WOKE Just Died in Florida. Killed By Stop WOKE Act

the GOP ran the dems out of power in Alabama a d the klan pretty fell apart
No the Klan is alive and well, they just wear 3 piece suits, blue and brown uniforms, black robes, etc. they don't wear sheets anymore they just have the mindset of the sheet wearers. Do you think CRT is teaching racism?
No the Klan is alive and well,

And called BLM - now they hate whites instead of blacks.

they just wear 3 piece suits,

I don't see that so much.


blue and brown uniforms, black robes, etc. they don't wear sheets anymore they just have the mindset of the sheet wearers. Do you think CRT is teaching racism?

Is teaching hatred of white people because of the color of their skin racism?

Hit your toe with a hammer and tell us if it hurts... dumbass.
Trump Sr, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott.

It has never been taught in grade school, again do you think it is teaching racism?

Fucking liar.

You Nazis love to lie - but this is so well documented that you just look stupid. Well, you always look stupid, you are stupid, and a racist pile of shit, but the absurdity of your lies is laughable.

Trump Sr, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott.

It has never been taught in grade school, again do you think it is teaching racism?
those guys mentored your master joe?

then why do you have an issue with the law making sure it doesn’t get taught there?
WOKE just LOST in the state of Florida. Gov, DeSantis just signed into law the Stop WOKE Act, which bans the use of CRT in schools and workplaces. Schools and employers who continue to push what they call DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) "training", will be treading on dangerous ground.
CRT isn't in use in schools and workplaces. This magaturd legislation, like their whole party platform, attempts to preempt problems that didn't exist in the first place. It's partisan magaturd selective enforcement, demagoguery and political theater, and absolutely nothing beyond that. I say celebrate! Give it up to those magaturds currently playing the role of authoritarian strutting around in superficial satisfaction with their brand new useless 'law'. Let their freak flags fly, I say. Eventually, they'll find it does precisely nothing to address, much less curtail the scourge of pedophilia magaturds feel runs so rampant in the country. Remember WOKE and Cancel Culture are their terms. But they use them to project it on their sworn enemy, the Democrats, 24/7.
I'm not so sure.

It looks like we may be heading into a period of autocratic White "Christian" nationalism here.

No conversation, no innovation, no nuance, just pound everything into submission with a rock.
What has he done to be considered an autocrat OR a Christian? Why is it such a terrible thing for the other half of the population to have their beliefs and opinions given an airing? From outside the state, and I DO live in coastal Alabama, I see a prosperous and efficient government that is satisfying most of the citizens at least between the panhandle down to Orlando or so. He got the majority of votes and he is implementing the policies he feels the state needs. The initiatives are being passed by the legislature. It's how democratic rule has always functioned.
So if you don't talk about a problem, the causes of it will just go away? :no_text11:
The ideological premise is simply not accepted by the majority. The tyranny of the minority is facing backlash. That's life.
CRT isn't in use in schools and workplaces. This magaturd legislation, like their whole party platform, attempts to preempt problems that didn't exist in the first place. It's partisan magaturd selective enforcement, demagoguery and political theater, and absolutely nothing beyond that. I say celebrate! Give it up to those magaturds currently playing the role of authoritarian strutting around in superficial satisfaction with their brand new useless 'law'. Let their freak flags fly, I say. Eventually, they'll find it does precisely nothing to address, much less curtail the scourge of pedophilia magaturds feel runs so rampant in the country. Remember WOKE and Cancel Culture are their terms. But they use them to project it on their sworn enemy, the Democrats, 24/7.
then the law won’t hurt anything if it’s kkk used…why you so worried?
Who Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond.

When did you first here about CRT? Do you think CRT is teaching hatred for whites? Why are you afraid to answer the question? Do you feel like other boot lickers like Tim Scott and Herschel Walker?
i don’t know, i asked how many of your masters mentors where in that pic, you mentioned those guys

I learned about it about a decade ago

Sen Scott and Walker are fine americans and inspirations to many…in particular young minority men that can see you don’t have to be a ice tea grabbing plantation boy like you stroking the cocks of old white bigots like joey xiden
Tourism is the third rail of Florida politics and DeSantis is tap-dancing on it. If he ends up costing travel and hospitality a lot of money with these antics he is going down hard.
Honey---De Santis has Florida's economy burning on all cylinders----we have to many people here----Our economy here is #1----

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