With millions about to be evicted, mass rioting about to explode & rents skyrocketing, the TRUE cost of the Democrat COVID Coup is about to be felt...

As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

That's just Richard pleading his landlord not evict him. Richard is entitled to stay as long as he likes rent-free because "he'd lose bigtime if Richard is evicted".

Neat how that works right, follow the logic:

$1000 a month rent to landlord.
Nope, zero and I get to stay.
Nope, get the fuck out.

Richard logic: The landlord lost.

Just the fact that you posted this, when you know nothing about me or my financial status, proves what a LYING BAG OF SHIT YOU ARE!

WTH_Progs Logic: NADA!

Ah, your feelings.

Does it bother your landlord you play a bad guitar while you sit rent free in his apartment? How long do you think your PROG Democrats will protect you from eviction on the landlord's dime?
It's obvious that yoou didn't read my original post
Your assumptions about my housing status just prove that you're an idiot.

It's an educated guess. You strike me as a pussy, useless, dependent and entitled.


It's obvious that the two of you have nothing intelligent to say regarding the topic of this thread or my posts.

I'm not interested in a flame war.

Troll elsewhere.

Educated responses to your empty posts. You come off as an excuse to begin with, and when you try and justify renters staying put without due compensation, that's a clue you're rent-free guy, living off someone else's dime because you feel entitled to it.

And after all "landlords take the loss" if those living rent-free are evicted, it's the landlord's fault.

It's obvious that you didn't read my original post.

Your statements have nothing to do with what I posted.

Try rereading my original post, then if you have anything intelligent to say, please post it. Otherwise STFU!

Richard denies saying the following. He has trouble reading between the lines & critical thought, so he's confused by others who can:

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs. Doesn't benefit the landlords and sure as fuck doesn't benefit the tax payer.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.
Except it helps the landlords lose the dead-weight and allows them to rent to someone who will actually pay.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. On the assumption those evicted don't learn from their mistakes and I guess we'll just pretend there's nobody behind them more than happy to rent that apt. and pay too.

In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions. In other terms please don't evict Richard, he can't pay the rent due he has the most best smart phone, digs Starbucks and has the best most fast internet & Netflix too. If Richard is evicted the landlords will suffer the consequences, just cuz.

Wow, you actually posted something relevant to what I posted...I'm amazed!

First, if a tenant is evicted, the landlord loses all the back rent that's owed. He loses big time.

If a payment deal is reached, in accordance with the eviction diversion programs, the landlord will eventually get all the back rent. The deal can be used as collateral against his mortgage - the banks will have to honor it. The monthly rent will not change.

Second, with the massive evictions that you seem to want, there'll be a glut of housing on the market. The landlord will have to rent the same apartment for considerably less. That's just basic market economics.

Third, you know nothing about my personal housing situation, so please cut the bullshit.

Finally, it seems that you're just a nasty, sadistic person that wants to see as many people evicted as possible. You haven't thought through the economics of the situation, or even what is best for the landlords. You just want to be a mean asshole - and think that will solve everything. No wonder you're a Trump supporter!
Dumb Cocksucker, gayer than gay. Both the rent pimp and the real estate pimp can be boycotted, though one first should kick the habit of being a rental addict or real estate addict. If you can do it, however, you’ll be inevitably confronting the gestapo, those that hunt down human beings. The reader-seeker’s best bet is to wean from the addictions, doing it in small increments. You may never be able to completely screw these two important Pimps, though one begins by at least placing possessions in storage, the Twilight Zone of the Two Pimps, and moving away from the traditional, established definition of ‘home’ and ‘house’ the actual mass of the structures, that the pimps use as their habituating drug. Study Native Americans. Cherish derelict spaces.
Are you...on some sort of mind-altering chemicals...?
citygator Democrat communist Chinese Covid Coup---the KUNG FLU used to help steal elections because YES TRUMP was a GREAT president.
You’re allowed to think Trump was great. That’s a valid opinion. One I disagree with, but valid. Now, if you think he won the election, well then you lose all standing as a functional human.
Dumb Cocksucker, gayer than gay. Both the rent pimp and the real estate pimp can be boycotted, though one first should kick the habit of being a rental addict or real estate addict. If you can do it, however, you’ll be inevitably confronting the gestapo, those that hunt down human beings. The reader-seeker’s best bet is to wean from the addictions, doing it in small increments. You may never be able to completely screw these two important Pimps, though one begins by at least placing possessions in storage, the Twilight Zone of the Two Pimps, and moving away from the traditional, established definition of ‘home’ and ‘house’ the actual mass of the structures, that the pimps use as their habituating drug. Study Native Americans. Cherish derelict spaces.
Are you...on some sort of mind-altering chemicals...?
One does not need mind-altering chemicals Once they discern that the pathologies of the Two Pimps can make one crazy enough. Boycott automatonism.
Deleuze and Guattari have presupposed the pathology of the two pimps:

