Wise words from President Carter

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
Do you have anything – ANYTHING – to back up this bullshit? :lol:

He told you to look up the Camp David Peace Accords did he not? Or are you repulsed to following directions?
Even if that were true, which it isn't.

Just getting such mortal enemies in the same room, was quite a trick.

Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Camp David Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?
That's gonna leave a mark. :lol:
Carter's advice on foreign affairs is like dating advice from the Pope

How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.

He did throw lots of tax dollars at the situation.
How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

It's amazing what bribing the Egyptians with American tax money will get you.
Any ridiculous excuse to not give a Democrat credit. Pathetic.

Any ridiculous excuse for a Democrat to horn in on someone else's credit. Pathetic.

Sadat and Begin took massive chances with their country, their legacies, their careers and their lives. Sadat lost his life for it. Carter asked why we can't all not just get along. Yeah, it was the same...
["War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."

We don't have to kill the children of the fundamentalist Muslim nut jobs. They strap bombs to them and send them to blow themselves up to kill us.

Us? You got a hamster in your pocket?

Golda Meir: Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us

Speaking of hamsters, the one on the wheel in your brain has only one leg.
Wise words can never leave the mouths of fools. It's quite ironic how you are fawning over him now, when Obama has left you with so many doubts. All of you are lost in a sea of quandary. I have no pity for those who are willfully led by a leash by one man or another, simply because they promise them the illusion of hope.

Absolutely pathetic.

Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.
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Sure it's true. Google Camp David Peace Accords.

Camp David Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Carter's advisers insisted on the establishment of an Egyptian-Israeli agreement which would eventually lead to an eventual solution to the Palestine issue. They believed in a short, loose, and overt linkage between the two countries amplified by the establishment of a coherent basis for a settlement. However, Carter felt they were not "aiming high enough" and was interested in the establishment of a written and signed agreement. Numerous times both the Egyptian and Israeli leaders wanted to scrap negotiations, only to be lured back into the process by personal appeals from Carter. Considered as an excellent mediator who arbitrated concessions with confidence, he played a tireless commitment to find formulas, definitions, and solutions to the many intricate variables, regardless of perceived or real political limitations, and was capable of soothing fears and anxieties, always with the goal of keeping the negotiations going. He gradually understood the importance historical events had upon determining personal ideology, but he would not allow it to constrain his political options, and he did not want them to limit the options of those with whom he was negotiating.

So are you lying or ignorant of history?


You give him too much credit.

He simply brought the two factions together and they negotiated with each other.

If Carter played such an important role as you believe, why didn't he win a Nobel Peace Prize?
Amazing. :lol:

But you wingnuts will happily claim that Reagan won the Cold War, for various nebulous reasons, far less concrete than Jimmy Carter's very real achievement.
Wise words can never leave the mouths of fools. It's quite ironic how you are fawning over him now, when Obama has left you with so many doubts. All of you are lost in a sea of quandary. I have no pity for those who are willfully led by a leash by one man or another, simply because they promise them the illusion of hope.

Absolutely pathetic.

Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future.

Only by idiots who thought "Synthetic Fuels" was a great idea.
<P>And "Windfall Profits" taxes. LOL!
Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
Do you have anything – ANYTHING – to back up this bullshit? :lol:

So, you're just shooting blanks again. Got it!
Begin and Sadat negotiated for 13 days, Carter was a witness. Due to their agreement they were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, Carter was not awarded anything. Basically all Carter did was initiate the meetings, he had nothing to do with the agreements that were made.
Do you have anything – ANYTHING – to back up this bullshit? :lol:

He told you to look up the Camp David Peace Accords did he not? Or are you repulsed to following directions?
And Sallow just posted the results. :lol:
How many wars have there been between Israel and Egypt since Carter, Begin, and Sadat sat down to talk?

And that is on Carter?? No.. that is on Israel not going to kick the butts of others in the region...

You want to mention the horrid flubs he had in foreign policy? Or you just wanna harp on the one thing you choose to look at with partisan blinders??

