Women have the right to control their own bodies.

Is a fetus alive? Yes or no
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So, you believe that a ten week old fetus is dead? Medical science says otherwise.
Medical science also does not call it a baby.
What else would you call it? At the moment of conception you had your own uniques human DNA which is exactly the same as you have now. It contained all the information of the person you would become, your hair color, your eye color, etc. You are as different today from the baby you were at the moment of your birth as that newborn baby was from the way it was at the moment of conception. For the first nine months of your life you were nurtured inside of your mother's body and then you were nurtured outside of her body for years more. Birth was no more than a marker of your progress from the moment of your conception to who and where you are today.

We all know it is a baby. We ask a pregnant woman about her baby, not about her fetus. The only time we call it a fetus is when we decide to kill it in an effort to dehumanize our intended victim to ease our consciences. If a woman wants an abortion, she should the character to acknowledge she wants to kill another human being.

I couldn't get past your first sentence. It was so ridiculous.

Feces has our human DNA in it. When we move our bowels are we killing a human? It's got human DNA in it.

An ectopic pregnancy has human DNA in it. That fertilized egg will never become a human being. There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. Nothing is done. The woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed. The woman lives.

So anyone who knows anything about science and the gestational process of human beings would do what I did.

Stop reading your ridiculous dreck and laugh at how stupid you are.
The point is, of course, that the fact the baby has its own unique DNA means it is not part of the mother's body, but a separate human being nurtured by the mother inside of her body. The fact that you claim an unborn baby is no more than a piece of shit sets you far outside the limits of decency observed by most supporters of abortion.

Show some character: if you want to kill babies, admit you want to kill babies instead of going to such ridiculous and obscene lengths to try to dehumanize your intended victims.
Abortion is legal because of the insane greed of educators and media who covers up by not explaining what it is

Insane greed of wanting the women into the work force to lower the wages on the men
You mean a ten week old fetus? No, not outside the womb.
So, you believe that a ten week old fetus is dead? Medical science says otherwise.
Medical science also does not call it a baby.
What else would you call it? At the moment of conception you had your own uniques human DNA which is exactly the same as you have now. It contained all the information of the person you would become, your hair color, your eye color, etc. You are as different today from the baby you were at the moment of your birth as that newborn baby was from the way it was at the moment of conception. For the first nine months of your life you were nurtured inside of your mother's body and then you were nurtured outside of her body for years more. Birth was no more than a marker of your progress from the moment of your conception to who and where you are today.

We all know it is a baby. We ask a pregnant woman about her baby, not about her fetus. The only time we call it a fetus is when we decide to kill it in an effort to dehumanize our intended victim to ease our consciences. If a woman wants an abortion, she should the character to acknowledge she wants to kill another human being.

I couldn't get past your first sentence. It was so ridiculous.

Feces has our human DNA in it. When we move our bowels are we killing a human? It's got human DNA in it.

An ectopic pregnancy has human DNA in it. That fertilized egg will never become a human being. There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. Nothing is done. The woman dies.
2. An abortion is performed. The woman lives.

So anyone who knows anything about science and the gestational process of human beings would do what I did.

Stop reading your ridiculous dreck and laugh at how stupid you are.
The point is, of course, that the fact the baby has its own unique DNA means it is not part of the mother's body, but a separate human being nurtured by the mother inside of her body. The fact that you claim an unborn baby is no more than a piece of shit sets you far outside the limits of decency observed by most supporters of abortion.

Show some character: if you want to kill babies, admit you want to kill babies instead of going to such ridiculous and obscene lengths to try to dehumanize your intended victims.
I think that poster has a demon.
More specifically, a human being in the zygote stage of life is A HUMAN BEING.

It's sad that most leftardz need that level of specificity. . . But they do.

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?

I challenge you to refute the logic in my statement.

The irony. It burns.

There is no logic in your comparison of "apples to oranges" comment.

Your inability to see the difference between a seed and it's end product, while throwing insults as a substitute for intelligence is the irony here.

You obviously can't even get your own analogies straight.

Abortion (or healthcare for that matter), is not a federal government jurisdiction. It SHOULD be a state issue.

No. It is a private decision between a woman and her doctor concerning a medical procedure.
Bullshit. In almost all cases, abortion is a lifestyle choice; it is a medical decision only in the same sense that a boob job or a tummy tuck is. The woman and her doctor are talking about killing a third person because the woman finds him or her as inconvenient as small breasts of too much belly fat.

A “lifestyle” choice? That is what you think having a child is? How about this: the choice of whether or not to have a child is the most monumental decision a woman can ever make. More important than marriage, career, and certainly more than a boob job.
Killing your child is a lifestyle decision some people think a woman is entitled to. The child she is nurturing inside of her is not part of her body but a distinct human being identifiable by its unique DNA which is different from the mother's.
So having a child is nothing more than a "lifestyle" issue to you.
Clearly, the decision to have a baby or not have a baby is a lifestyle choice. Your point is that having a baby when you don't want one would be so inconvenient that a mother should be able to kill her baby. There is no way an honest person would try to dress this up as anything but a mother killing her baby because it is inconvenient.
With pregnancy a woman's breasts are changed to help with the child

Abortion stops this suddenly before the breasts are changed naturally. This results in much higher breast cancer rates

This is natural law bringing pain to correct the error

If ignored by a nation then a much bigger pain comes the destruction of the nation
With pregnancy a woman's breasts are changed to help with the child

Abortion stops this suddenly before the breasts are changed naturally. This results in much higher breast cancer rates
Lots of things can cause breast cancer. This is not a good reason to ban abortion.

