Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

Oh. So when I teach Sunday School this summer it would be appropriate for me to tell the kids "turn to the first testament..."

We can just change names like that? Do the District of Columbia can be the Defunct of Columbia or something?
The People's Republic of District Columbia has a better ring to it. :auiqs.jpg:
One day...you can bring that argument up with God. I am not him. You will meet God one day. Let's see how far that argument gets you.
I don't think I will.

If gods exist they aren't like the one in the bible
Okay. So your position is sure then. On that US soldiers stomping on the heads of babies...that's just a matter of taste. Not wrong. There is no wrong. Society just has "preferences". The US soldiers wanted the land, so they did what they had to do.

Your rules. No more "sitting on God's lap to smack his face" from me. Your paradigm now.
I never said that societies don't view things as "wrong" or unacceptable I SAID that the behaviors that societies deem unacceptable and therefore "wrong" change as societies change.
The Bible has remained for 5500 years (old Testament) and has been the centerpiece of controversy since its inception.

Nobody argues about Homer's Iliad the way they do about the Bible. Copies of the Bible can be found on every corner of the planet. In over 200 plus languages to date.

It is the most quoted and the most published book in the history of the planet. Several kings have tried desperately to remove its existence and failed.

Only a moron at this point would fail to understand this book's importance to mankind....well over and above the moslems book. The Bible has been here longer and is still more important than the Koran.

5500 years? More like 3500 years...and that's stretching it a bit.
Well, firstly there's Genesis 9:6

"Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind."

Secondly there are different versions of the Bible.

Douay-Rheims Challoner revision 1752

"13 Thou shalt not kill."

Darby's Translation 1890

"13 Thou shalt not kill."

Seems like it's more modern books that have decided that "thou shalt not kill" is a little inconvenient. They like killing. Killing animals. Killing criminals etc.

But then that's the problem with the Bible isn't it. Parts of it say one thing, other parts say something else and people pick and choose whatever's convenient for them.
It not that ir's "inconvinient". It's that the Hebrew word in the commandment is the word for murder. Kill is a different word.
And it has been edited/redacted so many times, that what is left is unrecognizable when compared to some of the oldest scrolls in existence.
As well as it only a small portion of the original texts.
How do you know it's only a small portion of the original texts? Do the original texts exist? If they do, then we have the entire Bible, don't we. If they don't, then how do you know only a small portion exists?

To be sure, literal translations of the Bible are quite accurate. As scholarship has improved and manuscripts have been discovered, textual variances have been eliminated. The Bible gets more accurate, not less.
It is simply no more than a collection of old letters written by people whose motives we do not know, who certainly were not ordained by God to write.
Actually, we do know their motives.
I never said that societies don't view things as "wrong" or unacceptable I SAID that the behaviors that societies deem unacceptable and therefore "wrong" change as societies change.

So that US soldier stomping on a baby's head is not objectively wrong. It just wasn't the flavor of the day. Got it
So that US soldier stomping on a baby's head is not objectively wrong. It just wasn't the flavor of the day. Got it
Society at the time did not think so.

You are looking at the past through the lens of the present.

Incans thought it was perfectly acceptable to cut the beating hearts out of people to appease their gods.
Today, anyone would think that reprehensible.

But no matter what we think today has any bearing on what that society believed then.
So how about let's let people follow their own morality and deal with God as they wish. What I don't like is how the LGBTQ mob insists that people agree with them. I believe in equality of opportunities, but I could never accept the LGBTQ lifestyle either morally or intellectually.
so you judge them?
Society at the time did not think so.

You are looking at the past through the lens of the present.

Incans thought it was perfectly acceptable to cut the beating hearts out of people to appease their gods.
Today, anyone would think that reprehensible.

But no matter what we think today has any bearing on what that society believed then.

I think it was wrong for that soldier to stomp on a baby's head. In all times, in all places. Wrong. Not flavor of the day, just wrong.

You are stuck in flavor of the day. I suspect this will get interesting going forward. We shall see.
I think it was wrong for that soldier to stomp on a baby's head. In all times, in all places. Wrong. Not flavor of the day, just wrong.

You are stuck in flavor of the day. I suspect this will get interesting going forward. We shall see.
Would you have thought that then?

You dismiss the power society has on the attitudes of people.

If you were brought up in a society of hunter gatherers where you were encouraged to kill any staggering that you came across because you were taught that all people not of the tribe are a danger to the tribe and that those who did kill these enemies of the tribe were lauded for their bravery and rewarded by others you would also most likely kill strangers in your territiory without any qualms at all
Would you have thought that then?

You dismiss the power society has on the attitudes of people.

If you were brought up in a society of hunter gatherers where you were encouraged to kill any staggering that you came across because you were taught that all people not of the tribe are a danger to the tribe and that those who did kill these enemies of the tribe were lauded for their bravery and rewarded by others you would also most likely kill strangers in your territiory without any qualms at all
In that age of history you are talking about that didn't happen.

People wanted people to join their group because of the good things they brought. More people meant more labor, more fighting men, more hunters. More gatherers, more sewing and just more in general. More people meant an easier life and lifestyle.

But as often was the case there are whole cities that evaporated. Evidence is scarce but it could have been anything from war to disease that caused them to evaporate. Urbanization and de-urbanization was common.

People were a very valuable commodity back in the day.
The Bible has remained for 5500 years (old Testament) and has been the centerpiece of controversy since its inception.

Nobody argues about Homer's Iliad the way they do about the Bible. Copies of the Bible can be found on every corner of the planet. In over 200 plus languages to date.

It is the most quoted and the most published book in the history of the planet. Several kings have tried desperately to remove its existence and failed.

Only a moron at this point would fail to understand this book's importance to mankind....well over and above the moslems book. The Bible has been here longer and is still more important than the Koran.
This book called the "bible" was created to support the morally bereft middle eastern religions and has been used to create and support violent war and strife, justify inhuman acts upon humans, animals and this planet, and to fortify the evil camps of bigotry and hatred. This book was created to form the foundations of MONEY, POWER and RULE over the entirety of this blue globe that hangs in space. This book was created and supported by cliques and cadres of old men seeking to constantly confuse and divide mankind with its tenets toward the slaughtering pens of ascendancy wars, the vicious suppression of females and the power grabbing racial strife that never ends. It is nothing but an uber early version of foul and deadly words that mislead entire populations and foster hatred. It is THE pox on humanity.
This book called the "bible" was created to support the morally bereft middle eastern religions and has been used to create and support violent war and strife, justify inhuman acts upon humans, animals and this planet, and to fortify the evil camps of bigotry and hatred. This book was created to form the foundations of MONEY, POWER and RULE over the entirety of this blue globe that hangs in space. This book was created and supported by cliques and cadres of old men seeking to constantly confuse and divide mankind with its tenets toward the slaughtering pens of ascendancy wars, the vicious suppression of females and the power grabbing racial strife that never ends. It is nothing but an uber early version of foul and deadly words that mislead entire populations and foster hatred. It is THE pox on humanity.

My first laugh out loud of the day--thanks for that. I mean it, really.

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