Woke churches don't follow the bible on homosexual relations.

When I was younger, we had fag bashing where one uses "queer bait" to lure a gay to a secluded area and then bash him with baseball bats. If one was lucky, then he may have gotten a bill with blood on it as souvenir.
Seeing you doing that must have given Jesus a hard on from here to Uranus!
Nope, the Bible is correct. Don't despair God lets them choose.
So you're Bi?
Nope. Just an intense disliker of faux christians who are in fact psychotic, egocentric nazis. You may want to see a psychiatrist re: your obsession with dicks and insinuating to others that they're gay or bi. You most definitely have a problem. Repression(s) maybe or perhaps feelings of inadequacy? Good luck with your built in pornographies.
Nope. Just an intense disliker of faux christians who are in fact psychotic, egocentric nazis. You may want to see a psychiatrist re: your obsession with dicks and insinuating to others that they're gay or bi. You most definitely have a problem. Repression(s) maybe or perhaps feelings of inadequacy? Good luck with your built in pornographies.

So you aren't ready to come out yet, that's fine. God let's everyone make their own choices so I have zero trouble with homosexuals. I am guessing a "faux" Christian is simply anyone who believes.
So you aren't ready to come out yet, that's fine. God let's everyone make their own choices so I have zero trouble with homosexuals. I am guessing a "faux" Christian is simply anyone who believes.
Baseless, unfounded and unsupported made up lies are your best argument, eh? It seems to be a common method employed by fake christians to try and convince the world of their so-called piety and the following of their parable scriptures. The sad part is that there are those who actually believe and follow the gentler and somewhat moral side to the religion that people like you have so utterly fouled with it with your methods of fabricating BS and the Deflect/Spin/Project lying methods that are so common among the nazis. Communicating with you has reminded me of the smell of an overflowing cesspool and there are certainly cleaner conversations to be had without your septic regurgitation involved by exploring elsewhere. Good luck swimming in your sepsis and goodbye.
Why should Christians care about Jewish laws?

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill (comply with) them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 5:17-20

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "least", see Genesis 3:14

Thats why
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That's the thing I've always wondered about those who wish to fundamentally change the religion to be accepting of gay people when it is abundantly clear from the Bible itself that God is not particularly fond of gay people.

I guess that leaves only two choices:

1. Reconfigure God
2. Abandon God

I feel sad for folks who feel they need to abandon a faith that brings them comfort just because when their god was invented the people inventing him wrote him with some pretty unappealing characteristics (homophobia and a taste for genocide) but it's nice that as the franchise has evolved God has softened quite a bit and now loves people outside of the small Chosen group in the original episodes.

But if one accepts that God is "unchanging and eternal" it becomes harder to explain the entire arc of his character story.

Still it's good to see God evolving to fit humanity's expanding understanding of the world. I wish them good luck with the endeavor.

Consider for a minute that there's dozens of death penalty sins in the Old Testament to include sassy children, adultery, mixing fabrics etc.
Consider for a minute that there's dozens of death penalty sins in the Old Testament to include sassy children, adultery, mixing fabrics etc.

"The death" associated with setting aside the instruction of the law is not and never was about biological death, crime, or corporal punishment. It has always been about cause and effect, the cause, stupidity, the effect a curse, insanity, that no human being is required to or can enforce.
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"The death" associated with setting aside the instruction of the law is not and never was about biological death, crime, or corporal punishment. It has always been about cause and effect, the cause, stupidity, the effect a curse, insanity, that no human being is required to or can enforce.
You're a sneaky little secularist, Patrick.

What is the context of your question?

I just think it's funny that Christians especially on the right tend to pick and choose what parts of the Old testament they want to follow. For example the Old testament says that any debt should only last seven years and must be forgiven after the seventh year. But you don't see very many far right Christians who would support that as a law. They are very picky on what parts of the Old testament and what laws that existed in the Old testament that they think Christians should follow.
Consider for a minute that there's dozens of death penalty sins in the Old Testament to include sassy children, adultery, mixing fabrics etc.

How many times does it need to be explained to you that we are not Israelites living in nomadic groups with a Tabernacle?

Are you dense?
I just think it's funny that Christians especially on the right tend to pick and choose what parts of the Old testament they want to follow. For example the Old testament says that any debt should only last seven years and must be forgiven after the seventh year. But you don't see very many far right Christians who would support that as a law. They are very picky on what parts of the Old testament and what laws that existed in the Old testament that they think Christians should follow.

Perhaps when you were a child, your parents told you:

1. Don't lie
2. Eat your vegetables
3. Bedtime is at 7:00

Two of those were just general good life advice (health, morality). One was specific TO YOUR AGE and conditions.

Can you suss out the difference? Yes? No? If you can, welcome to your first lesson on Biblical interpretation.
Who's calling for "killing homosexuals"?

Nomadic Israelites living near a Tabernacle?

The old testament calls for killing homosexuals. Some crackpot fundamentalist preachers are also calling for the death of homosexuals. Like I you said we aren't nomads living near a tabernacle. Lots of these people are evangelicals, fundamentalists and Trump humpers.
The old testament calls for killing homosexuals. Some crackpot fundamentalist preachers are also calling for the death of homosexuals. Like I you said we aren't nomads living near a tabernacle. Lots of these people are evangelicals, fundamentalists and Trump humpers.


The same bible also calls for killing those who work on the sabbath, killing a son who disobeys their parents and such.
The same bible also calls for killing those who work on the sabbath, killing a son who disobeys their parents and such.
Finding two non-related, non-interested parties who both, at the same time, witnessed a man working on the Sabbath or disobeying his parents is problematic enough. Next the court must do its own investigation. Further, any court that ruled for two executions in a seventy-year period was known as a bloody court.

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