With the removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News….. how can one trust the main stream media.?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Independent YouTube news outlets get more views then do the cable networks. And of course they’re free.

So why would Fox News get rid of tucker Carlson who brings in the highest primetime ratings? One may make that argument for Don Lemon of CNN who appeared to appeal to some kind of a left wing base.. not nearly as strong as Tucker‘s base but perhaps it was worth something.

With Fox News the question is highly relevant simply because Mr. Carlson was the highest rated news program. One can say whatever they want about Tucker Carlson whether they like him or not …. the question is why in the world with a news networks get rid of the most popular journalist?

One can see why people question the veracity of the news networks these days. Compared to say the days of Mike Wallace or Peter Jennings.

There is today as we know a Uni party in Washington… they agree with a host of things including the funding of the Russia Ukraine war and coronavirus lockdowns when they did occur…two major issues of our lifetime historically speaking. Tucker was an adamant critic of the Russia Ukraine war and American involvement of it, Carlson was also a critic of the vaccines and the lockdowns that came with the coronavirus issue. …So did some higher power ie in the pharmaceutical industry or someone from Ukraine convince Fox News to silence Tucker effectively subverting the will of the American people. ….Because really it should be the American people the audience of course should be deciding who is on the primetime lineups in the news….. that’s always how it has been working if somebody is no good they will be put off the air and they can’t get the ratings of course they’re not going to last…. but those who can manage to hang onto the ratings leads always get the big contracts and last for years on end.

Now to put things into perspective I am no fan of Dylan Malvaney The trans TikTok star who supports very controversial public positions…. but if all of a sudden he was to be banned off of TikTok It would raise integrity questions for TikTok for silencing free speech including what one can call popular free-speech considering the millions of followers Dylan has.. After all the man has 10 million followers so this point really is undeniable …whether one likes Tucker Carlson or not it doesn’t make sense for a company in a capitalistic society to just get rid of somebody with massively high ratings without asking was there something bigger at play like that a politician or a pharmaceutical company or a foreign politician specifically from Ukraine most likely, maybe even China…. influence this outcome of Tucker Carlson being removed from the Fox News lineup.
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This is a guy who you now know was lying to you. He was putting stock price over intellectual honesty. He was just telling you what you wanted to hear so you wouldn't go to the competition. He was telling his friends about it. He said he hated Trump one moment, and denied it the next.

He INSULTS his viewers with this stuff. How can you POSSIBLY trust HIM???

I just don't get it. The world is upside down.
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This is a guy who you now know was lying to you. He was putting stock price over intellectual honesty. He was just telling you what you wanted to hear so you wouldn't go to the competition. He was telling his friends about it. He said he hated Trump one moment, and denied it the next.

He INSULTS his viewers with this stuff. How can you possibly trust HIM???

I just don't get it. The world is upside down.
they all tell you what you want to hear.....every talking head out there.....
This is a guy who you now know was lying to you. He was putting stock price over intellectual honesty. He was just telling you what you wanted to hear so you wouldn't go to the competition. He was telling his friends about it. He said he hated Trump one moment, and denied it the next.

He INSULTS his viewers with this stuff. How can you POSSIBLY trust HIM???

I just don't get it. The world is upside down.
The worst liars are the ones who promote their socialist utopia while going home to their mansions while driving their expensive vehicles. Living the highlife. For this reason, they need to stay quiet. Frauds.

With the removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News….. how can one trust the main stream media.?​

Even when Tucker was still at FAUX, we couldn't trust mainstream media. He was still under Murdoch's control to an extent. He's now a free man and can really start telling the truth. I hope he isn't too close to the Clinton family. The last thing we want is for him to shoot himself (twice) in the back of his head with a shotgun.

Tucker was certainly the most trustworthy of the mainstream reporters/commentators. With him gone ... there's nobody left. The rest are puppets and/or prostitutes.
With the removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News….. how can one trust the main stream media.?
Even when Tucker was still at FAUX, we couldn't trust mainstream media. He was still under Murdoch's control to an extent. He's now a free man and can really start telling the truth. I hope he isn't too close to the Clinton family. The last thing we want is for him to shoot himself (twice) in the back of his head with a shotgun.
Tucker was certainly the most trustworthy of the mainstream reporters/commentators. With him gone ... there's nobody left. The rest are puppets and/or prostitutes.
See my new thread recommending that FNC brings back "Crossfire", the nightly debate between Rs and Ds. The "truth" can be fact-checked.
Simple rule. Don't trust anything you hear and only half of what you see.
See my new thread recommending that FNC brings back "Crossfire", the nightly debate between Rs and Ds. The "truth" can be fact-checked.
Maybe ... but they're still only allowed to discuss pre-approved topics. Many important topics would be completely hidden from view and the "truth tellers" would still be limited to telling some truth but not ALL truth. In other words ... the information the public would be allowed to consume would be controlled and limited.
See my new thread recommending that FNC brings back "Crossfire", the nightly debate between Rs and Ds. The "truth" can be fact-checked.
Wasn't Crossfire a CNN production?

