With the Mueller Investigation Finished, Russiagaters are Scrambling


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
With the Mueller Investigation Finished, Russiagaters are Scrambling

With the Mueller Investigation Finished, Russiagaters are Scrambling
26 Mar 2019 ~ By Madison Gesiotto
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report is in, but the Democrats aren’t dancing with Jim Acosta in the streets. Clearly, they don’t believe their own spin.... After almost two years of daily conspiracy theory updates from cable news and stern-faced Democrats leading on their supporters in the belief that Mueller was going to magically overturn the 2016 election, not one shred of evidence points to the Trump campaign “colluding” with the Russian government in any way.... In his letter documenting Mueller’s principal findings, Attorney General Bill Barr revealed that the Special Counsel had found no evidence of collusion, and determined that there was no basis for charging the President with obstruction of justice, either.... “The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign,” Barr’s letter concluded.
Part of that strategy involves congressional Democrats such as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, both of whom are hard at work trying to move the goalposts to cover for the collapse of Russiagate by launching investigatory fishing expeditions in a last-gasp effort to find something — anything — they can use to attack Trump.... The media also have a role to play. While Schiff and Nadler cast their nets wider, liberal reporters are responsible for keeping up an illusion of impropriety, framing each development as though Mueller really did find collusion and his findings are somehow being covered up.... They can’t change the facts, though. The Mueller Report is in, and Russiagaters have been left holding the bag. Their obvious anxiety suggests that they know exactly what’s in that bag: nothing.

Pretty good article, I still believe their are a fair number of elected/rank n' file Republicans who will remain "Never Trumpers" eager for his failure and/or removal from office. Mitch, Romney comes first to mind along with about 1/4 of the Republican Senators.
Since their inception, facts have always been meaningless to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats.
I fully expect them to proceed with a full impeachment based on the obvious collusion of Donald Trump with Russia, carefully laid out and accused in the Mueller report.
There's got to be some serious retribution and jail time, or PMS Democrats will do this all over again next time they get the chance. They've been getting away with breaking laws for so long that they never thought they'd get called on it.
The failed coup d'état by the Obama/Clinton cabal should not go unanswered by the people of the United States of America. To do so will only allow this to happen again. That's is why we must prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law.
"Elite Nostalgia" at http://www.scragged.com/art... explains what the leaders of both parties truly believe about voters and democracy.
These people who are upset over the fact that their candidate, who failed to understand the meaning of National Security, lost the election show their lack of understanding of reality.

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If there was even a remote possibility that the final Mueller Report might change that conclusion, Democratic politicians and their co-conspirators in the liberal media would be downright giddy with anticipation — which they are decidedly not.
With the Mueller Investigation Finished, Russiagaters are Scrambling

With the Mueller Investigation Finished, Russiagaters are Scrambling
26 Mar 2019 ~ By Madison Gesiotto
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report is in, but the Democrats aren’t dancing with Jim Acosta in the streets. Clearly, they don’t believe their own spin.... After almost two years of daily conspiracy theory updates from cable news and stern-faced Democrats leading on their supporters in the belief that Mueller was going to magically overturn the 2016 election, not one shred of evidence points to the Trump campaign “colluding” with the Russian government in any way.... In his letter documenting Mueller’s principal findings, Attorney General Bill Barr revealed that the Special Counsel had found no evidence of collusion, and determined that there was no basis for charging the President with obstruction of justice, either.... “The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign,” Barr’s letter concluded.
Part of that strategy involves congressional Democrats such as House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, both of whom are hard at work trying to move the goalposts to cover for the collapse of Russiagate by launching investigatory fishing expeditions in a last-gasp effort to find something — anything — they can use to attack Trump.... The media also have a role to play. While Schiff and Nadler cast their nets wider, liberal reporters are responsible for keeping up an illusion of impropriety, framing each development as though Mueller really did find collusion and his findings are somehow being covered up.... They can’t change the facts, though. The Mueller Report is in, and Russiagaters have been left holding the bag. Their obvious anxiety suggests that they know exactly what’s in that bag: nothing.

Pretty good article, I still believe their are a fair number of elected/rank n' file Republicans who will remain "Never Trumpers" eager for his failure and/or removal from office. Mitch, Romney comes first to mind along with about 1/4 of the Republican Senators.
Since their inception, facts have always been meaningless to Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats.
I fully expect them to proceed with a full impeachment based on the obvious collusion of Donald Trump with Russia, carefully laid out and accused in the Mueller report.
There's got to be some serious retribution and jail time, or PMS Democrats will do this all over again next time they get the chance. They've been getting away with breaking laws for so long that they never thought they'd get called on it.
The failed coup d'état by the Obama/Clinton cabal should not go unanswered by the people of the United States of America. To do so will only allow this to happen again. That's is why we must prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law.
"Elite Nostalgia" at http://www.scragged.com/art... explains what the leaders of both parties truly believe about voters and democracy.
These people who are upset over the fact that their candidate, who failed to understand the meaning of National Security, lost the election show their lack of understanding of reality.

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If there was even a remote possibility that the final Mueller Report might change that conclusion, Democratic politicians and their co-conspirators in the liberal media would be downright giddy with anticipation — which they are decidedly not.

Maybe not scrambling.....

....just shuffling.....


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