This is natural law bringing pain to correct the error
And they should suffer the natural consequences of natural law.

If ignored by a nation then a much bigger pain comes the destruction of the nation
You still have made no logical connection between abortion and the destruction of a nation.

Abortion is murdering for greed

Can't wait a few weeks

So greedy so they murder to satisfy their greed
I don't necessarily disagree.

It's still not the cause of a declining population.



It's the main cause just by the numbers

The baby was already made and then killed

The no penalty for abortion brought much more abortions

Abortion has killed more Americans than all of the wars combined

A person can try to be cute and say the cause is something else like its s hammer against its head

The main cause of this imbalance of young to old. With less young is the very same cause of abortion


And where did the Greed come from ??

So trying to be cute by dissgreeing only shows a mental issue and just wastes time

But what makes abortion is the highest insane greed issue over not wanting to have kids

The gay fad also brainwashed into low logic minds by educators and media adds to the number of less children and brings even more imbalance

The group that must be tried for the worst of all crimes are the educators and the media
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

I took it to mean what it stated. Your inability to express your meaning is the deficiency, if what you stated was not your meaning.

You are really having difficulty understanding what abortion is all about, aren't you?

Typical for a Moon Bat. Always confused about Economics, History, the Constitution, Climate Science Ethics and Biology.

Not understanding what abortion really is encompasses two subject failures.
With pregnancy a woman's breasts are changed to help with the child

Abortion stops this suddenly before the breasts are changed naturally. This results in much higher breast cancer rates
Lots of things can cause breast cancer. This is not a good reason to ban abortion.

This is natural law bringing pain to correct the error
And they should suffer the natural consequences of natural law.

If ignored by a nation then a much bigger pain comes the destruction of the nation
You still have made no logical connection between abortion and the destruction of a nation.


Wrong dead wrong

Abortion brings a weaker immune system to the woman causing much higher cancer rates and lower PRODUCTiVity of the nation

All people sufferers with higher costs for everything

The heAliest woman is one that has had a child. Their immune system is the strongest of all humans

When having the same car accident a recent mother will live much more than others with the same

Productivity of a nation plummets when abortion comes and brings this imbalance of young to old

With abortion people cannot see the value of life and working with life for the greatest progress

So nations looses progress

Germany has destroyed itself by replacing their young with the low IQ young. The Muslim

Abortion the greatest sin ever does bring the death sentence for nations. The nations commits suicide

It's the main cause just by the numbers
Show me the numbers.

Show me those numbers compared to the number of children people could have, but prevented using other means (abstinence, condoms, etc.). I really don't need to see the numbers. If you think abortion is the primary factor in preventing the birth of more children, I will let you live in your ignorance. Contraception/surgical intervention has prevented the birth of at least 20 children (at a bare-ass minimum) by me personally. Multiply me by 200 Million.

Have there been 4 billion abortions?

A seed is not a flower, is not a vegetable, is not a tree. It's a seed. The container of the instructions to create the end result, but it is a seed.


Since you are so obviously challengled by logic.

I will try to dumb it down for you.

An organism is an organism.

An organism that is human in origin (the organism that is the product of human reproduction) is a HUMAN organism.

Brain cells firing yet?

I challenge you to refute the logic in my statement.

The irony. It burns.

There is no logic in your comparison of "apples to oranges" comment.

Your inability to see the difference between a seed and it's end product, while throwing insults as a substitute for intelligence is the irony here.

You obviously can't even get your own analogies straight.

I'm afraid I can't get down to your level of stupid, you clearly have no idea what I'm saying, so I'll wish you good day.
It is a termination of pregnancy, a miscarriage is called a missed ab (abortion) and the pic above is termed a product of conception. Any other questions?

Actually a miscarriage is called a spontaneous abortion in the medial and scientific community.
At the hospital where I worked it was called a missed ab, even if the patient was still miscarrying when she came in.

Maybe we are talking about two different things.

I made the mistake that not all miscarriages happen in the first 20 weeks. Some, a very small amount, happen after that. It could be called a missed ab in that case but I've never heard of it.

My mom was an OBGYN, my nice is a OB, my sister is a GP. All my life they have all referred to a miscarriage as a spontaneous abortion.

I've had a couple miscarriages. Every one of them were recorded and reported as spontaneous abortions.

Here's the honest meaning of a spontaneous abortion:

Definition of Spontaneous abortion

Spontaneous abortion: A miscarriage, that is, any pregnancy that is not viable (the fetus cannot survive) or in which the fetus is born before the 20th week of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion occurs in at least 15-20% of all recognized pregnancies and usually takes place before the 13th week of pregnancy.