It was good!

So was MSNBC Meet the press when Tim Russert moderated it, until he died...unexpectantly. :(
Maybe ... but they're still only allowed to discuss pre-approved topics. Many important topics would be completely hidden from view and the "truth tellers" would still be limited to telling some truth but not ALL truth. In other words ... the information the public would be allowed to consume would be controlled and limited.
Maybe on CNN the FBI would still control content and topics, censoring what they don't want broadcast.

But on FNC I would not allow censorship.
Wasn't Crossfire a CNN production?
It was good!
So was MSNBC Meet the press when Tim Russert moderated it, until he died...unexpectantly. :(
1. Yes Crossfire was on CNN
2. Yes it was good. I never missed it.
3. Yes, I also believe that Russert was much less biased than Chuckie.
Independent YouTube news outlets get more views then do the cable networks. And of course they’re free.

So why would Fox News get rid of tucker Carlson who brings in the highest primetime ratings? One may make that argument for Don Lemon of CNN who appeared to appeal to some kind of a left wing base.. not nearly as strong as Tucker‘s base but perhaps it was worth something.

With Fox News the question is highly relevant simply because Mr. Carlson was the highest rated news program. One can say whatever they want about Tucker Carlson whether they like him or not …. the question is why in the world with a news networks get rid of the most popular journalist?

One can see why people question the veracity of the news networks these days. Compared to say the days of Mike Wallace or Peter Jennings.

There is today as we know a Uni party in Washington… they agree with a host of things including the funding of the Russia Ukraine war and coronavirus lockdowns when they did occur…two major issues of our lifetime historically speaking. Tucker was an adamant critic of the Russia Ukraine war and American involvement of it, Carlson was also a critic of the vaccines and the lockdowns that came with the coronavirus issue. …So did some higher power ie in the pharmaceutical industry or someone from Ukraine convince Fox News to silence Tucker effectively subverting the will of the American people. ….Because really it should be the American people the audience of course should be deciding who is on the primetime lineups in the news….. that’s always how it has been working if somebody is no good they will be put off the air and they can’t get the ratings of course they’re not going to last…. but those who can manage to hang onto the ratings leads always get the big contracts and last for years on end.

Now to put things into perspective I am no fan of Dylan Malvaney The trans TikTok star who supports very controversial public positions…. but if all of a sudden he was to be banned off of TikTok It would raise integrity questions for TikTok for silencing free speech including what one can call popular free-speech considering the millions of followers Dylan has.. After all the man has 10 million followers so this point really is undeniable …whether one likes Tucker Carlson or not it doesn’t make sense for a company in a capitalistic society to just get rid of somebody with massively high ratings without asking was there something bigger at play like that a politician or a pharmaceutical company or a foreign politician specifically from Ukraine most likely, maybe even China…. influence this outcome of Tucker Carlson being removed from the Fox News lineup.
They canned Bill O'Reilly, who had even higher ratings than Tucker for sexual harassment reasons, and Glenn Beck when he was number 1 as well, and got rid of Roger Ailes who basically created Fox News....

This is nothing new for Fox...

Who knows what for this time with Tucker?

Could be the hundreds of billions in lawsuits?

We will find out, eventually...
Maybe on CNN the FBI would still control content and topics, censoring what they don't want broadcast.

But on FNC I would not allow censorship.
FAUX is a corporate "news" station that answers to its advertisers. If Pfizer doesn't want the truth known about its dangerous vaccine, then FAUX won't discuss it. If they do ... they lose millions in revenue. So it's time for conservatives to stop trusting FAUX.
FAUX is a corporate "news" station that answers to its advertisers. If Pfizer doesn't want the truth known about its dangerous vaccine, then FAUX won't discuss it. If they do ... they lose millions in revenue. So it's time for conservatives to stop trusting FAUX.
I call bullshit.
The commercials on FNC are mostly the "pillow guy", and those pills with fruit and veggies.
I don't see the pharmaceutical commercials on FNC like I do on the other networks. Maybe that's why?
Maybe you should watch FNC occasionally to see the differences?
I call bullshit.
The commercials on FNC are mostly the "pillow guy", and those pills with fruit and veggies.
I don't see the pharmaceutical commercials on FNC like I do on the other networks. Maybe that's why?
Maybe you should watch FNC occasionally to see the differences?
You can "call" whatever you want. BlackRock owns nearly 15% of FAUX. BlackRock is BAD NEWS!

Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson advertised on Fox News: How Fox News profited from vaccine makers while pushing anti-vax lies

how can one trust the main stream media.?​

Truth is, you can't. At least for the most part. So, for a given issue or event I read something from both sides and try to divine the truth. Too often though, some details are misreported or flat out not reported and it isn't until later that you find out what the rest of the story. Maybe my own partiality is in play here, but I see the Left as more guilty of misinformation or omission of certain details than the Right is.

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