Woe unto America.

trump did not win the popular vote, twice now. But he was allowed to run amok in the White House for four years. So why "Woe to America" now?
Because Biden’s worse.

Biden is a million times better than this criminal pig. We have had four years of dirt, bigotry, and betrayal. Biden is not covered in filth. trump is.
Now that is surely the funniest thing I've ever heard
This exposes a disconnect. Ds and the left will never criticize Biden no matter what he does. They think they’ve won the lottery now that Don is out. They don’t care that Joe is a lying warmongering elitist corporatist and will do nothing but enrich the rich.

Yet more fortune-telling. Do you have a crystal ball? Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but we do know what has happened in the past, including republicans failing to criticize anything he did, no matter how nefarious. They proved themselves to be a spineless bunch of partisan hacks.
Just my opinion. Am I allowed to have one?
The Obama administration is about to reenter the White House to reck more havoc on America for another 4 years.
But you people that voted for it will reap the misery you ask for so ENJOY.

So you concede and admit that Biden got 7 million more votes than your Dotard?
We are making progress here people! ;)
The Obama administration is about to reenter the White House to reck more havoc on America for another 4 years.
But you people that voted for it will reap the misery you ask for so ENJOY.

So you concede and admit that Biden got 7 million more votes than your Dotard?
We are making progress here people! ;)
most of them votes deceased people
trump did not win the popular vote, twice now. But he was allowed to run amok in the White House for four years. So why "Woe to America" now?
Because Biden’s worse.

Biden is a million times better than this criminal pig. We have had four years of dirt, bigotry, and betrayal. Biden is not covered in filth. trump is.
Now that is surely the funniest thing I've ever heard
This exposes a disconnect. Ds and the left will never criticize Biden no matter what he does. They think they’ve won the lottery now that Don is out. They don’t care that Joe is a lying warmongering elitist corporatist and will do nothing but enrich the rich.

Yet more fortune-telling. Do you have a crystal ball? Nobody knows what will happen in the future, but we do know what has happened in the past, including republicans failing to criticize anything he did, no matter how nefarious. They proved themselves to be a spineless bunch of partisan hacks.
Just sit back and watch
The Obama administration is about to reenter the White House to reck more havoc on America for another 4 years.
But you people that voted for it will reap the misery you ask for so ENJOY.
Correction: Some people voted for Biden. Some dead people voted for Biden. Some non existent people voted for Biden. Some voting machines were instructed to vote for Biden.

I agree. ^^^

Hence....Joke China Biden will NEVER!!!! NEVER!!!! NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!be President.

The Rats will not be able to steal the election this time around!


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