Woman's racist rant caught on tape.............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

One of our adopted daughters is Chinese. A few years back someone called her a slant eye. Was that because Ears was in office?

This shit has been going on forever but now it's Trunps fault. Fucking stupid
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.
Under our past leadership (Obama) minorities feel comfortable bashing anyone who is white. And they still havent stopped.
Illegal MS13 member deported twice kills John Doe citizen age 16 (a growingly common occurrence). What, that doesn't deserve at least the same amount of traction by the MSM? America knows what's up... The More the MSM sensationalizes anomalies like this the more it reeks of 'agenda' and 'narrative' & we all know it.
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

Your side verbally attacks people at restaurants and bullies people out of their jobs for being Republican. Now suddenly you care when similar is done by the other side?
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.
Blacks and hispanic's had been treated with the upmost respect for decades before Trump was elected president. ... :rolleyes:
good call
before they were complaining that they were bashed/murdered/etc since slavery---so which is it, ABIKERDUCK?? blacks were treated well before Trump?? or not?
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
yea no one was ever stupid under obama.
when will you people learn??
I've been posting these facts a long time now on USMB
whites 67% of population--blacks 13%
whites offenders in 229 murders of blacks
blacks offenders in 500 murders of whites
....understand?? there are much more whites, but blacks murder more whites than vice versa
your OP is worthless crap
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
,,you bring up ONE incident ...hahahahhahahahah ONE
you people shoot yourself in the foot trying to make whites look evil
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

One of our adopted daughters is Chinese. A few years back someone called her a slant eye. Was that because Ears was in office?

This shit has been going on forever but now it's Trunps fault. Fucking stupid

Clearly you should have gone to the news so the entire country knew about it
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."

So somebody was mean to somebody else and it’s a news story?
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita at TWICE the rate of whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can stop the white hate crime crap NOW!!!!!
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."

Tensions are definitely running high. America has always been a melting pot of culture stronger for it. While I do not personally condone this kind of behavior, racism works both ways, sideways and upside down. The MSM has worked hard for years to divide us along racial lines while championing the cause of certain skin tones and decrying the color of others. It's up to every single American individually to extend an olive branch to citizens of different cultures when appropriate with the hope the response in kind is not the wrong end of a flamethrower. You can't really blame woman this woman and her rant, she likely acted out of fear--some of which might be justified depending on her past experience but her approach is not one of understanding or representative of the average American and was likely stoked by too much media exposure.

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