Zone1 witnessing to a catholic

Thats on top of the Roman Church being totally dedicated to pagan deities(demons)and openly worshiping them, they literally refer to Mary as the queen of heaven, and I can absolutely guarantee you that 99% of them do not even begin to realize that their queen of heaven is not Mary, its actually an ancient Sumerian/Akkadian/Mesopotamian demon, named Astarte, Ashtaroth, Ishtar, along with many other names, they literally referred to that demon in ancient Mesopotamia as the queen of heaven!

Then there is the outrageous shakedown scheme called purgatory, and the practice of the Roman Church using that lie to whip up terror and fear, and then sell a thing they call an indulgence, which you can buy from your neighborhood clergy and reduce your time, or your loved one's time in mini-hell, sometimes at pagan holidays they will sell them two for one, or even three for one!

Then there is Lent, lent is literally ripped right from ancient Babylon, where Semiramis son Tammuz was torn to pieces by wild animals down along the river, prompting Semiramis to gather up Tammuz's body parts and place them in a basket and leave it on the banks of that river for forty days and nights, all whilst Semiramis mourned for him, and then presto on day 41 Tammuz rose from the dead! That is precisely what Lent is based upon, you might have head of Tammuz by his other name, baal!

There are probably good people who are catholic, aside from the throngs of catholic girls who have murdered their babies at the local PP clinic, but being a good person or doing good works are meaningless as you have but one and one way only to get to an afterlife, you must embrace Jesus and repent, Jesus mother is in no way associated with your admittance, there is only one intercessor and that is Jesus, he does not contract out to his mother, he is the only way and it says this right in the book of revelation!

Catholics are not Christians, but the vast majority do not know that!
Thats on top of the Roman Church being totally dedicated to pagan deities(demons)and openly worshiping them, they literally refer to Mary as the queen of heaven, and I can absolutely guarantee you that 99% of them do not even begin to realize that their queen of heaven is not Mary, its actually an ancient Sumerian/Akkadian/Mesopotamian demon, named Astarte, Ashtaroth, Ishtar, along with many other names, they literally referred to that demon in ancient Mesopotamia as the queen of heaven!

Then there is the outrageous shakedown scheme called purgatory, and the practice of the Roman Church using that lie to whip up terror and fear, and then sell a thing they call an indulgence, which you can buy from your neighborhood clergy and reduce your time, or your loved one's time in mini-hell, sometimes at pagan holidays they will sell them two for one, or even three for one!

Then there is Lent, lent is literally ripped right from ancient Babylon, where Semiramis son Tammuz was torn to pieces by wild animals down along the river, prompting Semiramis to gather up Tammuz's body parts and place them in a basket and leave it on the banks of that river for forty days and nights, all whilst Semiramis mourned for him, and then presto on day 41 Tammuz rose from the dead! That is precisely what Lent is based upon, you might have head of Tammuz by his other name, baal!

There are probably good people who are catholic, aside from the throngs of catholic girls who have murdered their babies at the local PP clinic, but being a good person or doing good works are meaningless as you have but one and one way only to get to an afterlife, you must embrace Jesus and repent, Jesus mother is in no way associated with your admittance, there is only one intercessor and that is Jesus, he does not contract out to his mother, he is the only way and it says this right in the book of revelation!

Catholics are not Christians, but the vast majority do not know that!
Look, people being of various faiths is a good thing, a lot of very good people belong to these faiths, and being at war w/ people of other faiths is a bad thing.

This is a reality that we all have to deal with.
Look, people being of various faiths is a good thing, a lot of very good people belong to these faiths, and being at war w/ people of other faiths is a bad thing.

This is a reality that we all have to deal with.
I'm sorry, but that is not true and accurate, this is not me playing devils advocate, I am the absolute least of any Christians, that said I do read and read well, 99% of you do not read that bible, or far more likely, far far more likely they cherry pick it and theology from there becomes whatever they say it is. I would suggest to you that the best place to start is with Revelation, read it, don't take my word for anything, take the books. Catholicism is not remotely Christian, most of the people, the most devout of them, aren't even praying to Jesus, they pray to the queen of heaven per the foundational indoctrination of the Roman church.

There is NO queen of heaven, Jesus mother is not running spec op's for him, that is a deception, that being is Astarte! I used to believe that the description in Revelation of the "whore of Babylon" was a metaphor, after thoroughly reading the bible I no longer subscribe to that mentality, no, John was describing an actual being, whether he knew it or not. Fatima happened, as many as 60,000 people on site witnessed that so-called miracle, and as many as 250,000 did region wide, that happened, those children had repeated contact with something, it was not Mary the mortal mother of Jesus, further that entity required that they build a shrine to HER on the site!

I can assure you that on any given day, the vast majority of Catholics attending a church, are praying to that thing exclusively to act as their intercessor! Its very curious to my mind that the two largest religions on earth, with a combined membership numbering around 2-billion, are almost entirely false, and in direct opposition to the message of Jesus Christ!:wink:
I'm sorry, but that is not true and accurate, this is not me playing devils advocate, I am the absolute least of any Christians, that said I do read and read well, 99% of you do not read that bible,...
I'm sorry but I'm getting lost here.

It's hard for me to understand what my personal reading the Bible and getting approval from u on my my progress --how this has any relation to what we're talking about here. I thought it was the fact that there are many ways to God and people all over the world are turning to God from many different directions.

I say this is good.
I thought it was the fact that there are many ways to God and people all over the world are turning to God from many different directions.

I say this is good.

Except that that clearly contradicts what Jesus said, in John 14:6. He also said 'you must be born again.' (John 3) Of course it's your choice to believe what Jesus said or not. :dunno: I believe it.
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, set up the Catholic Church. It is true to its mission; to spread the Word of Christ; True God and True man. If someone doesn't agree with this then frankly my dear...........

