With His 'Afghanistan Plan' Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Is Looking To Get Fired

It's difficult for rational people to believe, but Big Orange’s administration just keeps raising the bar for conservative stupidity. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis is to propose sending thousands more troops to Afghanistan.

It's been obvious from the beginning that there is no end to the idiocy of Big Orange or his Cabinet. Like other conservatives, Mattis has forgotten the Soviet Union’s disastrous experience in Afghanistan, and has chosen to ignore the fact that during the many years U.S. troops have spent there, they have fared no better.

Mattis knows it is a Republican/conservative obligation to kill as many troops as possible in order to line the pockets of U.S. war profiteers with hundreds-of-billions of dollars.

But he has also forgotten the war Big Orange wants to fight with North Korea. So, is it wise to send troops to the Middle East, when so many, many more Americans can be killed in the Far East?

Admittedly, there is still much money to be made in killing, wounding, and maiming service personnel in Afghanistan. But, is it a sound business decision, when the potential profits on the Korean Peninsula would reach well into multi-trillions-of-dollars?

Knowing there are vast sums of money to be made, the congressional Republicans would have no qualms about declaring war on North Korea. Mattis knows this, and knows they serve the interests of the same fat cats as he and Big Orange. So why is Mattis wasting their time, and his own, with such a mediocre plan as sending more troops to Afghanistan?

Come on Mattis, do the job you were chosen to do. More troops to Afghanistan? That’s thinking small. Keep this kind of crap up, and the Big Orange Head will fire you.

'We are not winning in Afghanistan': Mattis signals new war 'strategy' before Congress


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What is the specific strategy you take issue with?
For the first time in 72 years a president is letting Generals and Admirals run the military. Not some damn draft dodger or a community disorganizer. Ever since Roosevelt, presidents who had no tactical or strategic experience whatsoever have been screwing things up and getting our troops killed. There's a new sheriff in town and ain't nobody getting fired. Korea and Iran had better watch their step or they will be history. Screw Russia and China both. Right in the ear.

Nah, we don't belong in Afghanistan. It's time to come home. You really should check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix.

If we come home then it's only a matter of time before we're fighting them here. After Roosevelt all the presidents have been pantywaists that micro-managed wars without any military experience and gotten people killed. If Trump lets the brass conduct the war like they're supposed to, we can end this farce by crushing the bad guys.

That's what many folks keep saying. But guess what? It ain't gonna happen. We don't belong there. It's as simple as that.
Everyone should check out the movie 'War Machine' on NetFlix. Trump isn't the only problem. The awful problems go back to Bush and Obama. We have no business still being in Afghanistan. Period, end of story.

Afghanistan is the biggest heroin producer now with a trillion dollars in lithium deposits.....that is why USA.INC is there.

Yeah, it has to be about the $. The MIC & Globalist Elites must see lots & lots of cash there.
Zell Miller was a Georgia (I believe) Democrat who simply was embittered by the shift of his party away from his rock solid core beliefs. He found a home for them with GWB. Paraphrasing here, "I knocked on the door of the man's soul and found somebody home."
It turns out that when it came to GWB, the lights were on but nobody was home.
Everyone should check out the movie 'War Machine' on NetFlix.

The trouble with you tards is you can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

Trump isn't the only problem. The awful problems go back to Bush and Obama. We have no business still being in Afghanistan. Period, end of story.
I guess we should have sent the Taliban a cake after 9/11.
Everyone should check out the movie 'War Machine' on NetFlix. Trump isn't the only problem. The awful problems go back to Bush and Obama. We have no business still being in Afghanistan. Period, end of story.

Afghanistan is the biggest heroin producer now with a trillion dollars in lithium deposits.....that is why USA.INC is there.
Oh, there he is!
For the first time in 72 years a president is letting Generals and Admirals run the military. Not some damn draft dodger or a community disorganizer. Ever since Roosevelt, presidents who had no tactical or strategic experience whatsoever have been screwing things up and getting our troops killed. There's a new sheriff in town and ain't nobody getting fired. Korea and Iran had better watch their step or they will be history. Screw Russia and China both. Right in the ear.

Nah, we don't belong in Afghanistan. It's time to come home. You really should check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix.

If we come home then it's only a matter of time before we're fighting them here. After Roosevelt all the presidents have been pantywaists that micro-managed wars without any military experience and gotten people killed. If Trump lets the brass conduct the war like they're supposed to, we can end this farce by crushing the bad guys.

That's what many folks keep saying. But guess what? It ain't gonna happen. We don't belong there. It's as simple as that.

