Woman's racist rant caught on tape.............

I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

One of our adopted daughters is Chinese. A few years back someone called her a slant eye. Was that because Ears was in office?

This shit has been going on forever but now it's Trunps fault. Fucking stupid

Clearly you should have gone to the news so the entire country knew about it

I chalked it up to ignorance and moved on
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."

Sounds made up/staged by the lying liberal media.
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."

Sounds staged.

They just HAPPEN to be ready to film the event...
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
Sounds like a loony bitch. They should have sprayed her with the hose.
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

Your side verbally attacks people at restaurants and bullies people out of their jobs for being Republican. Now suddenly you care when similar is done by the other side?

Sorry, but those on the far right have been bullying minorities more than Trump's people have been bothered. What about all those white power assholes marching in SC? What about the white power idiot who killed that woman protester by running her over?
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

Your side verbally attacks people at restaurants and bullies people out of their jobs for being Republican. Now suddenly you care when similar is done by the other side?

Sorry, but those on the far right have been bullying minorities more than Trump's people have been bothered. What about all those white power assholes marching in SC? What about the white power idiot who killed that woman protester by running her over?

Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."

Sounds staged.

They just HAPPEN to be ready to film the event...

Considering that damn near every phone has the ability to record video, and considering that it was his mother who was filming this chick while she berated her son, no, I don't think it was staged.

How did it go down? The woman started yelling at the dude and his mother doing yardwork in someone elses (not the womans) yard. The mother saw her acting stupid, and pulled out her phone to record it, then placed it on YouTube.

No, it wasn't staged. I mean, what would be the reaction of most people on here if someone started acting like an idiot in public? Most of us have phones that can record video, and we would tape the person in question acting like an idiot so that we could show others.
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
Scripted so well you’d think it was... Well... Scripted... Because it almost certainly was. Almost certainly by Leftists. And almost certainly disbursed amongst leftist in an effort to make it go “viral”, with the purpose of smearing conservatives and/or Trump supporters. Bet.
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
Scripted so well you’d think it was... Well... Scripted... Because it almost certainly was. Almost certainly by Leftists. And almost certainly disbursed amongst leftist in an effort to make it go “viral”, with the purpose of smearing conservatives and/or Trump supporters. Bet.

You just hope it's staged so you can yell fake news.


In this day and age, damn near everyone has a phone that can record video. And, most people on this board, if they saw someone acting like an idiot in public, would tape it on their phone to share with friends and family. The only 2 people in the video was the dude and the idiot woman. The man said his mother was working with him that day. Is it too far fetched to consider that the mother would have pulled out her phone and taped the woman while she screamed at her and her son?
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita at TWICE the rate of whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can stop the white hate crime crap NOW!!!!!

Ummm................dude..................this thread is about Hispanics being attacked for no reason, not blacks.
from your OP--bold mine
Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump.
so racist rants are worse than racist MURDER/etc!!!!???????
...you are talking about racism/hate --yes?? ''things like this'' .....that opens it up to a wide variety
I'm putting your HORRIBLE '''racist rants'' into the proper perspective
don't try to deflect or spin and twist it
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
Scripted so well you’d think it was... Well... Scripted... Because it almost certainly was. Almost certainly by Leftists. And almost certainly disbursed amongst leftist in an effort to make it go “viral”, with the purpose of smearing conservatives and/or Trump supporters. Bet.

You just hope it's staged so you can yell fake news.


In this day and age, damn near everyone has a phone that can record video. And, most people on this board, if they saw someone acting like an idiot in public, would tape it on their phone to share with friends and family. The only 2 people in the video was the dude and the idiot woman. The man said his mother was working with him that day. Is it too far fetched to consider that the mother would have pulled out her phone and taped the woman while she screamed at her and her son?
I ain’t buying it. It was so cliche of Trump haters charcature of those on the right, it was downright corny. Staged...
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.
this kind of shit happened every now and then in California ABS long before trump.....while delivering mail up in the Anaheim Hills i seen this kind of shit more than once... gardeners get a lot of shit and get blamed for a lot of thefts...
I find it sad that because of our current leadership, now regular citizens feel free to bash anyone who is Black or Hispanic.

You’re out there. Racism was around before trump and will be around after trump, and racism goes both ways
Not only did I see this on the news today, but apparently it's gone viral. Seems some white woman had a problem when she saw 2 Mexican landscapers working in someones yard, so she decided to stop and call him a rapist and a drug dealer and to go back to Mexico.

Guess things like this are going to become the norm under Trump. This chick even quoted Trump when she was chewing out these people.

And finally...........................does she know, or did she even bother to find out if he's a citizen BEFORE going on her racist rant?

Racist woman berates landscaper, mother

NEW YORK (FOX 5 NY) - A landscaper working alongside his mother in Running Springs, California, was recently harassed by a stranger who said because they are Mexican they're also "rapists and animals."

Kenidra Woods, an activist, shared the video on social media.

The post reads: "A friend, Esteban Guzman sent me this video of a racist white woman harassing him while out working with his mom. 'Why do you hate us?' 'Because you're Mexicans.' 'We are honest people right here!' 'Haha..yeah.. rapists & animals.'"

Woods told FOX5NY.com that the mother and son were hard at work on June 23 at about 10:30 a.m. when the woman came out of nowhere and started verbally assaulting them.

Guzman, who spoke with the NY Daily News, said the lady started by yelling at his mother to "Go back to Mexico."

That's when Guzman stepped in to defend his mother.

In the clip, the woman is seen standing only inches from Guzman and putting her middle finger up to his face. The video shot by Esteban's mother ends as the woman tells him to "follow me, little boy."
Clearly a racist woman, showing that racism isn't restricted to males and for sure not restricted to any race. Racism runs across the spectrum.
About all we can do is judge people on how they treat you as an individual and she's shown her colors.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita at TWICE the rate of whites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can stop the white hate crime crap NOW!!!!!

Ummm................dude..................this thread is about Hispanics being attacked for no reason, not blacks.
here's another one from today--but the anti-white stuff is never headlines news
this guy could be hispanic, black or both
Video: New York thugs knock man unconscious with sucker punch, take pics and high-five as they leave | Daily Mail Online

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