Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Nope there are about several thousand things that must occur before birth, birth is when life begins, notice that is also their birthday?
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
Give me the reference.


You far right wing radical extremists proclaim you're christians yet you don't know what's in the bible.

Have you ever read that book? Or are you like the rest of you far right wing radical extremists and just use that book as a weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with you?

The very first book of the bible, genesis 2:7 tells you when your god believes life begins.

When the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

You really are pathetic.

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
You don't understand the difference between a spirit life and physical life. Adam was created perfect and when he sinned, he died spiritually. The Bible also says God formed you in the womb. So when did you become a Bible believer?

No, I think that passage is VERY CLEAR. Breath is life, according to the Bible. God formed Adam in his own image and when the formation was COMPLETE, God breathed LIFE into him.

There is also a reference in Exodus 21:

Exodus 21:22 - ASV - And if men strive together, and hurt a woman wi...

If God considered the death of the fetus to be "murder", why is the punishment a fine?
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
So when did you become a Bible believer?

If you know anything about contemporary christian religion, you will remember the Jesus Freak movement from the early 70s.

They turned into the born again christians of the 80s.

They turned into the far right radical extremist evangelicals we have today.

I was a part of the jesus freak movement in the early 70s. I've read the bible from cover to cover several times. I spent my tween and early teen years learning as much about the bible, jesus christ and the christian god as I possibly could. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.
Ok, so why did you deliberately twist Scripture? You obviously know that Adam was given Spirit life when God breathed into him and lost that Life when he sinned, yet he still lived physically. So what happened to you to turn you into a Scripture twister and deceiver?

I didn't twist scripture.

I quoted the book of genesis.

If you want to twist what it says into what you want it to be, that's your choice. Not mine.

I will say that people like you who do twist those words into what you want them to be are the reason why I'm not any part of organized christian religion anymore.

I agree with Jesus Christ. The christian god isn't about anger and punishment. The christian god doesn't need to "test" his followers. The christian god is all about love and forgiveness to those who are truly remorse and want to change their ways. The christian god is all about helping people and not harming them.

Jesus came here to tell us these things and help us to love the christian god. You might want to read the new testament. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temples and told the rich to sell everything they had and give it to the poor. He hung out with what society considered worthless. People who had leprocy and prostitutes.

The christian god specifically told you that you aren't to judge anyone. That's for the christian god to do yet you do precisely that while claiming to be christian.

Here's another fact from the Bible you don't like so you ignore. If the christian bible is correct, all of humanity came from incest. Twice. Once with Eve and adam. Second time with the great flood. By the way, who developed a language and taught it to a snake to teach it to Eve? How did that snake get the tongue development to be able to speak? What language was it?

You should read the book of Numbers. It contains directions on how to perform an abortion.

The christian bible clearly says that life starts when air is taken through the nose. Or I should say "the breath of life." Not before.

Christ did show anger against harm

He turned over the money changers tables and chased them with a whip

One must have anger in order to get energy to stop harm
But it IS alive. So, if it's aborted, what would you call that?
It is a termination of pregnancy, a miscarriage is called a missed ab (abortion) and the pic above is termed a product of conception. Any other questions?

Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
I'm not going to argue with you. I worked on a surgical floor and the women were all due for a D&C once the miscarrying was done, and I thought it was pretty strange that they called it a "missed" ab, too, but according to the size of the products of conception that I carried down to the lab, they may well have been 5 months or later. I am not making this up. It's not worth arguing over either. If it makes you feel that much smarter, there you go. You're smarter.

You misunderstood.

I was trying to clarify.

I never sad you were making it up. I just said I've never heard the term.

I don't want to fight with you. I agree with most of what you post. I just thought you would have wanted that information.

I'm not anymore smarter than you or any intelligent person. Intelligent people like information. I thought you would like to have the information.

My bad.
abortions and all parts liberalism is the cause of this death sentence of this monster imbalance of young to old
What proof do you have?

If you want to make an argument for banning abortion, fine, but this argument is flimsy as fuck.

A dwindling population can only mean that people are less willing to have children. Abortion is a mere symptom of that problem.

The better question is WHY do people not want to have more children?

A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.


Because men have higher logic than women that is the reason men are against abortion more than women

Logic finds the truth of an issue

To me the guy that knocks up the girl that results in an abortion is just as guilty as the girl that chose to kill the child.

We allow murder of American children as a coverup for a lack of personal responsibility. Absolutely despicable!
abortions and all parts liberalism is the cause of this death sentence of this monster imbalance of young to old
What proof do you have?

If you want to make an argument for banning abortion, fine, but this argument is flimsy as fuck.

A dwindling population can only mean that people are less willing to have children. Abortion is a mere symptom of that problem.

The better question is WHY do people not want to have more children?


Abortion is different than not wanting children

Much different
Abortion is murdering children

As mother Teresa said the greatest sin ever in human history

And the main cause of this liberalism caused death sentence of a nation. This monster imbalance of young to old
It is a very painful and costly form of "birth control," buttercup. I don't think you realize what you are talking about.
Sometimes shit happens, regardless of best laid plans and all that. I know for a fact that abortion is not routinely used for birth control. It may be done more than once and that is a shame that it has to be done at all, but you should at least be talking the reality of the situation, not unrealistic and untrue stories spread by those who would hope for your highly emotional reaction.

