Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Abortion is losing the high logic men from having kids in a brainwashed nation that has abortion legal
Some for birth control, no?
These high logic men then does not raise strong and wise kids. And the nation falls
Birth control does the same thing, right?

Birth control does not do the same thing

Just like no sex does the same thing

Abortion is actual murder

But it's abortion brainwashing that has made these other causes to spread

So the main cause is abortion devalues life and then it's easier to use chemicals to stop or stop sex to stop

Human life is devalued with abortion

Your low logic makes you blind to understand
If you're pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, why aren't you pronounced alive when your heart starts beating?
I started to agree with you, as that would be a great point. Then I thought about CPR, etc.

Then, I found this:

The clinical definition of death and the legal implications for staff - ProQuest

Which actually bolsters your argument.

When does a fetus have brain function, or "brain alive"?

Life is when the growth starts not when the heart begins or the other organs

The conception brings the different DNA and the first stage of life
Birth control does not do the same thing

Just like no sex does the same thing

Abortion is actual murder

But it's abortion brainwashing that has made these other causes to spread

So the main cause is abortion devalues life and then it's easier to use chemicals to stop or stop sex to stop

Human life is devalued with abortion

Your low logic makes you blind to understand
Human life being devalued does not mean fewer children. You have failed to prove that point that you continue to allege as some self-evident truth.

A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

I took it to mean what it stated. Your inability to express your meaning is the deficiency, if what you stated was not your meaning.

You are really having difficulty understanding what abortion is all about, aren't you?

Typical for a Moon Bat. Always confused about Economics, History, the Constitution, Climate Science Ethics and Biology.

Not understanding what abortion really is encompasses two subject failures.

So doe this post mean what it says or is there some other meaning I'm supposed to cunjure up from it?

You are confused about abortion, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

I'll make it simple for you. It is killing a child.

Any more confusion?
Does this right to control ones own body extend to vaccine mandates as well? Or is that where we hypocritically veer off message? :dunno:
If you're pronounced dead when your heart stops beating, why aren't you pronounced alive when your heart starts beating?
I started to agree with you, as that would be a great point. Then I thought about CPR, etc.

Then, I found this:

The clinical definition of death and the legal implications for staff - ProQuest

Which actually bolsters your argument.

When does a fetus have brain function, or "brain alive"?
Pretty early in life.
Birth control does not do the same thing

Just like no sex does the same thing

Abortion is actual murder

But it's abortion brainwashing that has made these other causes to spread

So the main cause is abortion devalues life and then it's easier to use chemicals to stop or stop sex to stop

Human life is devalued with abortion

Your low logic makes you blind to understand
Human life being devalued does not mean fewer children. You have failed to prove that point that you continue to allege as some self-evident truth.



Your low logic makes you blind to understanding what proves what

Human life being devalued DOES indeed bring fewer children

Dead wrong again !!

When human life is seen with no value why then to make and have children ??

So you were totally wrong !
Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

I took it to mean what it stated. Your inability to express your meaning is the deficiency, if what you stated was not your meaning.

You are really having difficulty understanding what abortion is all about, aren't you?

Typical for a Moon Bat. Always confused about Economics, History, the Constitution, Climate Science Ethics and Biology.

Not understanding what abortion really is encompasses two subject failures.

So doe this post mean what it says or is there some other meaning I'm supposed to cunjure up from it?

You are confused about abortion, aren't you? Typical for a Moon Bat.

I'll make it simple for you. It is killing a child.

Any more confusion?

Clear as a Bell !!
It's the woman's body. That's what we're told. Therefore, she's responsible.
And therefore, it is HER choice.
Yes. The woman will be judged by God.
Exactly. And as far as I can tell you aren’t God nor do you speak for God.
Never said I was God, but God's Word says you're a murderer if you murder an innocent defenseless human being.
G-d smote Sodom and Gomorrah for far less than 55 million murdered unborn children. So when are you fleeing the U.S. for your own safety?
Dec 2005. You ?
Does this right to control ones own body extend to vaccine mandates as well? Or is that where we hypocritically veer off message? :dunno:

I don't care if someone is so stupid as to not vaccinate. I consider it the Darwin principle in action.
Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
I'm not going to argue with you. I worked on a surgical floor and the women were all due for a D&C once the miscarrying was done, and I thought it was pretty strange that they called it a "missed" ab, too, but according to the size of the products of conception that I carried down to the lab, they may well have been 5 months or later. I am not making this up. It's not worth arguing over either. If it makes you feel that much smarter, there you go. You're smarter.

