Women have the right to control their own bodies.

It is a termination of pregnancy, a miscarriage is called a missed ab (abortion) and the pic above is termed a product of conception. Any other questions?

Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
I'm not going to argue with you. I worked on a surgical floor and the women were all due for a D&C once the miscarrying was done, and I thought it was pretty strange that they called it a "missed" ab, too, but according to the size of the products of conception that I carried down to the lab, they may well have been 5 months or later. I am not making this up. It's not worth arguing over either. If it makes you feel that much smarter, there you go. You're smarter.

You misunderstood.

I was trying to clarify.

I never sad you were making it up. I just said I've never heard the term.

I don't want to fight with you. I agree with most of what you post. I just thought you would have wanted that information.

I'm not anymore smarter than you or any intelligent person. Intelligent people like information. I thought you would like to have the information.

My bad.
Like I said, I definitely don't want to argue over it. :11_2_1043:
Bottom line is this. Many believe abortion is murder and many deny the truth of that fact. They believe a lie. Nothing new there. There have always been people that believe the liar in chief, the devil.
Wake up

The abortion brainwashing is the primary cause. That goes to many other causes

Since abortion is pure murder

The brainwashing must be the most severe

That brainwashing is that children don't matter. That actual murder then helps the thinking of kids are not valuable

Your ignorance cannot see how you use a mental issue to cover up exactly what abortion does
What evidence do you have that proves that the concept of abortion, by itself, is causing people to not value children, and therefore, not have children?

Wouldn't there be equally persuasive evidence that other factors are causing people to not want children?

Economic hardship
Makes a woman get fat and screws up her body
Kids are a pain in the ass (I have some. I know)
Too many kids means they all have to do without or with less -- have fewer and they will have more.
General sense that the world is already way over-populated (8 billion)

I could go on listing a bunch of other potential causes that would/could explain the lack of desire for a bunch of kids, and they would be just as reasonable, or even MORE reasonable than mere concept or notion of abortion.

Your best argument is that abortion denies the unborn the right to life without due process.

You are covering up for abortion by saying there are other causes for less children
No. I am not covering for abortion. I am showing you how your argument fails. Abortion is not even CLOSE to a substantial cause of a dwindling population. In fact, it is a mere symptom of the problem. People don't want to have kids. That's not caused by abortion.

If you want to ban abortion, you need a better argument than that.
That simply is a mental issue that makes one try to cover up by speaking of other causes

The most harmful cause of less kids

Is the brainwashing about abortion

That brainwashing is lies brought to keep abortion legal and keep women into the work force to be work slaves by the crooked democrat leaders

The women in the work place helps bring down wages. This cannot last because destroys a nation of its youth
None of that is caused by abortion.

Making an obviously flawed bad argument is almost as effective as making a good argument for the opposition.


Yes you are covering up and letting a mental issue to try to be cute

The main cause of all this is the covering up the murder of kids

How can a person using chemicals to stop pregnancy then think chemicals is killing babies?

See the main cause is that abortion is not murder

And then using chemicals to kill the sperm is then the same brainwashing

Your logic is too low to understand cause and effect

Abortion murderinv of children made it seem these other stopping of kids as good also

The same harmful brainwashing

Again abortion is the cause of the downfall of human goodness and balance
A culture that believes a person has the right to murder their own child is eventually capable of any atrocity.
Wake up

The abortion brainwashing is the primary cause. That goes to many other causes

Since abortion is pure murder

The brainwashing must be the most severe

That brainwashing is that children don't matter. That actual murder then helps the thinking of kids are not valuable

Your ignorance cannot see how you use a mental issue to cover up exactly what abortion does
What evidence do you have that proves that the concept of abortion, by itself, is causing people to not value children, and therefore, not have children?

Wouldn't there be equally persuasive evidence that other factors are causing people to not want children?

Economic hardship
Makes a woman get fat and screws up her body
Kids are a pain in the ass (I have some. I know)
Too many kids means they all have to do without or with less -- have fewer and they will have more.
General sense that the world is already way over-populated (8 billion)

I could go on listing a bunch of other potential causes that would/could explain the lack of desire for a bunch of kids, and they would be just as reasonable, or even MORE reasonable than mere concept or notion of abortion.

Your best argument is that abortion denies the unborn the right to life without due process.

Evidence is indeed abortion itself is causing all the other devaluing of human life

Devaluing the balance

Devaluing the new inventions that comes from more human minds

Again it's abortion itself as the cause of devaluing human life that then spreads to birth control and not wanting kids

Like mother Teresa said the greatest sin in human history is abortion

That then brings all these other harms
Evidence is indeed abortion itself is causing all the other devaluing of human life

You can't just talk out of your ass. Your word is not evidence.

Again it's abortion itself as the cause of devaluing human life that then spreads to birth control and not wanting kids
But, none of the other reasons I listed are true or could be true?

Neither I nor my wife have had or participated in an abortion. We have 2 kids. We are not having more.


She gets really bad morning sickness - not caused by abortion
It's expensive as fuck to house more than 2 kids - not caused by abortion
Getting no sleep for months at a time TWICE was good enough for me - not caused by abortion
Having limited resources to help my children get out on their own - not caused by abortion

Again, you may have very valid reasons for wanting to ban abortion. This is NOT one of them.

Your low logic makes you cannot understand and cannot get to the point and solution

Like the other guy said

Making the murder of children legal then any atrocity can be done

That's how abortion has brought all these other factors in devaluing human life

Get some help with your low logic
When checking who to vote for

Abortion must be the top issue
Not even a top 10


There are a whole bunch of other, more pressing issues.

Abortion is losing the high logic men from having kids in a brainwashed nation that has abortion legal

These high logic men then does not raise strong and wise kids. And the nation falls
If you're pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, why aren't you pronounced alive when your heart starts beating?
Wrong dead wrong

There is no other issues that carries this ticking time bomb issue that abortion brainwashed minds brings

That simply is low logic thinking
Assume you can never get a ban on abortion.

What do you do next? What is the next issue you focus on?


Wrong there is no other issues to focus on because that is the cause of the downfall of a nation

Wise flight will begin

As the wise leaves the destruction will come faster and faster

The wise will not stay around brainwashed jury's who convicts the innocent and rewards the criminals

This is how the sudden destruction of a nation comes

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