WOKE School MELTS DOWN After BASED Students TAKE DOWN Pride Decorations and WEAR USA

But you do have hope that your desperate Simp message does reach some black people, right? Because it's that hope itself that greatly amuses me. :laugh:
I’m told that the Message of Christ is bigger among blacks than whites
You care enough to disparage white people of faith
I was disparaging a poster who called me a devil worshiper. I was correctly pointing out to them that they believed in the devil, not me and that from my perspective, all religions are voodoo.
It's done wonders. The hours of enjoyment I've had laughing at what you all imagine to be rational arguments are immeasurable. :laugh:
Ok if you say so

But in spite of denials you come off looking and sounding like a very unhappy person with hangups over your skin color
Ok if you say so

But in spite of denials you come off looking and sounding like a very unhappy person with hangups over your skin color
My smooth caramel skin? You're the one that seems to be fixated on it. :dunno:
Good for them.

Bingo, they hate the traditional family template! The whole thing is an incremental approach to tearing down America

It was started by planned parenthood. And yes, their express intent is to lower population by decreasing the nuclear family and promote homosexuality among other things. Essentially get rid of everything that America was built on.

This video explains their memo and has interviews.

Here is the planned parenthood memo itself and as we can see, almost everything on it has come true and is indeed very real right now.

Telling everyone about your black - sorry “ caramel” - skin color is your aggrieved social justice warrior trademark

You're the one that seems aggrieved that my wife calls me Caramel Robbiotto after her favorite Starbucks treat. :itsok:

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