Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.
Biblically , that's incorrect

...and legally, it's irrelevant.
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.
Doesn't matter, it's a logical fallacy to imply that something is moral/ethical because some people believe it is. Some people thought slavery was fine, did that make it right? I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but don't be surprised when people say something about it.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.
Fewer young people makes a nation more weak and easily to fall and get destroyed

Being out of balance causes this

The fewer young will be worked to death to take care of the old

Prices for all items will rise
So, responsible parents need to have more children, not irresponsible idiots being forced to have children.

This has nothing to do with abortion, because unwanted children are much more likely to be unproductive, and that will not fix the problem you have identied.

Abortion is irrelevant in this scenario.


Yes indeed abortion has everything to do with causing this monster imbalance of young to old that weakens and destroys nations . Abortions have killed more Americans than all of the wars combined
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.
But destroying embryos created for invites is OK to rabid religious right misogynists
But it IS alive. So, if it's aborted, what would you call that?
It is a termination of pregnancy, a miscarriage is called a missed ab (abortion) and the pic above is termed a product of conception. Any other questions?

Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
I'm not going to argue with you. I worked on a surgical floor and the women were all due for a D&C once the miscarrying was done, and I thought it was pretty strange that they called it a "missed" ab, too, but according to the size of the products of conception that I carried down to the lab, they may well have been 5 months or later. I am not making this up. It's not worth arguing over either. If it makes you feel that much smarter, there you go. You're smarter.

Could "missed ab" refer to any material left in the uterus after a miscarriage has happened? It could have become used as shorthand for for a patient whose had a miscarriage, due to them primarily going in for a D&C, so at that point they'd be "missed ab" patients?
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.
And again... you're not the arbitrator of morals.

I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.

Non sequitur.
I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.
But destroying embryos created for invites is OK to rabid religious right misogynists
I'm sure any life killing is ok with you.
I never claimed I was. You are not either. But I will say this. One of us is right and one is wrong. And using abortion as a birth control method is wrong, regardless of what you believe.
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.

Non sequitur.
Prog speak.
Yes indeed abortion has everything to do with causing this monster imbalance of young to old that weakens and destroys nations . Abortions have killed more Americans than all of the wars combined
What I am saying is that if your true concern is a dwindling population of productive citizens, abortion is not even close to being the primary culprit.

Birth Control is.

People unwilling to have more than 1 or 2 kids is the problem. Not abortion.

My point is that you are not making a good case for banning abortion by pointing the a dwindling population of productive citizens. Banning abortion will have a negligible effect. If you really want to up the population, ban all forms of birth control.

Abortion with the other parts of liberalism has caused a monster imbalance of young to old

This can destroy a nation because nations tries to solve that imbalance by running in the young Muslims who grow up and destroys the nation

There is no stupidity like conservative stupidity.

Abortion did not create the monster imbalance of young to old, the Baby Boom did.

Baby boomers - Wikipedia

The Baby Boom didn't end because of abortion. In fact, conservatives predicted a huge drop in the birth rate when abortions were legalized, and it didn't happened. This was confirmation of the number of abortions being performed illegally before they were legalized. What ended after Roe v Wade was women dying in emergency rooms from back alley abortions.

Wrong Dead Wrong

abortions and all parts liberalism is the cause of this death sentence of this monster imbalance of young to old

Abortions are the main cause

Next is the gay fad

Next is the women delaying a family for work or greed

Liberalism destroys nations in many ways

One big way is this imbalance of young to old and the replacement with lower IQ young who then destroys the nation with their low iQs by voting in crooks
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.
And the ultimate cause of this destruction is what?


The more wide the democracy the quicker the suicide will come

Birth control comes most from liberalism which democracies produce

Birth control

Abortion is birth control
Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
So when did you become a Bible believer?

If you know anything about contemporary christian religion, you will remember the Jesus Freak movement from the early 70s.

They turned into the born again christians of the 80s.

They turned into the far right radical extremist evangelicals we have today.

I was a part of the jesus freak movement in the early 70s. I've read the bible from cover to cover several times. I spent my tween and early teen years learning as much about the bible, jesus christ and the christian god as I possibly could. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.
Ok, so why did you deliberately twist Scripture? You obviously know that Adam was given Spirit life when God breathed into him and lost that Life when he sinned, yet he still lived physically. So what happened to you to turn you into a Scripture twister and deceiver?

I didn't twist scripture.

I quoted the book of genesis.

If you want to twist what it says into what you want it to be, that's your choice. Not mine.

I will say that people like you who do twist those words into what you want them to be are the reason why I'm not any part of organized christian religion anymore.

I agree with Jesus Christ. The christian god isn't about anger and punishment. The christian god doesn't need to "test" his followers. The christian god is all about love and forgiveness to those who are truly remorse and want to change their ways. The christian god is all about helping people and not harming them.

Jesus came here to tell us these things and help us to love the christian god. You might want to read the new testament. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temples and told the rich to sell everything they had and give it to the poor. He hung out with what society considered worthless. People who had leprocy and prostitutes.

The christian god specifically told you that you aren't to judge anyone. That's for the christian god to do yet you do precisely that while claiming to be christian.

Here's another fact from the Bible you don't like so you ignore. If the christian bible is correct, all of humanity came from incest. Twice. Once with Eve and adam. Second time with the great flood. By the way, who developed a language and taught it to a snake to teach it to Eve? How did that snake get the tongue development to be able to speak? What language was it?

You should read the book of Numbers. It contains directions on how to perform an abortion.

The christian bible clearly says that life starts when air is taken through the nose. Or I should say "the breath of life." Not before.
And if they controlled them a little better, we wouldn't need abortions.

Sure women can control their own bodies...…..except when it comes to voluntary hysterectomies. Dr's refuse and no insurances will cover it. They'll only do it if & when there is a serious health problem because of it and sometimes not even then :mad:
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.


Because men have higher logic than women that is the reason men are against abortion more than women

Logic finds the truth of an issue

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