With Liberty, and Justice for Straight, White, Male Property Owners.


You found that in a book? I'm sure the DNC is producing pop-ups for people like you.

Only people I know who try to politicize children's books are you clowns...


I hear next year, they are coming out with "Rush Revere and the Dominican Rent Boy"
This could be true but it only validates the argument that the purpose of having an armed populace is to ensure that governments can't take away the rights of the people. Why do you think NAZIs disarmed Jews only? Was it to make it easier to put them into concentration camps?

Naw. Germany's Jews fled the country before the war started. In fact, most of the German Jewish community survived the war. The ones that got turned into Bars of Soap and Lampshades were from countries Germany invaded.

Funny thing, though. Their Christian neighbors were more likely to turn them in than defend them, even when they had guns. Imagine that.
For most of those 200 years the idea that a law abiding citizen could be restricted from owning his own firearms wasn't even considered. Towns banned guns, but only because they were small enough that local law enforcement could guarantee the safety of all in the town. Find me a Police force in the US today that guarantees that.

Why do you always restrict your argument to the US? Hey, guess what, guy, the rest of the Western World does EXACTLY that. The problem with you compensators is you think gun ownership is the solution when it's the PROBLEM.

People are still people, and they still have the right to petition their government for redress. it doesn't say you lose that because you go into business.

Corporations are not people.

The rest of the western world isn't the US. Again, feel free to move or amend the constitution if you want us to be like them.

People are part of corporations, your usual prog-tripe besides that.
The rest of the western world isn't the US. Again, feel free to move or amend the constitution if you want us to be like them.

Except you don't need to do either to have common sense gun laws. All you need is for another sensible justice to get on SCOTUS now that evil cocksucker Scalia is burning in Hell right now.

Then the FIVE justice majority will realize, "Hey, WELL REGULATED MILITIA". It's right there. So unless you are part of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA, you don't get a gun.

Pretty simple, no?

People are part of corporations, your usual prog-tripe besides that.

Then they should have a vote of all the employees as to who the Corporation supports for president. And then the side that wins gets those contributions deducted from their paychecks. That seems reasonable.
Antonin Scalia, who died this month, after nearly three decades on the Supreme Court, devoted his professional life to making the United States a less fair, less tolerant, and less admirable democracy. Fortunately, he mostly failed. Belligerent with his colleagues, dismissive of his critics, nostalgic for a world where outsiders knew their place and stayed there, Scalia represents a perfect model for everything that President Obama should avoid in a successor.....

Antonin Scalia brought his own brand of hate to the court and he was poison to tolerance and freedom.

From the article:
He pioneered “originalism,” a theory holding that the Constitution should be interpreted in line with the beliefs of the white men, many of them slave owners, who ratified it in the late eighteenth century.

Antonin Scalia: Looking Backward

Scalia was Ronald Reagan's biggest mistake.

Republican nightmare:
"After successfully thwarting Obama's attempts to put a more moderate voice on the Supreme Court, President-Elect Bernie Sanders has nominated Barack Obama as the next Justice. His swift confirmation is expected when the newly elected senate convenes in January."

Be careful what you wish for. :thup:

The rest of the western world isn't the US. Again, feel free to move or amend the constitution if you want us to be like them.

Except you don't need to do either to have common sense gun laws. All you need is for another sensible justice to get on SCOTUS now that evil cocksucker Scalia is burning in Hell right now.

Then the FIVE justice majority will realize, "Hey, WELL REGULATED MILITIA". It's right there. So unless you are part of a WELL REGULATED MILITIA, you don't get a gun.

Pretty simple, no?

People are part of corporations, your usual prog-tripe besides that.

Then they should have a vote of all the employees as to who the Corporation supports for president. And then the side that wins gets those contributions deducted from their paychecks. That seems reasonable.

As usual you advocate an end run around the constitution because you are a fascist twat.

Again, the State's have a right to a militia, the PEOPLE have the right to keep and bear arms.

And your last statement is idiotic. at best the shareholders should be able to vote, not the workers. This isn't the Soviet Union.
As usual you advocate an end run around the constitution because you are a fascist twat.

No, I advocate applying fucking common sense rather than trying to figure out what a 18th century Slave Rapist would have thought about 21st century firepower.

They didn't have to deal with Joker Holmes with a Machine Gun, so we have to.

And your last statement is idiotic. at best the shareholders should be able to vote, not the workers. This isn't the Soviet Union.

Make up your mind. Either Corporations are made up of people or they aren't. If all the "people' in the corporation don't have a say in who they support, then they shouldn't get involved in politics.
As usual you advocate an end run around the constitution because you are a fascist twat.

No, I advocate applying fucking common sense rather than trying to figure out what a 18th century Slave Rapist would have thought about 21st century firepower.

They didn't have to deal with Joker Holmes with a Machine Gun, so we have to.

And your last statement is idiotic. at best the shareholders should be able to vote, not the workers. This isn't the Soviet Union.

Make up your mind. Either Corporations are made up of people or they aren't. If all the "people' in the corporation don't have a say in who they support, then they shouldn't get involved in politics.

Then amend the constitution, as it was intended. Letting "common sense" have sway gives you rulings like Plessey. And Holmes didn't have a "machine gun". If you can't even be honest about that, then you have no place in this debate.

The whole corporations are people thing is progressive twatwaddle. The problem your side has is that you don't like certain people with money using said money to redress their government.
Then amend the constitution, as it was intended. Letting "common sense" have sway gives you rulings like Plessey. And Holmes didn't have a "machine gun". If you can't even be honest about that, then you have no place in this debate.