I agree we shouldn't be there but we went there after bin Laden. We should have tracked him down, killed him and returned home. Since we befriended and relied on locals and their soldiers, we have a duty to stay the course. We should have learned that from Vietnam. We left the South Vietnamese to fend for themselves and thousands were killed for siding with us. The Special Forces had many thousands of Montangards transported to the US to avoid annihilation because they were loyal to the US. IMO there should be a worldwide UN effort to track down and snuff out terrorists. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future we will be speaking Arab and praying toward Mecca. That's a given.
Zell Miller was a Georgia (I believe) Democrat who simply was embittered by the shift of his party away from his rock solid core beliefs. He found a home for them with GWB. Paraphrasing here, "I knocked on the door of the man's soul and found somebody home."
It turns out that when it came to GWB, the lights were on but nobody was home.

Careful. According to our constitution loving right wing colleagues, you exercising free speech is making some nut job on the other side of the nation want to kill random republicans.
Everyone should check out the movie 'War Machine' on NetFlix.

The trouble with you tards is you can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

Trump isn't the only problem. The awful problems go back to Bush and Obama. We have no business still being in Afghanistan. Period, end of story.
I guess we should have sent the Taliban a cake after 9/11.

16yrs is long enough. Mission Accomplished. Let's get the hell out of there. Check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix. It gives you real feel for how things are over there. Check it out.
For the first time in 72 years a president is letting Generals and Admirals run the military. Not some damn draft dodger or a community disorganizer. Ever since Roosevelt, presidents who had no tactical or strategic experience whatsoever have been screwing things up and getting our troops killed. There's a new sheriff in town and ain't nobody getting fired. Korea and Iran had better watch their step or they will be history. Screw Russia and China both. Right in the ear.

Nah, we don't belong in Afghanistan. It's time to come home. You really should check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix.

If we come home then it's only a matter of time before we're fighting them here. After Roosevelt all the presidents have been pantywaists that micro-managed wars without any military experience and gotten people killed. If Trump lets the brass conduct the war like they're supposed to, we can end this farce by crushing the bad guys.

That's what many folks keep saying. But guess what? It ain't gonna happen. We don't belong there. It's as simple as that.

I agree we shouldn't be there but we went there after bin Laden. We should have tracked him down, killed him and returned home. Since we befriended and relied on locals and their soldiers, we have a duty to stay the course. We should have learned that from Vietnam. We left the South Vietnamese to fend for themselves and thousands were killed for siding with us. The Special Forces had many thousands of Montangards transported to the US to avoid annihilation because they were loyal to the US. IMO there should be a worldwide UN effort to track down and snuff out terrorists. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future we will be speaking Arab and praying toward Mecca. That's a given.

Check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix. It gives you a real feel for what's really going on over there. Check it out.
For the first time in 72 years a president is letting Generals and Admirals run the military. Not some damn draft dodger or a community disorganizer. Ever since Roosevelt, presidents who had no tactical or strategic experience whatsoever have been screwing things up and getting our troops killed. There's a new sheriff in town and ain't nobody getting fired. Korea and Iran had better watch their step or they will be history. Screw Russia and China both. Right in the ear.

Nah, we don't belong in Afghanistan. It's time to come home. You really should check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix.

If we come home then it's only a matter of time before we're fighting them here. After Roosevelt all the presidents have been pantywaists that micro-managed wars without any military experience and gotten people killed. If Trump lets the brass conduct the war like they're supposed to, we can end this farce by crushing the bad guys.

That's what many folks keep saying. But guess what? It ain't gonna happen. We don't belong there. It's as simple as that.

I agree we shouldn't be there but we went there after bin Laden. We should have tracked him down, killed him and returned home. Since we befriended and relied on locals and their soldiers, we have a duty to stay the course. We should have learned that from Vietnam. We left the South Vietnamese to fend for themselves and thousands were killed for siding with us. The Special Forces had many thousands of Montangards transported to the US to avoid annihilation because they were loyal to the US. IMO there should be a worldwide UN effort to track down and snuff out terrorists. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future we will be speaking Arab and praying toward Mecca. That's a given.

Check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix. It gives you a real feel for what's really going on over there. Check it out.

I will look at it. I spent 3 years in the Johnson/Nixon clusterfuck war. No different than the current clusterfuck.
Nah, we don't belong in Afghanistan. It's time to come home. You really should check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix.

If we come home then it's only a matter of time before we're fighting them here. After Roosevelt all the presidents have been pantywaists that micro-managed wars without any military experience and gotten people killed. If Trump lets the brass conduct the war like they're supposed to, we can end this farce by crushing the bad guys.

