Women can't be trusted with their own bodies

You want an America where white people are disenfranchised and assumed to be bigoted, men are assumed to be misogynistic and women are assumed to be physically stronger than men and endowed with the power of life and death with 0 consequences. You want an America that encourages the mutilation of kids' genitals so that homosexuals can 'procreate.'
A little overkill MAYBE?
There is little chance of Comstock Law but even if there is the issue is strictly in the hands of state voters. Once they vote either way it's settled. You are grasping at straws. I'm not a fan of abortion but do feel state voters always, without question, get it correct. Nobody loses when the state voters determine issues like abortion. No body.
There is little chance of Comstock Law but even if there is the issue is strictly in the hands of state voters. Once they vote either way it's settled. You are grasping at straws. I'm not a fan of abortion but do feel state voters always, without question, get it correct. Nobody loses when the state voters determine issues like abortion. No body.
Comstock Act is federal, therefore it overrides state laws.

---How An Anti-Vice Crusader Sabotaged The Early Birth Control Movement---

Ever wonder why the same people who vehemently defend a woman's right deliberately tear to pieces her developing baby (because it's her body, after all) will, simultaneously, condemn the same woman for doing crack while pregnant? If it's her body and there's no human inside of her, and if what's growing inside of her is only a parasite worthy of no protection, why the angst when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, smokes tobacco, or does crack?

Think about it.
Finally, a sensible decision from a judge.

---Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are children---

Well if Biden is against it, we know the judge made the right decision.

---President Joe Biden on Thursday blasted the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that said frozen embryos are considered children in the state, calling it "outrageous and unacceptable."---

---Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are children---
........... if Biden (*) is against it, we know the judge made the right decision.

So, earnest poster Lenny, under that ruling that embryos are the offspring of the adults who made them, well, would the picture below be an avian orphanage?


* Ps----Lenny, you do know that Orangeman is also against the ruling too, doncha?
If you don't know that, well, why don't you?
Trump needs our support to win in 2024 and to make America moral again.

Not only has he come up with plans for a nationwide abortion ban, as president he was making strides against birth control.

---In win for Trump, Supreme Court allows plan for religious limits to Obamacare contraceptive coverage---

Gestation starts at conception and continues until birth. 25 to 50% are naturally aborted. What is harm to public under US Constitution? 231024 {post•58} ding Oct’23 Sgsaca: “Abortion should be a misdemeanor.” dvng 231024 Sgsaca00058

Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End 240323 {post•113} ding Mar’24 Saaid: “Like human life begins at conception?”
dvng 240323 Saaide00113

Women cannot be trusted with their own bodies (A) 230708 {post•1} lennypartiv Jul’24 SwcbtwA: “Once again women are complaining about laws (proposed or enacted) which make us a moral country.” lnnyprtv 230708 SwcbtwA00001

Women can’t be trusted with their own bodies (B) 240323 {post•}

Without specifying where the moral law of nature or from God comes from; Saint Lennypartiv wants to make America a moral nation by forcing full term gestation on women by banning reasonable and safe access to medical abortion in Republican white Christian nationalist controlled states.

Women who terminate a pregnancy by choice prior to 22 weeks have no effect on our national morality. That is a fact.

Saint Ding insists “Abortion should be a misdemeanor “in POST Sgsaca00058 and “human life begins at conception” in POST Saaide00113 .

If Saint Ding considers abortion to be a misdemeanor then it’s not killing a person. So even though human life begins at conception that does not mean personhood dies even to a person of high moral character like Saint Ding,

So when does personhood actually begin Ssint Lennypartiv? If you want to improve national morality to Saint Lennypartiv stsvdards at what week does the death of a fetus become more than a misdemeanor?

nfbw 240323 VwcbtwB00297 to SwcbtwA00001
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The purpose of having sex is to have children.
It's one of the purposes of having sex. Cancer prevention in another.

The exchange of hormones between consenting adults when having sex, is necessary to the both the physical and emotional well being of the participants.

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