With millions about to be evicted, mass rioting about to explode & rents skyrocketing, the TRUE cost of the Democrat COVID Coup is about to be felt...


It looks like the so-called Delta variant is going to be used by the Democrats to re-ignite their terrorist CovidScam™ & prevent the imminent Democrat Lockdown Eviction Riots next month.

California has reinstated their mask mandate, and other states will follow shortly, but this isn't about the mild Delta variant (basically a flu), but about Democrats realizing what was about to happen riot-wise.

Not that Democrats care at all about the country being burned down, but it would hurt them in 2022, and they can't have that!

Mask mandates & an indefinite extension of the illegal CDC Eviction Moratorium will all happen this month; the Democrats realizing they only had one choice to keep the chickens from coming home to roost & pecking their eyes out in 2022:

Lock it down (again), or watch the country (& their 2022 chances) go up in smoke.

The Democrats are the American Taliban at this point, and my guess is that while the 2020 elections went ahead because they sought to regain power, the 2022 elections may NOT because they would surely lose power.

2020 may have been the last election year we'll ever see, but anything can happen at this point.

Stay tuned!
No, it all the republicans refusing the vaccine.
Separate the country. Have borders within states, counties, local areas that do not want to be with others who think differently. Check points may be a positive.
I fear this is where we're headed.

The Democrats are the American Taliban.

Only vastly more deranged/dangerous.

Keep buying ammo when and where you can get it!
I am.
The supply chain is about to be severely interrupted.


But the DemocraTaliban gotta Taliban, so what can one do?
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Ain't this great. You watch. Warehouses will be ransacked soon like in SAfrica. We're going to be forced to machine gun looters...LOLOL

It looks like the so-called Delta variant is going to be used by the Democrats to re-ignite their terrorist CovidScam™ & prevent the imminent Democrat Lockdown Eviction Riots next month.

California has reinstated their mask mandate, and other states will follow shortly, but this isn't about the mild Delta variant (basically a flu), but about Democrats realizing what was about to happen riot-wise.

Not that Democrats care at all about the country being burned down, but it would hurt them in 2022, and they can't have that!

Mask mandates & an indefinite extension of the illegal CDC Eviction Moratorium will all happen this month; the Democrats realizing they only had one choice to keep the chickens from coming home to roost & pecking their eyes out in 2022:

Lock it down (again), or watch the country (& their 2022 chances) go up in smoke.

The Democrats are the American Taliban at this point, and my guess is that while the 2020 elections went ahead because they sought to regain power, the 2022 elections may NOT because they would surely lose power.

2020 may have been the last election year we'll ever see, but anything can happen at this point.

Stay tuned!
No, it all the republicans refusing the vaccine.
Separate the country. Have borders within states, counties, local areas that do not want to be with others who think differently. Check points may be a positive.
I fear this is where we're headed.

The Democrats are the American Taliban.

Only vastly more deranged/dangerous.

Keep buying ammo when and where you can get it!
I am.
The supply chain is about to be severely interrupted.


But the DemocraTaliban gotta Taliban, so what can one do?
This is for the Greater Good

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