That's what many folks keep saying. But guess what? It ain't gonna happen. We don't belong there. It's as simple as that.

I agree we shouldn't be there but we went there after bin Laden. We should have tracked him down, killed him and returned home. Since we befriended and relied on locals and their soldiers, we have a duty to stay the course. We should have learned that from Vietnam. We left the South Vietnamese to fend for themselves and thousands were killed for siding with us. The Special Forces had many thousands of Montangards transported to the US to avoid annihilation because they were loyal to the US. IMO there should be a worldwide UN effort to track down and snuff out terrorists. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future we will be speaking Arab and praying toward Mecca. That's a given.

Check out the 'War Machine' movie. It's on NetFlix. It gives you a real feel for what's really going on over there. Check it out.

I will look at it. I spent 3 years in the Johnson/Nixon clusterfuck war. No different than the current clusterfuck.

I hear ya. It's a good movie. It has some comedy thrown in there. Definitely worth watching.
Bush failed to get the SOFA, not Obama. You wanted Obama to keep our troops in Iraq although they would be subject Iraqi courts.

You war hawks were told at the beginning the war, more than 14 years ago now, that it would result in Iraq and Iran allied together using the West for their own means.

Bush did not want to tie Obama's hands so he did not negotiate a SOFA that extended beyond his Presidency. Bush warned what would happen if we withdrew prematurely. Obama did that and what Bush said would happen did happen.
Trump's painted himself into a corner.

He has blamed Obama for the rise of ISIS because Obama drew down our troops in the Middle East.

Trump can't draw down our troops because any increase in terrorism, or the rise of any new terrorist group, will have to be blamed on him.

So...infinite war, boys and girls.
Bush failed to get the SOFA, not Obama. You wanted Obama to keep our troops in Iraq although they would be subject Iraqi courts.

You war hawks were told at the beginning the war, more than 14 years ago now, that it would result in Iraq and Iran allied together using the West for their own means.

Bush did not want to tie Obama's hands so he did not negotiate a SOFA that extended beyond his Presidency. Bush warned what would happen if we withdrew prematurely. Obama did that and what Bush said would happen did happen.

You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave. Cut-and-run Democrat Donald J. Trump, CNN fake news network, 2007
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Bush failed to get the SOFA, not Obama. You wanted Obama to keep our troops in Iraq although they would be subject Iraqi courts.

You war hawks were told at the beginning the war, more than 14 years ago now, that it would result in Iraq and Iran allied together using the West for their own means.

Bush did not want to tie Obama's hands so he did not negotiate a SOFA that extended beyond his Presidency. Bush warned what would happen if we withdrew prematurely. Obama did that and what Bush said would happen did happen.
Of course there were those of us who said this would happen if W went to Bagdad.
Trump's painted himself into a corner.

He has blamed Obama for the rise of ISIS because Obama drew down our troops in the Middle East.

Trump can't draw down our troops because any increase in terrorism, or the rise of any new terrorist group, will have to be blamed on him.

So...infinite war, boys and girls.
I'd like to know the definition of "win" in Afghanistan.
Trump's painted himself into a corner.

He has blamed Obama for the rise of ISIS because Obama drew down our troops in the Middle East.

Trump can't draw down our troops because any increase in terrorism, or the rise of any new terrorist group, will have to be blamed on him.

So...infinite war, boys and girls.
I'd like to know the definition of "win" in Afghanistan.
The objective is to not lose.

Infinite war.

Or...you could do it the old cut-and-run Trump way: "Declare victory, and leave."

If Trump says we won, his Chumps will buy it. Then, when the Sons of ISIS (or whatever) spring up, they will "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" their way through the problem.
There wasn't a lot of Obama's for policy that I was for, but I admit I didn't see much choice initially in Afghan. W screwed the pooch in letting al queda escape from tora bora in the first place. We should have sealed them in their caves and left Iraq alone. But Obama inherited an Afghan where al queda was still welcome. Christ knows how many we killed in the drone war, but a lot of al queda were among the dead, and Pak is not as tolerant of them as it was. But, there was some nation building there, and ironically the Soviets tried it ... thinking "well we'll give them education and healthcare and we don't care who their god is, so....." It didn't work well for the Soviets.

The doctrine should have been, "you really shouldn't rape and torture citizens, but so long as you don't harbor attacks outside your borders ......" I suppose it's too late now.

Perpetual war. Waged by the 1-3% of us who volunteer so the rest of us can watch tv.

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