With His 'Afghanistan Plan' Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Is Looking To Get Fired

Strange as it is, Mattis is probably one of the few people in the Cabinet I trust to do the right thing 24/7. I've been burned before by both parties on this. He reminds me of Zell Miller who my Grandfather knew personally and who I met one time in passing. The best political endorsement I have ever heard (most of it bullshit) was when he nominated GWB at the RNC in 2000. Zell Miller was a Georgia (I believe) Democrat who simply was embittered by the shift of his party away from his rock solid core beliefs. He found a home for them with GWB. Paraphrasing here, "I knocked on the door of the man's soul and found somebody home." The poetry!!! This was after he had ripped John Kerry multiple new assholes and his famous, "He wants to defend America; with what, SPITBALLS!!!!"

I always thought Miller would have made an interesting choice for SECDEF. He would definitely keep our enemies up at night. Anyway, Mattis reminds me of him; a guy who would have served comfortably and ably in administrations of either party.
Zell Miller Named First Secretary Of Offense
Bush failed to get the SOFA, not Obama. You wanted Obama to keep our troops in Iraq although they would be subject Iraqi courts.

You war hawks were told at the beginning the war, more than 14 years ago now, that it would result in Iraq and Iran allied together using the West for their own means.

Bush did not want to tie Obama's hands so he did not negotiate a SOFA that extended beyond his Presidency. Bush warned what would happen if we withdrew prematurely. Obama did that and what Bush said would happen did happen.
Of course there were those of us who said this would happen if W went to Bagdad.
That is nonsense. Bush wanted the SOFA but the Iraqis wanted to subject American troops to Iraqi courts. Bush said no. Obama said no. When the Iraqis again called for American help, the SOFA agreement drop the Iraqi courts provision. This was all the Iraqis fault.

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