Women Are Being Erased

“Women Are Being Erased”

That’s a lie.

But conservatives are trying to render women second-class citizens; the right’s war on women continues.
It is John's Hopkins who is erasing women, not conservatives. In fact, we are strongly for women being able to win at women's sports instead of having their trophies taken away by letting mean compete with them.
Get a grip. Woman are not being erased. You are just projecting from your own campaign to erase LGBTQ people from the public sphere.
I rub and I rub and they never seem to get erased. They just moan
For his multitudes of faults, failings, and foibles, Trump did us all a great service: he smoked out all the poseur "conservatives" and "libertarians" for the fucking frauds they are.
Golfing Gator is such a libertarian that he supports the consolidation of all power and control in a cadre of elites who then tell us all what we must think on all things.
Golfing Gator is such a libertarian that he supports the consolidation of all power and control in a cadre of elites who then tell us all what we must think on all things.
Taz is such a libertarian that he believes everything the corporate press tells him, and that the federal police state would never stoop to framing innocent people.
Sorry bout that,

1. Women are being erased in so many ways.
2. Thats why we see the children are not being protected by the, WOMEN.
3. Some ferry wants to make your children ferries.
4. And all he has to do if erase the women folks, they been doing it sense the last Supreme Court recipient was seated who couldn't identify a WOMEN.
5. How long will decent people allow this to take place.
6. All women will one day realize how they were disregard, and begin to realize how much truly depends on them.
7. We never wanted to hurt you, and we love you.

But seriously, no longer calling women women and instead calling us non-men is basically erasing us. We shouldn't have to be defined as nothing more than the absence of manhood.
I agree. But seriously, how prevalent is this? I have only encountered this here or in discussions specifically on transgender issues. In both political discussion and legislative actions, I am erased as an autonomous human being and my value reduced to what I carry in my uterus. That is a far more dangerous and effective erasure.

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