What next?? Because Kennedy puffed his chest in the Cuban Missile Crisis, peace was achieved and the Soviet Union fell??

Carter was a HORRID foreign policy President... well, a horrid president all around, but particularly bad at foreign policy

Bullshit. Israel could have decided upon that course of action by themselves, with no need for peace talks and a treaty.

Your butthurt over foreign policy success by Democrats is both annoying AND amusing.

It was on Israel to make the peace... Carter was a host... he did not bring about the peace WHATSOEVER... it is like an arena owner taking credit for a sports championship that was hosted there

Carter, was a foreign policy NIGHTMARE... from what he did with Iran, how he hindered things with NK AFTER his presidency, emboldening the USSR, etc.. and lest we forget that his Arab/Israeli 'peace' efforts resulted in more and more terrorism inflicted upon Israel... and who can forget his woeful destruction of a great US military that had to basically be rebuilt after the 70's...

Carter was a buffoon... he MEANT well and he had MORALS, but he was a god awful president ESPECIALLY on foreign policy... he was about as confused as a blind lesbian in a fish market
Wise words can never leave the mouths of fools. It's quite ironic how you are fawning over him now, when Obama has left you with so many doubts. All of you are lost in a sea of quandary. I have no pity for those who are willfully led by a leash by one man or another, simply because they promise them the illusion of hope.

Absolutely pathetic.

Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future.

Only by idiots who thought "Synthetic Fuels" was a great idea.
<P>And "Windfall Profits" taxes. LOL!

What synthetic fuels?
Wise words can never leave the mouths of fools. It's quite ironic how you are fawning over him now, when Obama has left you with so many doubts. All of you are lost in a sea of quandary. I have no pity for those who are willfully led by a leash by one man or another, simply because they promise them the illusion of hope.

Absolutely pathetic.

Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.
Excellent post!
Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future.

Only by idiots who thought "Synthetic Fuels" was a great idea.
And "Windfall Profits" taxes. LOL!

What synthetic fuels?

Synthetic Fuels Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reagan takes the cake for selling hope while making our biggest problems worse.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future. He was told that our dependence on the Middle East would only make terrorists stronger, and that we could not afford the military costs of stabilizing the Middle East, and that our economy would one day be destroyed by the $4 gallon. He ignored everything. He got deeply in bed with big oil and formed a behind-the-scenes relationship with the world's leading terrorist nation, Iran. And he removed Hussein's Iraq from the congressional list of Terrorist Nations so he could open up massive lines of aid (weapons and cash). And he lorded over a huge increase in aid to Saudi Arabia, the home of 9/11 hijackers.

Under Reagan's rule - because of his unprecedented deficits - America went from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. We put Morning in America on a credit card - and it worked for a little while.

He tripled Carter's debt.

America swallowed poison in 1980.

He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future.

Only by idiots who thought "Synthetic Fuels" was a great idea.
<P>And "Windfall Profits" taxes. LOL!

What synthetic fuels?
He's flailing.

I wonder if he'll mention Reagan removing the solar panels that Carter put up? :lol:
He was begged to take the energy crisis seriously and lead the transition to a less petrol-intensive energy future.

Only by idiots who thought "Synthetic Fuels" was a great idea.
And "Windfall Profits" taxes. LOL!

What synthetic fuels?

Synthetic Fuels Corporation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What synthetic fuels?

syn·thet·ic (sn-thtk)
1. Relating to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis.
2. Chemistry Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.
a. Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived: "counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic" (George F. Will).
b. Prepared or made artificially: synthetic leather. See Synonyms at artificial.
4. Linguistics Relating to or being a language, such as Latin or Russian, that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships.
5. Logic & Philosophy Relating to or being a proposition that attributes to a subject a predicate not inherent in the subject and that does not result in a contradiction if negated.
A synthetic chemical compound or material.

fu·el (fyl)
1. Something consumed to produce energy, especially:
a. A material such as wood, coal, gas, or oil burned to produce heat or power.
b. Fissionable material used in a nuclear reactor.
c. Nutritive material metabolized by a living organism; food.
2. Something that maintains or stimulates an activity or emotion: "Money is the fuel of a volunteer organization" (Natalie de Combray).
v. fu·eled also fu·elled, fu·el·ing also fu·el·ling, fu·els also fu·els
1. To provide with fuel.
2. To support or stimulate the activity or existence of: rhetoric that fueled the dissenters.
To take in fuel.

