Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately

Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?
Trump calls her a liar and same with one of the accuser's cousins. Dont know who to believe now at this point.
Woman claims Donald Trump had his hands everywhere and touched her inappropriately - Full story

“He was like an octopus,” she said. “His hands were everywhere.”

She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Ms. Leeds has told the story to at least four people close to her, who also spoke with The New York Times.

Mr. Trump’s claim that his crude words had never turned into actions was similarly infuriating to a woman watching on Sunday night in Ohio: Rachel Crooks."

Who do you believe. The woman who claimed to be touched inappropriately or Trump who claims he did nothing wrong?
Gee. I wonder if the fact that Leeds has some sort of disagreement with Trump over trees on a property might have anything to do with her coming forward?
Hannibal Lecter
meanwhile has joined Charles Manson
in taking back his endorsement of Trump...
and yet dumb donald told you exactly what he does. funny how trumpsters believe the nonsense he spews but ignore the truth.

What we believe is that Trump is America's only hope to stop a radical Leftist from destroying our country. The nonsense is coming from fools like you.
After the election we need to sit down and decide are Republican end of days types claiming us liberals are destroying the nation right or is that just right wing bullshit. Seems like bs
So what has a LIB President done to help America in the last eight years?????
He became a better fucking golfer!
thats very useful
Its Karma that the GOP party of values has a thrice married twice divorced serial philanderer who considers women to be Sexual Appliances for his personal gratification ,as GOP standard bearer as its POTUS candidate...
Its Karma that the GOP party of values has a thrice married twice divorced serial philanderer who considers women to be Sexual Appliances for his personal gratification ,as GOP standard bearer as its POTUS candidate...
good post agreed

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