Women comments how handsome President (44) is

Dot gets all nipply when she thinks about Barack. Unfortunately for Dot, so does Reggie Love
you and Dottie have something in common Dean.....you both worship the guy to the point where neither of you would ever question the guy....thats the kind of stuff the Parties like....hey just sayin....

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence. Republicans feel that because their hatred of the first black president is so intense, everyone should feel as they do. And if they don't, they must worship him because there can't be any other reason. He needs to be deeply hated. Because he, he, well, because he deserves it.

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence.

yea you are right and we see that difference here everyday .....but you never question anything about what Obama says or does.....you never question anything the Democrats do or say......thats what i have been saying.....NO President does things so perfect that one cant find something about his policies that you seriously dont like ....and will SAY so....the guy has been President for what 6 years now?.....and yet all you find to bitch about here is the fucking Republicans.....and its been the same old shit for the 5 years you have been here.....and yea Dottie fucking worships the guy.....geezus she is like some little girl talking about Justin Bieber when she mentions the guy.....and i dont hate the President i just think he is a lousy President and a shitty leader....thats 2 in a row now.....Bush was pathetic too.....i miss Clinton ...i voted for the guy twice and had no regrets....he at least had leadership skills and many moderate Republicans and "RINOS" gave the guy the benefit of the doubt......you dont see that with Obama....because he aint much of a leader....and i blame that on the Democrats for pushing a guy who wasnt ready for this job.....Obama needed more seasoning and the party knew that.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.
There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence. Republicans feel that because their hatred of the first black president is so intense, everyone should feel as they do. And if they don't, they must worship him because there can't be any other reason. He needs to be deeply hated. Because he, he, well, because he deserves it.

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence.

yea you are right and we see that difference here everyday .....but you never question anything about what Obama says or does.....you never question anything the Democrats do or say......thats what i have been saying.....NO President does things so perfect that one cant find something about his policies that you seriously dont like ....and will SAY so....the guy has been President for what 6 years now?.....and yet all you find to bitch about here is the fucking Republicans.....and its been the same old shit for the 5 years you have been here.....and yea Dottie fucking worships the guy.....geezus she is like some little girl talking about Justin Bieber when she mentions the guy.....and i dont hate the President i just think he is a lousy President and a shitty leader....thats 2 in a row now.....Bush was pathetic too.....i miss Clinton ...i voted for the guy twice and had no regrets....he at least had leadership skills and many moderate Republicans and "RINOS" gave the guy the benefit of the doubt......you dont see that with Obama....because he aint much of a leader....and i blame that on the Democrats for pushing a guy who wasnt ready for this job.....Obama needed more seasoning and the party knew that.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.


Everything Repubs touch turns into a shit sandwich so far. They need to contain their corp fluffer-wing of the party. OH WAIT!!! That's all of them minus the T Pee' ers
There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence. Republicans feel that because their hatred of the first black president is so intense, everyone should feel as they do. And if they don't, they must worship him because there can't be any other reason. He needs to be deeply hated. Because he, he, well, because he deserves it.

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence.

yea you are right and we see that difference here everyday .....but you never question anything about what Obama says or does.....you never question anything the Democrats do or say......thats what i have been saying.....NO President does things so perfect that one cant find something about his policies that you seriously dont like ....and will SAY so....the guy has been President for what 6 years now?.....and yet all you find to bitch about here is the fucking Republicans.....and its been the same old shit for the 5 years you have been here.....and yea Dottie fucking worships the guy.....geezus she is like some little girl talking about Justin Bieber when she mentions the guy.....and i dont hate the President i just think he is a lousy President and a shitty leader....thats 2 in a row now.....Bush was pathetic too.....i miss Clinton ...i voted for the guy twice and had no regrets....he at least had leadership skills and many moderate Republicans and "RINOS" gave the guy the benefit of the doubt......you dont see that with Obama....because he aint much of a leader....and i blame that on the Democrats for pushing a guy who wasnt ready for this job.....Obama needed more seasoning and the party knew that.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to?

because i would like you to see if you can be honest once in a while Dean.....and if anyone here is honest they would have gripes against both parties and say so....but then i have also been saying that only the Far Lefties and Righties defend their little party ....no matter what,like you just did....so i guess at least i proved what you are....are you going to dispute that?.....

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence.

yea you are right and we see that difference here everyday .....but you never question anything about what Obama says or does.....you never question anything the Democrats do or say......thats what i have been saying.....NO President does things so perfect that one cant find something about his policies that you seriously dont like ....and will SAY so....the guy has been President for what 6 years now?.....and yet all you find to bitch about here is the fucking Republicans.....and its been the same old shit for the 5 years you have been here.....and yea Dottie fucking worships the guy.....geezus she is like some little girl talking about Justin Bieber when she mentions the guy.....and i dont hate the President i just think he is a lousy President and a shitty leader....thats 2 in a row now.....Bush was pathetic too.....i miss Clinton ...i voted for the guy twice and had no regrets....he at least had leadership skills and many moderate Republicans and "RINOS" gave the guy the benefit of the doubt......you dont see that with Obama....because he aint much of a leader....and i blame that on the Democrats for pushing a guy who wasnt ready for this job.....Obama needed more seasoning and the party knew that.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.