’A crisis related to environments of enclosure....the family is an “interior” crisis like all other interiors — scholarly, professional, etc....There is no need to invoke the extraordinary pharmaceutical productions....Paul Virilio is also continually analyzing the ultrarapid forms of free-floating control that replaced the old disciplines....There is no need for fear and hope, but only to look for new weapons. Control will not only have to deal with erosions of frontiers but with the explosions within shanty towns or ghettos.’
(Postscript on the Societies of Control)
Dumb Cocksucker, gayer than gay. Both the rent pimp and the real estate pimp can be boycotted, though one first should kick the habit of being a rental addict or real estate addict. If you can do it, however, you’ll be inevitably confronting the gestapo, those that hunt down human beings. The reader-seeker’s best bet is to wean from the addictions, doing it in small increments. You may never be able to completely screw these two important Pimps, though one begins by at least placing possessions in storage, the Twilight Zone of the Two Pimps, and moving away from the traditional, established definition of ‘home’ and ‘house’ the actual mass of the structures, that the pimps use as their habituating drug. Study Native Americans. Cherish derelict spaces.
Are you...on some sort of mind-altering chemicals...?
One does not need mind-altering chemicals Once they discern that the pathologies of the Two Pimps can make one crazy enough. Boycott automatonism.
Pay your bills, deadbeat.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

Band-aid on a gushing wound.

Correct; incorrect.

Unlikely for a number of factors, but that is the preferred Democrat pie in the sky lie, yes. It's about to happen, and those who have been paying all along are being POUNDED with MASSIVE rent hikes in the 30%-40%+ range where I am - it's completely unsustainable.

I should add that I appreciate that you're literally the only Democrat who has replied sensibly/thoughtfully, but we are on the verge of a MASSIVE social calamity, and an explosion of homelessness driven by eviction and unsustainable rent hikes.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Biden won fairly and he is the Potus. Tramp has about 1/2 million of blood on his hand. He was a disastrous Potus and he will be known as the man who served one term and was a complete flop.
^ Another duped Democrat so confused they don't even know what topic they're in.
I'm talking the republicans and tramp turned this US into a disaster.
No - this is 100% on the Democrats; they've created the greatest humanitarian crisis in the history of the nation.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Biden won fairly and he is the Potus. Tramp has about 1/2 million of blood on his hand. He was a disastrous Potus and he will be known as the man who served one term and was a complete flop.
^ Another duped Democrat so confused they don't even know what topic they're in.

They're fucking tarded aint they? They don't think for themselves and are cowardly, so parrot parrot parrot parrot
Only ONE Democrat has replied with anything other than lunatic spewing so far.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

That's just Richard pleading his landlord not evict him. Richard is entitled to stay as long as he likes rent-free because "landlord would lose bigtime if Richard is evicted" because after all, everyone is like Richard and what's a little maint. when rental income is zero. Richard is entitled.