What synthetic fuels?
He's not a fool. We can punish Assad for using chem weapons ... assuming he did so. But either the Shia'a or Sunnis will win in Syria. And, even then, it's only a battle in the religious intolerance wars. Carter's right that the only "solution" is finding a way for the sunnis and shiaa to coexist. Bushii failed in Iraq. Obama is failing as well. I'm not sure the US can be the catalyst for peace.

The problem is assumption. Assuming is when you attack Syria without knowing whether or not Assad actually used chemical weapons or not is dangerous. Bush II did not fail in Iraq either, although he went in on faulty intelligence, he did kill off Saddam Hussein, a man who gassed thousands of Kurds and was indeed responsible for using chemical weapons on his own people. Given that the Shia'a and Sunnis are enemies, and given that they have gone to war with one another multiple times, having them coexist is impossible. If Carter wasn't able to successfully negotiate the Iranian hostage crisis, then what makes you think he could help make two mortal enemies make peace?

:lol: Bush the destroyer! :eek:

Saddam used Chemical Weapons on Iranians during the 1980's while receiving support from his pal, Ronnie Raygun. Later in 1988 he used it on the Iraqi Kurds too. The Reagan administration knew. Here's an interesting read on what allegedly happened.

Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran - By Shane Harris and Matthew M. Aid | Foreign Policy

What synthetic fuels?

syn·thet·ic (sn-thtk)
1. Relating to, involving, or of the nature of synthesis.
2. Chemistry Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.
a. Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived: "counterfeit rhetoric that flourishes when passions are synthetic" (George F. Will).
b. Prepared or made artificially: synthetic leather. See Synonyms at artificial.
4. Linguistics Relating to or being a language, such as Latin or Russian, that uses inflectional affixes to express syntactic relationships.
5. Logic & Philosophy Relating to or being a proposition that attributes to a subject a predicate not inherent in the subject and that does not result in a contradiction if negated.
A synthetic chemical compound or material.

fu·el (fyl)
1. Something consumed to produce energy, especially:
a. A material such as wood, coal, gas, or oil burned to produce heat or power.
b. Fissionable material used in a nuclear reactor.
c. Nutritive material metabolized by a living organism; food.
2. Something that maintains or stimulates an activity or emotion: "Money is the fuel of a volunteer organization" (Natalie de Combray).
v. fu·eled also fu·elled, fu·el·ing also fu·el·ling, fu·els also fu·els
1. To provide with fuel.
2. To support or stimulate the activity or existence of: rhetoric that fueled the dissenters.
To take in fuel.

What synthetic fuels?

When you pull your head out of your ass, you can read Todd's link and this one - Some Setbacks for Synfuels - TIME

Or any of these - http://www.google.com/search?q=U.S....rosoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=&safe=active
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Saddam used Chemical Weapons on Iranians during the 1980's

No he didn't. That was disproven when we invaded and there were no stockpiles, which according to the Democrats meant he didn't have them. You can't use them if you don't have them. I mean duh.
Saddam used Chemical Weapons on Iranians during the 1980's

No he didn't. That was disproven when we invaded and there were no stockpiles, which according to the Democrats meant he didn't have them. You can't use them if you don't have them. I mean duh.

Awe man what are you talking about? I understand Ronnie personally delivered an order of Anthrax as a favor to his good pal and buddy Saddam too. But you won't read that in any of the links.

Fascist are controlling bastards........

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