With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious

The riot is on Video, yes!

Bing AI "As of now, 378 individuals have been sentenced to periods of incarceration over their involvement in the January 6, 2021, uprising at the U.S. Capitol 1. The number of people charged with a variety of alleged offenses in relation to their presence at the grounds of Congress that day is over 1,146 1.

Some notable convictions include:

Please note that the situation is still evolving and the numbers may change as more information becomes available."

And not a single person was charged with insurrection. How can you have an insurrection without an insurrection?
A sham committee with a fake Insurrection LOL. Who would have ever thought the United States would come to this.

Does he mean the same Jan 6th committee where Trump was not allowed to have anyone speak on his behalf nor able to speak for himself? That "fair and balanced" committee?

What a sham and it's hilarious that so many liberals took it seriously. What sham investigation doesn't allow the accused to defend himself? Oh yea, the two tier justice system we have, that's what. Republicans subpoenaed Hunter Biden to speak in his investigation and he flipped them the bird. So fuck 'em.
Whatever, dingus, there was no insurrection. :itsok:

One by one, states are adjudicating it was. Sucks for you losers.

Speaking of losers, why haven't you posted video of police letting Trump's thugs enter the Capitol building?
Oh wait, what's THIS????

Who GAVE THE ORDERS for THAT!?!?!?!?!????

You freaks are absolutely insane. That video is deceptive as it doesn't show what police were actually doing. Here's video of the exact same event but from a different angle. It reveals he was actually waving on other police officers to follow him...


Retard, that doesn't refute the video I posted of them fighting with police to get past their barricades.

What a monumental fail on your part.
Faun you are the monumental failure. That has been proven. Come back when you decide to use a little honesty.

Retard, that doesn't refute the video I posted of them fighting with police to get past their barricades.

What a monumental fail on your part.

It's a 4 and a half minute video yet you replied in 2 minutes. And you expect us to take your criticism of the video seriously?
Faun you are the monumental failure. That has been proven. Come back when you decide to use a little honesty.

You're demented, PussyBitch. I never denied that barricade was opened by police. That, however, does not refute the fact that the mob fought their way through other barricades.

Here's another...

You freaks are absolutely insane. That video is deceptive as it doesn't show what police were actually doing. Here's video of the exact same event but from a different angle. It reveals he was actually waving on other police officers to follow him...

I'll quote the CP Officer.... "GO, GO, GO!!!!!!"
SCOTUS Smack-Down coming their way.... :113:

If they smack anything down, it will be that the 14th doesn't apply to the office of president. What they won't smack down were courts determining it was in insurrection.
I'll quote the CP Officer.... "GO, GO, GO!!!!!!"

He was summoning other officers, you imbecile. You even see them running up to him and then all of them running towards the Capitol building.
It's a 4 and a half minute video yet you replied in 2 minutes. And you expect us to take your criticism of the video seriously?

Because it doesn't refute the videos I'm posting which shows the mob fighting with police to breach barricades.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you lunatics?? You're literally denying what is clearly on video. Exactly how desperate are you??
This was, in fact a false flag, and it continues today. Many MANY things that occurred before, during and after the incident support that fact.

As for those who support the left, they're shallow thinkers and easily taken to task.

One example:
If they smack anything down, it will be that the 14th doesn't apply to the office of president. What they won't smack down were courts determining it was in insurrection.
The 14th only applies to your own, and the courts delusion, and there was dissent.
The FBI also opined that there was no insurrection, for if they did, they would have to implicate THEMSELVES
Oh, what a web you zombies weaved....it's falling apart in your FACE.

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