't have to kill the children of the fundamentalist Muslim nut jobs. They strap bombs to them and send them to blow themselves up to kill us.

Us? You got a hamster in your pocket?

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