Neat how that works right, follow the logic:

$1000 a month rent to landlord.
Nope, zero and I get to stay.
Nope, get the fuck out.

Richard logic: The landlord lost.
I would say it's about to get ugly, but that's not a strong enough word.


Hell is a strong enough word, and all Hell is about to break loose across the nation.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

That's just Richard pleading his landlord not evict him. Richard is entitled to stay as long as he likes rent-free because "he'd lose bigtime if Richard is evicted".

Neat how that works right, follow the logic:

$1000 a month rent to landlord.
Nope, zero and I get to stay.
Nope, get the fuck out.

Richard logic: The landlord lost.

Just the fact that you posted this, when you know nothing about me or my financial status, proves what a LYING BAG OF SHIT YOU ARE!

WTH_Progs Logic: NADA!
I want to repeat that I GENUINELY appreciate your earlier thoughtful reply.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

With millions about to be evicted, mass rioting about to explode & rents skyrocketing, the TRUE cost of the Democrat COVID Coup is about to be felt...​

I'm super pumped, I can't wait, I'll laugh and love watching this motherfucker burn to the ground.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

Band-aid on a gushing wound.

Correct; incorrect.

Unlikely for a number of factors, but that is the preferred Democrat pie in the sky lie, yes. It's about to happen, and those who have been paying all along are being POUNDED with MASSIVE rent hikes in the 30%-40%+ range where I am - it's completely unsustainable.

I should add that I appreciate that you're literally the only Democrat who has replied sensibly/thoughtfully, but we are on the verge of a MASSIVE social calamity, and an explosion of homelessness driven by eviction and unsustainable rent hikes.
I would bet you are unvaccinated and trying to keep the pandemic going.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Wow.....that OP is just drenched in panty shitting hysterics. "the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history"?

Someone get Min a fainting couch, because clearly they have the vapors.
As rents skyrocket almost everywhere, millions brace for eviction & homelessness, and local police try to prepare for mass rioting & arson beginning in August, the United States is on the brink of the greatest catastrophe it has ever faced.

All courtesy of the Democrat Party, which orchestrated a devastating Covid Coup in 2020 in order to regain power & increase its wealth at a cost of TRILLIONS of dollars (so far), and TENS OF MILLIONS of American lives destroyed.

The homeless population is about to explode, and some are estimating that even as rents are already skyrocketing, it's only the beginning of an even more devastating affordable housing crisis as millions of housing units may be destroyed by mass rioting and arson expected to occur in August.

Can anything stop the horror about to transpire as a result of the Democrat COVID Coup?

Will Democrats be properly identified as the perpetrators of the most horrendous acts of treason, terror and mass destruction in our nation's history?

Will the United States survive?

Did you even read the article you posted?

There are 'eviction diversion' programs where landlords & tenants get federal assistance, and they work out payment programs.

Evictions help no one, and it's doubtful that courts are going to force mass evictions.

Even if there are a whole lot of evictions, it will cause a glut of housing resulting in much lower rents. In the long run, landlords will lose big time if they force evictions.

Band-aid on a gushing wound.

Correct; incorrect.

Unlikely for a number of factors, but that is the preferred Democrat pie in the sky lie, yes. It's about to happen, and those who have been paying all along are being POUNDED with MASSIVE rent hikes in the 30%-40%+ range where I am - it's completely unsustainable.

I should add that I appreciate that you're literally the only Democrat who has replied sensibly/thoughtfully, but we are on the verge of a MASSIVE social calamity, and an explosion of homelessness driven by eviction and unsustainable rent hikes.
I would bet you are unvaccinated and trying to keep the pandemic going.
Yeah, its definitely got a 'Lets see if I can get the Americans riled up' vibe to it.

I see that one of our Democrat posters - Candycorn - thinks that homelessness, skyrocketing rents, and mass rioting and arson are funny.

I should be surprised, but I'm not.
No, what's funny is your idiotic lie that the homeless problem is somehow the 'fault ' of Democrats.

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