Without Obama, Republicans wouldn't have all this birther crap.

You know that without Obama, Trump never would have started this birther crap. It probably wouldn't even occur to him.
Without bush there would be no Obama...
Without Bush, we would be out of the Middle East.
We wouldn't have had the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Our economy might not have been totaled.
So much bad might not ever have happened.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
You mean "without Hillary supporters" because apparently, that's who started it.

I get amused by the idea that the Right Wing now wants to claim that Trump and other Conservatives were manipulated by Hilary into becoming Birthers.

Like I said- I get amused by the idea that the Right Wing now wants to claim that Trump and other Conservatives were manipulated by Hilary into becoming Birthers. I still do. That you think that Hilary is pulling Trump's strings......

Meanwhile- Birtherism started on March 1, 2008, on the Right Wing Nut job blog- Free Republic

Barackryphal: The Secret Origin of the Birthers

" I get amused by the idea that the Right Wing now wants to claim that Trump and other Conservatives were manipulated by Hilary into becoming Birthers. I still do. That you think that Hilary is pulling Trump's strings......"
liar. I NEVER said that
BTW, your link gives examples of earlier instances than free republic.. and that was a post by some anonymous commenter lol

The post in Free Republic on March 1 was the first one who put the whole Birther idiotic claim about Obama being born in Kenya into one neat package.

And yes- it was an anonymous post on the RWNJ blog Free Republic which made the first reference of what became Birther dogma.

:lol: ok dude
Liberals continue to PROVE my point that they can't say the name or one of their own - like Alan Grayson - and admit they are 'birthers'. ...

You keep proving my point that you are a liar.
How so. I pointed out that Grayson IS a 'birther'. Every time a Liberal mentions the word 'birther' they can not bring themselves to acknowledge that they have their own set of 'birthers'...who don't catch hell about it from fellow Liberals.

As I said, ANYONE who uses the 'birther' issue is a moron, but I also 'demand' ALL morons be acknowledged - both Conservative and Liberal.
Liberals continue to PROVE my point that they can't say the name or one of their own - like Alan Grayson - and admit they are 'birthers'. ...

You keep proving my point that you are a liar.
How so. I pointed out that Grayson IS a 'birther'. Every time a Liberal mentions the word 'birther' they can not bring themselves to acknowledge that they have their own set of 'birthers'...who don't catch hell about it from fellow Liberals.

As I said, ANYONE who uses the 'birther' issue is a moron, but I also 'demand' ALL morons be acknowledged - both Conservative and Liberal.

Because you lie.

Note my post below- where I call Grayson an idiot Birther- like Trump is. You then made the same claim in that thread and I pointed out that you had lied there. And I am pointing out your lie here.

Liberals continue to PROVE my point that they can't say the name or one of their own - like Alan Grayson - and admit they are 'birthers'. ...

You keep proving my point that you are a liar.

As I said, ANYONE who uses the 'birther' issue is a moron, but I also 'demand' ALL morons be acknowledged - both Conservative and Liberal.

So where have you specifically condemned Trump for being a Birther- using the term 'Birther and Trump" in the same sentence?
You know that without Obama, Trump never would have started this birther crap. It probably wouldn't even occur to him.
Without bush there would be no Obama...
Without Bush, we would be out of the Middle East.
We wouldn't have had the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Our economy might not have been totaled.
So much bad might not ever have happened.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
I think it was Grayson that launched the 1st 'birther' attack against Cruz, after which Trump piled on...

And what makes you think that?

The 1st birther attack came from the Tea Party back in 2009/2010. Any 'Tea Party" rally you went to there were a few signs challenging Obama's eligibility. This is where the birther movement started. It's just HILLARIOUS that one of their favorites Ted Cruz really wasn't born on U.S. soil.

You know that without Obama, Trump never would have started this birther crap. It probably wouldn't even occur to him.
Without bush there would be no Obama...
Without Bush, we would be out of the Middle East.
We wouldn't have had the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Our economy might not have been totaled.
So much bad might not ever have happened.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
From the destruction of the country to the greatest on earth. Wonder how that happened.

The last 40 years, it's following GOP policies that have been destroying the country. Do you want even MORE examples?
Without bush there would be no Obama...
Without Bush, we would be out of the Middle East.
We wouldn't have had the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Our economy might not have been totaled.
So much bad might not ever have happened.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
From the destruction of the country to the greatest on earth. Wonder how that happened.

The last 40 years, it's following GOP policies that have been destroying the country. Do you want even MORE examples?
Foolish little man, socialism has never worked long term in the history of civilization.
Why would the tax, spend and print policy's of this banana republic be any different??
Without Bush, we would be out of the Middle East.
We wouldn't have had the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts.
Our economy might not have been totaled.
So much bad might not ever have happened.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
From the destruction of the country to the greatest on earth. Wonder how that happened.

The last 40 years, it's following GOP policies that have been destroying the country. Do you want even MORE examples?
Foolish little man, socialism has never worked long term in the history of civilization.
Why would the tax, spend and print policy's of this banana republic be any different??
Your false assumption is that's what Democrats want. Perhaps you might want to come out from under that rock and see what it's like out here where it's dry and bright. Living in a world of delusions can be very tiring. The GOP's version of insurance, let him die, and their version of helping the poor, feed the poor and they will breed, and their version of education, teach the controversy, are the reasons they are so scared. And living in constant fear is exhausting.
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
From the destruction of the country to the greatest on earth. Wonder how that happened.

The last 40 years, it's following GOP policies that have been destroying the country. Do you want even MORE examples?
Foolish little man, socialism has never worked long term in the history of civilization.
Why would the tax, spend and print policy's of this banana republic be any different??
Your false assumption is that's what Democrats want. Perhaps you might want to come out from under that rock and see what it's like out here where it's dry and bright. Living in a world of delusions can be very tiring. The GOP's version of insurance, let him die, and their version of helping the poor, feed the poor and they will breed, and their version of education, teach the controversy, are the reasons they are so scared. And living in constant fear is exhausting.
Sorry, libertarian here.
No reason whatsoever to trust Barry and his puppet masters banana republic...
Not buying your utopia you're sell'n
Wrong silly boy, this problem is decades old. Tax, spend and printing along with socialist entitlement programs have sealed our fate.
The Federal government has turned into a banana republic no two ways about it. Dumbass
Except under Clinton. Reagan, Bush and Bush. We know where it all started. The facts are easy to find. The history isn't that ancient.
The stupidity of the spending taxing printing government started decades ago. It was pretty much game over in FDRs time.
But we were too stupid as a country to understand the destruction of the country that happened under FDR.
From the destruction of the country to the greatest on earth. Wonder how that happened.

The last 40 years, it's following GOP policies that have been destroying the country. Do you want even MORE examples?
Foolish little man, socialism has never worked long term in the history of civilization.
Why would the tax, spend and print policy's of this banana republic be any different??
Your false assumption is that's what Democrats want. Perhaps you might want to come out from under that rock and see what it's like out here where it's dry and bright. Living in a world of delusions can be very tiring. The GOP's version of insurance, let him die, and their version of helping the poor, feed the poor and they will breed, and their version of education, teach the controversy, are the reasons they are so scared. And living in constant fear is exhausting.

The why do you live in constant fear? You are one clueless fuck.

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