Birth control prevents pregnancy.

Abortion isn't birth control, can't ever be birth control and never will be.

No one can ever prevent something that has already happened.

So abortion is not and never will be birth control.

Far right wing radical conservatives love to change the meanings of words but here in reality words really do have meanings and we actually use those real meanings.

Here's what good old Webster has to say about what birth control means:

Definition of BIRTH CONTROL

Definition of birth control

1: control of the number of children or offspring born especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception : CONTRACEPTION
2: contraceptive devices or preparations

It says Especially: "especially by preventing or lessening the frequency of conception", not exclusively.

Contraception prevents conception
Birth control prevents birth.

So technically abortion can be regarded as a from of birth control. I don't advocate it being used as such as a matter of course, but tecnically it is a form of birth control.
It's killing an unborn child. Which is why if you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with two murders.

Non sequitur.
Prog speak.

Your response simply didn't relate to my post.
Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

I took it to mean what it stated. Your inability to express your meaning is the deficiency, if what you stated was not your meaning.
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

Your expansion on what you claim to mean can only illicit the same response. You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

I'm curious as to whether you have any evidence to back up your 96% figure?
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
So when did you become a Bible believer?

If you know anything about contemporary christian religion, you will remember the Jesus Freak movement from the early 70s.

They turned into the born again christians of the 80s.

They turned into the far right radical extremist evangelicals we have today.

I was a part of the jesus freak movement in the early 70s. I've read the bible from cover to cover several times. I spent my tween and early teen years learning as much about the bible, jesus christ and the christian god as I possibly could. I even talked my parents into sending me to a catholic school.
Ok, so why did you deliberately twist Scripture? You obviously know that Adam was given Spirit life when God breathed into him and lost that Life when he sinned, yet he still lived physically. So what happened to you to turn you into a Scripture twister and deceiver?

I didn't twist scripture.

I quoted the book of genesis.

If you want to twist what it says into what you want it to be, that's your choice. Not mine.

I will say that people like you who do twist those words into what you want them to be are the reason why I'm not any part of organized christian religion anymore.

I agree with Jesus Christ. The christian god isn't about anger and punishment. The christian god doesn't need to "test" his followers. The christian god is all about love and forgiveness to those who are truly remorse and want to change their ways. The christian god is all about helping people and not harming them.

Jesus came here to tell us these things and help us to love the christian god. You might want to read the new testament. Jesus threw the money changers out of the temples and told the rich to sell everything they had and give it to the poor. He hung out with what society considered worthless. People who had leprocy and prostitutes.

The christian god specifically told you that you aren't to judge anyone. That's for the christian god to do yet you do precisely that while claiming to be christian.

Here's another fact from the Bible you don't like so you ignore. If the christian bible is correct, all of humanity came from incest. Twice. Once with Eve and adam. Second time with the great flood. By the way, who developed a language and taught it to a snake to teach it to Eve? How did that snake get the tongue development to be able to speak? What language was it?

You should read the book of Numbers. It contains directions on how to perform an abortion.

The christian bible clearly says that life starts when air is taken through the nose. Or I should say "the breath of life." Not before.
So you believe that a child in the womb with a heartbeat and brain function isn't alive. You're still not understanding the difference between physical life and Spiritual life. You're deliberately twisting Scripture or else you're dumber than a rotting 2 x 4.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?

I challenge you to refute the logic in my statement.
Nor are they zygotes or fetuses. At some point a zygote DOES cease to be a zygote, just as fetuses cease to be fetuses at some point.

Personally, I have no wish for anyone to keep my body functioning on a life support machine if I'm in a vegetative state and unable to actually use it.
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

Biblically , that's incorrect


Assuming your comment above is correct. . . you think an ancient Bible trumps modern biological facts, because. . .

No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?

I challenge you to refute the logic in my statement.

The irony. It burns.

There is no logic for me to refute in your comparison of "apples to oranges" comment.
Last edited:
That isn't the point. The point is the zygote is a human being. You just don't have any respect for or any value of human life. You're missing a chip in your soul.
No. this misses the point.

The point is that a zygote is not a ‘person’ entitled to Constitutional protections.

You just don't have any respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, and the right to privacy.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

Biblically , that's incorrect


Assuming your comment above is correct. . . you think an ancient Bible trumps modern biological facts, because. . .

You assume the Bible is out of date with modern medicine and technology. The Bible is the Word of God and is alive. God doesn't live in space and time like we do.
A zygote is a human life. Go to hell.

More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?

I challenge you to refute the logic in my statement.

The irony. It burns.

There is no logic in your comparison of "apples to oranges" comment.

Your inability to see the difference between a seed and it's end product, while throwing insults as a substitute for intelligence is the irony here.
Abortion is murdering for greed

Can't wait a few weeks

So greedy so they murder to satisfy their greed

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