Women Are Being Erased

Yes, they are science deniers, to say the least.

I wonder what archaeology will be like thousands or millions of years from now when they dig up our bones. Will they say, this person was a male and this person was a female? Or, will they be saying that you can't really tell a male from a female based solely on a skeleton?
That is not what he said.
Biological men have an unfair advantage, much like those who use steroids to get an advantage in sports.

That is what I meant.

Does it mean that those using steroids win every time? No, but it gives them an unfair edge, which is why they are not allowed to do it. Injecting hormones and steroids is dangerous. As it is, natural ones are a ticking time bomb for possible problems like cancer.
I wonder what archaeology will be like thousands or millions of years from now when they dig up our bones. Will they say, this person was a male and this person was a female? Or, will they be saying that you can't really tell a male from a female based solely on a skeleton?
The Left is powerful enough to change the science books.

That is the sad part about it.
As a result of an updated definition of the word “lesbian” posted in an online glossary for LGBTQ+ terms, Johns Hopkins University has come under fire for “erasing women.”

According to social media users, Johns Hopkins is “erasing women.” They cite a glossary entry featuring “gay man” that doesn’t use similar language.

Why do the left feel that women should be erased, as in being non-people? I just don't understand it.

The devil and the left hate women.........if any party would be the party of the devil, it would be the democrat party.........the left hates women...they love power.....the left sees women as inferior to men, so they seek to erase women from life......
As a result of an updated definition of the word “lesbian” posted in an online glossary for LGBTQ+ terms, Johns Hopkins University has come under fire for “erasing women.”

According to social media users, Johns Hopkins is “erasing women.” They cite a glossary entry featuring “gay man” that doesn’t use similar language.

Why do the left feel that women should be erased, as in being non-people? I just don't understand it.
Because Lefties are sexist.
You must not be a woman.
Feminism kept mutating. American women in most designations are the most spoiled animals on earth. In earth history. Within that spectrum there are a great percentage of women who know how to play the system that gave them that advantage they never had in another time. The western world is dying. Living off the past with checks sent out and benefited accumulated from the past.
Biological men have an unfair advantage, much like those who use steroids to get an advantage in sports.

That is what I meant.

Does it mean that those using steroids win every time? No, but it gives them an unfair edge, which is why they are not allowed to do it. Injecting hormones and steroids is dangerous. As it is, natural ones are a ticking time bomb for possible problems like cancer.

Thanks for clarifying
Get a grip. Woman are not being erased.
Whaleshit. You get a grip.

“Pregnant people.”

Government officials that can’t even define the basic term of “woman.”

LGBTQ? You mean the group so confused and assbackwards it now has “lesbians” with dicks and women who don’t want to fuck men are some kind of -phobic?

And of course this doesn’t even touch on the chronic erasure of any women who don’t agree with intersectional feminist norms and their ideology and politics - why, they’re just patriarchical and something something internalized misogyny, so they don’t count and they need to be silenced.

Here is a student in college trying to argue what I am, that biological males should not be in female sports. But instead, the teacher simply failed her for using the term, "biological woman".

She basically shouted her down without a valid reason, which is because the Left has no reason or even a rhyme.
Whaleshit. You get a grip.

“Pregnant people.”

Government officials that can’t even define the basic term of “woman.”

LGBTQ? You mean the group so confused and assbackwards it now has “lesbians” with dicks and women who don’t want to fuck men are some kind of -phobic?

And of course this doesn’t even touch on the chronic erasure of any women who don’t agree with intersectional feminist norms and their ideology and politics - why, they’re just patriarchical and something something internalized misogyny, so they don’t count and they need to be silenced.

The former moderate left is stuck between knowing this stuff is crazy but not being able to go outside the groupthink by too much of a margin.

They think it makes them tools of the right.
The devil and the left hate women.........if any party would be the party of the devil, it would be the democrat party.........the left hates women...they love power.....the left sees women as inferior to men, so they seek to erase women from life......
Not too different than how they feel about blacks, Hispanics, illegals, and other minorities. The goal is to keep them in lifelong poverty and on the government tit generation after generation after generation. This is what socialism does. If you've ever noticed, with socialism, no one earns a living wage.
The former moderate left is stuck between knowing this stuff is crazy but not being able to go outside the groupthink by too much of a margin.

They think it makes them tools of the right.
If you do not agree 100% with the Borg Collective you will be severely punished. If you disagree with the collective you damn well better keep it to yourself.
I wonder what archaeology will be like thousands or millions of years from now when they dig up our bones. Will they say, this person was a male and this person was a female? Or, will they be saying that you can't really tell a male from a female based solely on a skeleton?
It all depends on whether or not these idiots ever fully achieve their perfect Orwellian woketopia.

If they do, an archaeologist would be REQUIRED to say the latter, and the population will believe them because they never received any education other than woke.

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