WOKE School MELTS DOWN After BASED Students TAKE DOWN Pride Decorations and WEAR USA

Science tells me that should is the perspective of biased people not nature. Science doesn't deal with things as the fragile wish they should be, but observes nature as it is in order to come to understanding and knowledge.
You are one of the black grievance whiners on this forum

How does your exalted science deal with that?
I get it…it’s a thing exclusive to diverse shitholes full of dogshit human beings…it’s what happens when you stack filth on top of filth.
Not according to the census. Seems to be a country wide phenomenon. Mixed race babies up over 200% in the last decade while pure white births aren't keeping pace with pure white deaths.
You are one of the black grievance whiners on this forum

How does your exalted science deal with that?
Deal with what specifically? To me it helps me understand what I'm pointing and laughing at you for. For instance, white reliance on fairytales rather than actual history. A poster recounted one earlier in this thread about traditional American families and I had to remind him that women, for most of American history were treated like property and that spousal rape wasn't outlawed in all 50 States until 1993. That's the difference between someone who understands facts and someone who bases their belief on make believe and wishful thinking.
Deal with what specifically? To me it helps me understand what I'm pointing and laughing at you for. For instance, white reliance on fairytales rather than actual history. A poster recounted one earlier in this thread about traditional American families and I had to remind him that women, for most of American history were treated like property and that spousal rape wasn't outlawed in all 50 States until 1993. That's the difference between someone who understands facts and someone who bases their belief on make believe and wishful thinking.
I didnt know science had a position on social issues such as marriage or racism

You are just making up stuff as you go along
I still don't understand what the big push for all this crap is about. Like since when did the government, schools and even the entertainment business get so involved in fads.
The amount of now adults that are regretting transitioning into the opposite sex is exploding. But you have to dig to find those articles and video's.
It’s satanic in nature, all based on lies, pushed by people so used to lying for a living. And the weak allow it to happen.
This moron. Getting all worked up about a noun yet insisting a man can become a woman.
What I've worked up is laughter, now not only for these Bingo children not being educated enough or having parents who love them enough to pull them aside and say hey, U.S.A. isn't a pronoun, but I also get to point and laugh at how you Simps having such a hard time understanding the difference between sex and gender. And as simple a concept as that is to grasp if you think nouns and pronouns are hard you have no chance at comprehending the other. :laugh:
I didnt know science had a position on social issues such as marriage or racism

You are just making up stuff as you go along
That's because you're a moron. Man is a social animal. You can't study the science of man without studying the sociology of man.
Charles Murray points out that educators in this country are obsessed with pushing sexual perversion instead of useful topics such as excellence in STEM subjects

Charles Murray was fired from Harvard and both his methods and his conclusions have been utterly discredited. He has been accused of conducting "racist pseudo-science".

Murray was one of the original authors of The Bell Curve which posited the idea that the USA would stratify according to IQ and that blacks would always be at the bottom economically because of lower IQ. The ONLY thing they got right in this theory is that the USA has stratified, according to the wealth of your parents - not IQ.

Not surprised to see you quoting a discredited virulent racist using "pseudo-science" to promote bullshit and lies. No wonder you believe so much that isn't true.

Curried doesent understand that it was religious people who freed blacks from slavery

He should be grateful for that

It was also "religious people" who enslaved them. In fact, nearly everyone in the world espoused some form of religion or another so everything that has happened in the history of the world, good or bad, can be credited to "religious people".

You must think that the rest of us are as gullible as you clearly are.

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