A spontaneous abortion is as opposed to an induced abortion. In a spontaneous abortion, it is purely accidental, that is spontaneous.
I'm not going to argue with you. I worked on a surgical floor and the women were all due for a D&C once the miscarrying was done, and I thought it was pretty strange that they called it a "missed" ab, too, but according to the size of the products of conception that I carried down to the lab, they may well have been 5 months or later. I am not making this up. It's not worth arguing over either. If it makes you feel that much smarter, there you go. You're smarter.

Could "missed ab" refer to any material left in the uterus after a miscarriage has happened? It could have become used as shorthand for for a patient whose had a miscarriage, due to them primarily going in for a D&C, so at that point they'd be "missed ab" patients?
Dunno. I was the Ward Clerk, not a doctor or a nurse. Like I said, though, sometimes the products of conception passed there, and I took them to the lab in formaldehyde. A couple were too large for the standard sized specimen bottles and it was in what I swear was a clear plastic cookie jar. And the patient's chart always had an admission diagnosis of "missed ab." As the Clerk, I was up to my eyeballs in every one of those charts. I am not misremembering.

It's the main cause just by the numbers
Show me the numbers.

Show me those numbers compared to the number of children people could have, but prevented using other means (abstinence, condoms, etc.). I really don't need to see the numbers. If you think abortion is the primary factor in preventing the birth of more children, I will let you live in your ignorance. Contraception/surgical intervention has prevented the birth of at least 20 children (at a bare-ass minimum) by me personally. Multiply me by 200 Million.

Have there been 4 billion abortions?


You are covering up for abortion by saying there are other causes for less children

That simply is a mental issue that makes one try to cover up by speaking of other causes

The most harmful cause of less kids

Is the brainwashing about abortion

That brainwashing is lies brought to keep abortion legal and keep women into the work force to be work slaves by the crooked democrat leaders

The women in the work place helps bring down wages. This cannot last because destroys a nation of its youth
A human child should have the right not be killed by its mother just because the mother doesn't want to be bothered with the child.

Only immoral and stupid Liberals don't understand that.

Well... You'd need to be pretty dense to think "not being bother with the child" is the generally the basis of such a decision.

You are mentally deficient to not understand what that means. When a woman aborts a child for convenience then that is exactly what she is doing. Killing the child because she doesn't want to be bothered with it. Doesn't want to change diapers or have the child cramp her style or make it harder for her to go to beauty school or whatever. Maybe she doesn't want to tell her parents that she was a shithead for getting knocked or maybe thinking her boyfriend would be pissed.

96% of abortions are done for the sake of convenience and that is despicable and morally reprehensible.

I took it to mean what it stated. Your inability to express your meaning is the deficiency, if what you stated was not your meaning.

You are really having difficulty understanding what abortion is all about, aren't you?

Typical for a Moon Bat. Always confused about Economics, History, the Constitution, Climate Science Ethics and Biology.

Not understanding what abortion really is encompasses two subject failures.

So doe this post mean what it says or is there some other meaning I'm supposed to cunjure up from it?
You are covering up for abortion by saying there are other causes for less children
No. I am not covering for abortion. I am showing you how your argument fails. Abortion is not even CLOSE to a substantial cause of a dwindling population. In fact, it is a mere symptom of the problem. People don't want to have kids. That's not caused by abortion.

If you want to ban abortion, you need a better argument than that.
That simply is a mental issue that makes one try to cover up by speaking of other causes

The most harmful cause of less kids

Is the brainwashing about abortion

That brainwashing is lies brought to keep abortion legal and keep women into the work force to be work slaves by the crooked democrat leaders

The women in the work place helps bring down wages. This cannot last because destroys a nation of its youth
None of that is caused by abortion.

Making an obviously flawed bad argument is almost as effective as making a good argument for the opposition.


It's the main cause just by the numbers
Show me the numbers.

Show me those numbers compared to the number of children people could have, but prevented using other means (abstinence, condoms, etc.). I really don't need to see the numbers. If you think abortion is the primary factor in preventing the birth of more children, I will let you live in your ignorance. Contraception/surgical intervention has prevented the birth of at least 20 children (at a bare-ass minimum) by me personally. Multiply me by 200 Million.

Have there been 4 billion abortions?


Wake up

The abortion brainwashing is the primary cause. That goes to many other causes

Since abortion is pure murder

The brainwashing must be the most severe

That brainwashing is that children don't matter. That actual murder then helps the thinking of kids are not valuable

Your ignorance cannot see how you use a mental issue to cover up exactly what abortion does
The abortion issue brainwashes to make people not see the value of kids

Then the gay fad comes

Then birth control

All because of greed wanting the women to work for them and not their children

Nature gives a woman much better health if she has kids compared to no kids

That is natural law of pain telling the woman she is in error

The worst health a woman gets comes from abortion

That is natural law telling her she is doing wrong

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