He had an AR-15, identical to the M-16 th army uses. Common sense says that if you are a schizophrenic who thinks he's a homicidal clown from a comic book you shouldn't have access to those.

The whole corporations are people thing is progressive twatwaddle. The problem your side has is that you don't like certain people with money using said money to redress their government.

Yes, I don't like it when rich people buy our politicians. Why do you think that's a good thing? Are you like a special retard?

Dooooooy, Some Slave-raping asshole said we have a first amendment or something, so let's through common sense out the window.

Fat Tony Scalia is worm food, and CommonSense is making a comeback, baby!
Then amend the constitution, as it was intended. Letting "common sense" have sway gives you rulings like Plessey. And Holmes didn't have a "machine gun". If you can't even be honest about that, then you have no place in this debate.

He had an AR-15, identical to the M-16 th army uses. Common sense says that if you are a schizophrenic who thinks he's a homicidal clown from a comic book you shouldn't have access to those.

The whole corporations are people thing is progressive twatwaddle. The problem your side has is that you don't like certain people with money using said money to redress their government.

Yes, I don't like it when rich people buy our politicians. Why do you think that's a good thing? Are you like a special retard?

Dooooooy, Some Slave-raping asshole said we have a first amendment or something, so let's through common sense out the window.

Fat Tony Scalia is worm food, and CommonSense is making a comeback, baby!

An AR-15 is in no way "identical" to an M-16. The fact that you can even type this shows what type of a moron you are.

I swear the day you stop posting is the day I start looking for obituaries describing some miserable jackass's timely demise. I may even smoke a nice cigar after it.
An AR-15 is in no way "identical" to an M-16. The fact that you can even type this shows what type of a moron you are.

I swear the day you stop posting is the day I start looking for obituaries describing some miserable jackass's timely demise. I may even smoke a nice cigar after it.

It's the same weapon. AR-15 is the civilian designation. The only difference is that the AR-15 has something on the selector that keeps it going full auto, which any fool can easily file off.

I'm sure you do masturbate to the obits, becuase frankly, that's the kind of sad loser you are.

I on the other hand, hope you live a long miserable life, watching progressives convert America into a European Social Democracy, whining and crying the whole way as we bring liberty and justice for all.
More like you don't want it to be history because you want Rush to be wrong on everything....

Rush is a fat, drug-addled homosexual who tells you rubes what you want to hear. He then tries to fill that empty spot in his soul with Oxycotin and Dominican Rent Boys.
An AR-15 is in no way "identical" to an M-16. The fact that you can even type this shows what type of a moron you are.

I swear the day you stop posting is the day I start looking for obituaries describing some miserable jackass's timely demise. I may even smoke a nice cigar after it.

It's the same weapon. AR-15 is the civilian designation. The only difference is that the AR-15 has something on the selector that keeps it going full auto, which any fool can easily file off.

I'm sure you do masturbate to the obits, becuase frankly, that's the kind of sad loser you are.

I on the other hand, hope you live a long miserable life, watching progressives convert America into a European Social Democracy, whining and crying the whole way as we bring liberty and justice for all.

I would never wish another man dead, but I have read so obituaries with extreme satisfaction.

And please link the so called procedure for turning an AR-15 into an M-16.

"liberty and Justice", lol. You want a police state.
I would never wish another man dead, but I have read so obituaries with extreme satisfaction.

And please link the so called procedure for turning an AR-15 into an M-16.

I could do it fairly easily. (Again, small arms maintenance was my job in the army). However, doing it is a violation of federal gun laws, so I won't describe it here.

I "liberty and Justice", lol. You want a police state.

And you want one where you get to enjoy your white privilage. You happily let the rich fuck you.
I would never wish another man dead, but I have read so obituaries with extreme satisfaction.

And please link the so called procedure for turning an AR-15 into an M-16.

I could do it fairly easily. (Again, small arms maintenance was my job in the army). However, doing it is a violation of federal gun laws, so I won't describe it here.

I "liberty and Justice", lol. You want a police state.

And you want one where you get to enjoy your white privilage. You happily let the rich fuck you.

On point 1, bullshit. The fact is he didn't convert it, he didn't use a "machine gun".

On point 2, all I read is "blah blah blah, white privilege, blah blah blah, I'm an asshat, blah blah blah, I hate people who have more stuff than I do "
On point 1, bullshit. The fact is he didn't convert it, he didn't use a "machine gun".

Not for lack of trying. The reason why he didn't kill a LOT more people was his AR-15, which had 100 rounds in the drum magazine, jammed during his rampage.

But the point was, he had a weapons that was SPECIFICALLY designed for the battlefields in Vietnam.

On point 2, all I read is "blah blah blah, white privilege, blah blah blah, I'm an asshat, blah blah blah, I hate people who have more stuff than I do "

I'm sorry you didn't develop reasoning skills in whatever Home Skule you went to, Cleetus.
On point 1, bullshit. The fact is he didn't convert it, he didn't use a "machine gun".

Not for lack of trying. The reason why he didn't kill a LOT more people was his AR-15, which had 100 rounds in the drum magazine, jammed during his rampage.

But the point was, he had a weapons that was SPECIFICALLY designed for the battlefields in Vietnam.

On point 2, all I read is "blah blah blah, white privilege, blah blah blah, I'm an asshat, blah blah blah, I hate people who have more stuff than I do "

I'm sorry you didn't develop reasoning skills in whatever Home Skule you went to, Cleetus.

Lol, so you got caught making crap up, and now you try to weasel your way out of it. Typical JoeBlow.

Again, my IQ vs yours, any day of the week, and hour of the day, and and minute of the hour.

And it's 17.5 years of Catholic School, from Grade school to Graduate School, byotch.

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