Could "missed ab" refer to any material left in the uterus after a miscarriage has happened? It could have become used as shorthand for for a patient whose had a miscarriage, due to them primarily going in for a D&C, so at that point they'd be "missed ab" patients?
Dunno. I was the Ward Clerk, not a doctor or a nurse. Like I said, though, sometimes the products of conception passed there, and I took them to the lab in formaldehyde. A couple were too large for the standard sized specimen bottles and it was in what I swear was a clear plastic cookie jar. And the patient's chart always had an admission diagnosis of "missed ab." As the Clerk, I was up to my eyeballs in every one of those charts. I am not misremembering.

I looked up the meaning of missed ab.

You're correct. It means a miscarriage.

So there's more than one medical definition of miscarriage. Which I didn't know about.

Thanks for teaching me something.
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.
Well, that specific reason is not it, but the most common reasons are:

The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%).

Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives
Nope. That child is alive way before birth. What an idiot. That has to be the most ignorant post ever on this forum.
Even the Bible states that life begins when the lungs fill with oxygen.....
Give me the reference.


You far right wing radical extremists proclaim you're christians yet you don't know what's in the bible.

Have you ever read that book? Or are you like the rest of you far right wing radical extremists and just use that book as a weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with you?

The very first book of the bible, genesis 2:7 tells you when your god believes life begins.

When the first breath of air is taken through the nose.

You really are pathetic.

Genesis 2:7 Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
You don't understand the difference between a spirit life and physical life. Adam was created perfect and when he sinned, he died spiritually. The Bible also says God formed you in the womb. So when did you become a Bible believer?

No, I think that passage is VERY CLEAR. Breath is life, according to the Bible. God formed Adam in his own image and when the formation was COMPLETE, God breathed LIFE into him.

There is also a reference in Exodus 21:

Exodus 21:22 - ASV - And if men strive together, and hurt a woman wi...

If God considered the death of the fetus to be "murder", why is the punishment a fine?
The reason why God breathed life into Adam is because adam was the first being created. I dont think that scripture is saying first breath is the beginning of life, just that Adam was formed from the dust of the ground and unless God breathed life into him, Adam would have been lifeless because there was nobody else to give him life.

Every person born since then has been given life by their mother.
Birth control does not do the same thing

Just like no sex does the same thing

Abortion is actual murder

But it's abortion brainwashing that has made these other causes to spread

So the main cause is abortion devalues life and then it's easier to use chemicals to stop or stop sex to stop

Human life is devalued with abortion

Your low logic makes you blind to understand
Human life being devalued does not mean fewer children. You have failed to prove that point that you continue to allege as some self-evident truth.



Your low logic makes you blind to understanding what proves what

Human life being devalued DOES indeed bring fewer children

Dead wrong again !!

When human life is seen with no value why then to make and have children ??

So you were totally wrong !
So, if I don't have 25 children, I don't value human life?

Logic fail.

This isn't even a debatable issue. If women wanted to regulate my body, I would have three words for them: Go Fuck Yourself.

So, yes everyone has control over their own body.

It's the main cause just by the numbers
Show me the numbers.

Show me those numbers compared to the number of children people could have, but prevented using other means (abstinence, condoms, etc.). I really don't need to see the numbers. If you think abortion is the primary factor in preventing the birth of more children, I will let you live in your ignorance. Contraception/surgical intervention has prevented the birth of at least 20 children (at a bare-ass minimum) by me personally. Multiply me by 200 Million.

Have there been 4 billion abortions?

Check the numbers from planned parenthood per year! You’re obviously very lost
This isn't even a debatable issue. If women wanted to regulate my body, I would have three words for them: Go Fuck Yourself.

So, yes everyone has control over their own body.
They don’t get to the body that isn’t them

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