Everything Repubs touch turns into a shit sandwich so far. They need to contain their corp fluffer-wing of the party. OH WAIT!!! That's all of them minus the T Pee' ers

and yet you say you are against Democrats in Congress who do this also.....but yet you support these fuckers when you post.....you are another one....dis-honest and yet trying to act like you are not.....its called being a phony.....
Chicks dig me MORE than they dig Obama - I'm taller, funnier and my "hands" are bigger....


I ♥ big hands on a man. It is the first thing I notice. Broad shoulders, too. :thup:

I post; you decide....


I'm not real clear where all this Obamma love comes from. He's an average looking schmoe. What's the big whup?

There is a difference between questioning someone's policies and naked hatred for their existence.

yea you are right and we see that difference here everyday .....but you never question anything about what Obama says or does.....you never question anything the Democrats do or say......thats what i have been saying.....NO President does things so perfect that one cant find something about his policies that you seriously dont like ....and will SAY so....the guy has been President for what 6 years now?.....and yet all you find to bitch about here is the fucking Republicans.....and its been the same old shit for the 5 years you have been here.....and yea Dottie fucking worships the guy.....geezus she is like some little girl talking about Justin Bieber when she mentions the guy.....and i dont hate the President i just think he is a lousy President and a shitty leader....thats 2 in a row now.....Bush was pathetic too.....i miss Clinton ...i voted for the guy twice and had no regrets....he at least had leadership skills and many moderate Republicans and "RINOS" gave the guy the benefit of the doubt......you dont see that with Obama....because he aint much of a leader....and i blame that on the Democrats for pushing a guy who wasnt ready for this job.....Obama needed more seasoning and the party knew that.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to?

because i would like you to see if you can be honest once in a while Dean.....and if anyone here is honest they would have gripes against both parties and say so....but then i have also been saying that only the Far Lefties and Righties defend their little party ....no matter what,like you just did....so i guess at least i proved what you are....are you going to dispute that?.....

Believe me, when I complain about what Republicans have done to the entire world during the last 20 years, I'm being totally honest. There is nothing Democrats have done that has come anywhere close to the damage Republicans caused this nation. In fact, Republicans have damaged this country MORE than al Qaeda could even imagine. Deficits, tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life, millions of jobs gone, tens of thousands of factories closed, massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1%. The list of their damage is endless and enormous. Way, way beyond anything anyone could have imagined 20 years ago.
Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to? Republicans have damaged everything they touched. There isn't anything about America that Republicans have touched that is somehow "better". When I finish listing GOP damage, then, I might point to Democrats. But, there is so much more to the list that is still unlisted. They keep causing damage faster than I comment on it.

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to?

because i would like you to see if you can be honest once in a while Dean.....and if anyone here is honest they would have gripes against both parties and say so....but then i have also been saying that only the Far Lefties and Righties defend their little party ....no matter what,like you just did....so i guess at least i proved what you are....are you going to dispute that?.....

Believe me, when I complain about what Republicans have done to the entire world during the last 20 years, I'm being totally honest. There is nothing Democrats have done that has come anywhere close to the damage Republicans caused this nation. In fact, Republicans have damaged this country MORE than al Qaeda could even imagine. Deficits, tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life, millions of jobs gone, tens of thousands of factories closed, massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1%. The list of their damage is endless and enormous. Way, way beyond anything anyone could have imagined 20 years ago.

well im glad for you that you trust the Democrats so much......because i sure as hell dont.....i have said for quite a while now Republicans are up front about how fucked they are....you can see it....Democrats do everything behind your back....you think they have your back....but in reality they are fucking you.....

Why should I complain about someone just because you want me to?

because i would like you to see if you can be honest once in a while Dean.....and if anyone here is honest they would have gripes against both parties and say so....but then i have also been saying that only the Far Lefties and Righties defend their little party ....no matter what,like you just did....so i guess at least i proved what you are....are you going to dispute that?.....

Believe me, when I complain about what Republicans have done to the entire world during the last 20 years, I'm being totally honest. There is nothing Democrats have done that has come anywhere close to the damage Republicans caused this nation. In fact, Republicans have damaged this country MORE than al Qaeda could even imagine. Deficits, tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life, millions of jobs gone, tens of thousands of factories closed, massive redistribution of wealth to the top 1%. The list of their damage is endless and enormous. Way, way beyond anything anyone could have imagined 20 years ago.

well im glad for you that you trust the Democrats so much......because i sure as hell dont.....i have said for quite a while now Republicans are up front about how fucked they are....you can see it....Democrats do everything behind your back....you think they have your back....but in reality they are fucking you.....
There really is no good reason to praise either party, both of which are wings of the same bird. But there is no question that the Democrats are lesser of the two evils.

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