Except that that clearly contradicts what Jesus said, in John 14:6. He also said 'you must be born again.' (John 3) Of course it's your choice to believe what Jesus said or not. :dunno: I believe it.
Catholics are "Born Again" through Baptism of both "water" and the Holy Spirit. That's the facts!!

I'm sorry but I'm getting lost here.

It's hard for me to understand what my personal reading the Bible and getting approval from u on my my progress --how this has any relation to what we're talking about here. I thought it was the fact that there are many ways to God and people all over the world are turning to God from many different directions.

I say this is good.
That is exactly the point, "there are not many ways to god," there is only the one! I am not preaching to you, I have already covered that dodge for you, read it all, if you have at all, and do not cherry pick from it, read it all, "we are told, but do we listen???"

If any of this is true, then it matters more than you possibly can know, because he(Jesus)describes in detail what happens to anyone who leads anyone else away from his message, there is only the one way, not many!
Catholics are "Born Again" through Baptism of both "water" and the Holy Spirit. That's the facts!!


Getting sprinkled as a baby is not going to do anything… that's unbiblical, and it's just a religious ritual.

Being born again means you literally become a new creation. It's not a mere religious thing. It's being born spiritually, as a true son or daughter of God, with a new nature... all things become new. The girl in the video wasn't sure if she was born again… If someone isn't sure, then that's a good indication that they probably aren't.
That is exactly the point, "there are not many ways to god," there is only the one! I am not preaching to you, I have already covered that dodge for you, read it all, if you have at all, and do not cherry pick from it, read it all, "we are told, but do we listen???"

If any of this is true, then it matters more than you possibly can know, because he(Jesus)describes in detail what happens to anyone who leads anyone else away from his message, there is only the one way, not many!
If any of this is true,

they knew how to add their forgeries and fallacies to truths when writing the c-bible to create their own religion and claim their religion reflected 1st century events when in fact theirs is a religion of servitude, the opposite for what those people in the 1st century truly died for.

the proof is there is not an archive of the material they used to write the c-bible for verification of the truths - they claim.

she gave sincere responses during the interview and not swayed by the interviewer's comments.
they knew how to add their forgeries and fallacies to truths when writing the c-bible to create their own religion and claim their religion reflected 1st century events when in fact theirs is a religion of servitude, the opposite for what those people in the 1st century truly died for.

the proof is there is not an archive of the material they used to write the c-bible for verification of the truths - they claim.

she gave sincere responses during the interview and not swayed by the interviewer's comments.
The thing which becomes abundantly clear to anyone with a three digit IQ upon actually reading the bible, anyone with a good grasp of the subject matter, is that the Roman church is not any more Christian than the Quran & Muslims are Christian!
I'm sorry but I'm getting lost here.

It's hard for me to understand what my personal reading the Bible and getting approval from u on my my progress --how this has any relation to what we're talking about here. I thought it was the fact that there are many ways to God and people all over the world are turning to God from many different directions.

I say this is good.
That is exactly the point, "there are not many ways to god,"...
Except that that clearly contradicts what Jesus said, in John 14:6. He also said 'you must be born again.' (John 3) Of course it's your choice to believe what Jesus said or not. :dunno: I believe it.
We're getting into a lot of different things here and we'd best take one thing at a time. We're starting with--
...Catholics are not Christians...
--so let's first establish that nowhere in the Bible does it say that "Catholics are not Christians". As a corollary I'll say that this means that the Catholic path leads to the same God that the Protestant path leads.
Catholicism is not remotely Christian, most of the people, the most devout of them, aren't even praying to Jesus, they pray to the queen of heaven per the foundational indoctrination of the Roman church.
Have you ever attended Mass?

We begin with Confession: I confess to almighty God... (it ends with...through my most grievous fault. Therefore I ask Blessed Mary—ever virgin—all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.”

We ask for mercy: Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy...

We praise God: Glory to God in the highest...

We read from the Old Testament (We go through the entire Bible every three years)

We sing/recite a Psalm

We read from the New Testament Letters or Revelation

Gospel Reading (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John)

Homily - We listen to how the themes of the the day's readings can be incorporated into our lives today.

We pray the Nicene Creed: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth (Yes, the prayer mentions Jesus is incarnate of the virgin Mary

Eucharistic Prayers and Celebration which includes the Lord's Prayer

We receive the holy Eucharistic.

Closing prayer.

There you have it. Mary is mentioned twice. Once when we include her when we ask all to pray to God for us. The second time when it is noted Jesus was incarnate of Mary.

Oh, the horror! Right? :)
Getting sprinkled as a baby is not going to do anything… that's unbiblical, and it's just a religious ritual.
There are a couple of things you have wrong. First, no one is "sprinkled". Perhaps you know of an early Christian mural that shows a large shell that was used for pouring water over those being baptized? Some choose to ignore Biblical passages regarding children and families.

Babies are immediately welcomed into the Body of Christ, and with their baptism, through the power of the Holy Spirit, become as the rest of us...priest, prophet, king. That is our faith.
The thing which becomes abundantly clear to anyone with a three digit IQ upon actually reading the bible, anyone with a good grasp of the subject matter, is that the Roman church is not any more Christian than the Quran & Muslims are Christian!
Again: Everyone is better off when people stick to explaining their own religion and faith than when speaking of what they imagine to be someone else's religion and faith. Post #14 errs in regards to the Catholic faith.
I can absolutely guarantee you that 99% of them do not even begin to realize that their queen of heaven is not Mary, its actually an ancient Sumerian/Akkadian/Mesopotamian demon, named Astarte, Ashtaroth, Ishtar, along with many other names
Different name, same deity

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