Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

No hatred involved, the Bible is clear about homosexuality.

That's the thing I've always wondered about those who wish to fundamentally change the religion to be accepting of gay people when it is abundantly clear from the Bible itself that God is not particularly fond of gay people.

I guess that leaves only two choices:

1. Reconfigure God
2. Abandon God

I feel sad for folks who feel they need to abandon a faith that brings them comfort just because when their god was invented the people inventing him wrote him with some pretty unappealing characteristics (homophobia and a taste for genocide) but it's nice that as the franchise has evolved God has softened quite a bit and now loves people outside of the small Chosen group in the original episodes.

But if one accepts that God is "unchanging and eternal" it becomes harder to explain the entire arc of his character story.

Still it's good to see God evolving to fit humanity's expanding understanding of the world. I wish them good luck with the endeavor.
While Christians and I are not without sin, we do know the sins of homosexuals are abominations from the Bible. I haven't committed any abominable sin.

That's great for you. Seriously. It's good to make it through life without doing the really bad stuff that others do.

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 22:5

Well at least you know that Hell will have all the Monty Python, Whitest Kids U Know and Kids in the Hall casts! So the shows should be good.
Faggots are gonna roast in the fires of Hell for eternity.

I know there's at least a fraction of a probability that this is sarcasm, but if it's not does it provide comfort? Is it important in your faith to keep track of the people you personally dislike who are going to pay forever for not believing as you do?
That's great for you. Seriously. It's good to make it through life without doing the really bad stuff that others do.

Well at least you know that Hell will have all the Monty Python, Whitest Kids U Know and Kids in the Hall casts! So the shows should be good.

A few chapers back, before the passage against crossdressing, it states that a son who disobeys their parents are to be killed.

Supposedly working on the sabbath is a sin punisable by death according to the bible.

And work has a specific definition. "work" is a somewhat inaccurate translation. The Hebrew word is 'melacha". For example, carrying your house key from inside the house to outside is work, but moving your grand piano from the basement to the 3rd floor is not.
A few chapters before that, it states people are to beat a son if they are stubborn and rebellious and doesn't obey his father and mother.

See,i can quote the bible too.
Yeah, you can quote but do not understand it because you are SAF and POS lol. Surely, it's not for us today as there are laws against it. It was for the Israelites in the OT days.

What should we do with the abominable homos of today tho?

Anyone born of God refuses to practice sin, because God’s seed abides in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.
2Timothy 4:3-4
3For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. 4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Yeah, you can quote but do not understand it because you are SAF and POS lol. Surely, it's not for us today as there are laws against it. It was for the Israelites in the OT days.

What should we do with the abominable homos of today tho?


Christian Right,America's Taliban
)No hatred involved, the Bible is clear about homosexuality.
Then it's wrong! My wife and I have been married (yes, she's female) for nearly 50 years and very much in love. We wish every person on this spatial rock the same happiness with NO, repeat, NO bigotries or denial of their own happiness from ignorant boors or religious dimwits. You are merely a closed minded jerk who has NO business minding ANYONE else's desires or preferences regardless of what your fantasy comic book says!
Then it's wrong! My wife and I have been married (yes, she's female) for nearly 50 years and very much in love. We wish every person on this spatial rock the same happiness with NO, repeat, NO bigotries or denial of their own happiness from ignorant boors or religious dimwits. You are merely a closed minded jerk who has NO business minding ANYONE else's desires or preferences regardless of what your fantasy comic book says!

Nope, the Bible is correct. Don't despair God lets them choose.
Yeah, you can quote but do not understand it because you are SAF and POS lol. Surely, it's not for us today as there are laws against it. It was for the Israelites in the OT days.

What should we do with the abominable homos of today tho?

"What should we do with the abominable homos of today tho"
Well, let's see. Jesus went around killing homos while He was on Earth..., didn't He? Oh, no, He didn't. But James Bond wants to! That settles it! James Bond is a better Christian than Jesus. It'll be James Bond sitting at the right Hand of God when it's all said and done, not that weak-kneed hippy Jesus.
"What should we do with the abominable homos of today tho"
Well, let's see. Jesus went around killing homos while He was on Earth..., didn't He? Oh, no, He didn't. But James Bond wants to! That settles it! James Bond is a better Christian than Jesus. It'll be James Bond sitting at the right Hand of God when it's all said and done, not that weak-kneed hippy Jesus.
When I was younger, we had fag bashing where one uses "queer bait" to lure a gay to a secluded area and then bash him with baseball bats. If one was lucky, then he may have gotten a bill with blood on it as souvenir.

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