Women in Combat!!!


Apr 22, 2007
Women are now allowed to go into combat zones as soldiers. I support this as long as, they don't create a draft that would force women into combat zones!
Women are now allowed to go into combat zones as soldiers. I support this as long as, they don't create a draft that would force women into combat zones!

I'd much rather serve next to a drafted patriotic woman in the military than some drafted pole-smoking Liberal.
A bit late to the party on this aren't you? This was talked about at length here a week ago.
Women are now allowed to go into combat zones as soldiers. I support this as long as, they don't create a draft that would force women into combat zones!

They must force women into the draft to go to combat. You can't have your cake and eat it, too!

Thanks for admitting this isn't really about equal rights.

This is about paychecks overriding national security. The chicks want to be sent to the front so they can get promotions. Who gives a shit if a chick can't do a man's job in battle? There are bigger things at stake here. Money, honey. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.
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They wanted equal rights. So why not draft them?

I am fully in favor of reinstating the draft. Maybe after a couple of tours in A-Stan, some of these pole-smoking "peacenick" Libberhoids will gain an appreciation for how good they have it in America.
They wanted equal rights. So why not draft them?

I am fully in favor of reinstating the draft. Maybe after a couple of tours in A-Stan, some of these pole-smoking "peacenick" Libberhoids will gain an appreciation for how good they have it in America.

Or even more people will resent this country for forcing them into indentured servitude.
You know...we draft some Snooki and Paris Hilton wannabe girls and some mall rat chicks and toss them into battle against some Chinese Red Army broads someday, and there will be torch rallies in front of the houses of all the dipshits who thought women in combat was a great idea.

And hopefully the police protecting them from the mob will be chicks, too. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
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18 year old women should now be expected to register for the draft just like 18 yr old men
You know...we draft some Snooki and Paris Hilton wannabe girls and some mall rat chicks and toss them into battle against some Chinese Red Army babes someday, and there will be torch rallies in front of the houses of all the dipshits who thought women in combat was a great idea.

And hopefully the police protecting them from the mob will be chicks, too. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Actually, the gays should be sent to the front lines first. They were the ones kicking and screaming to get into the military.


What's the MOS for cannon fodder?
Mmm-mmm-mmm! I would love to go up against these babes some day. They have me at attention!

You know...we draft some Snooki and Paris Hilton wannabe girls and some mall rat chicks and toss them into battle against some Chinese Red Army babes someday, and there will be torch rallies in front of the houses of all the dipshits who thought women in combat was a great idea.

And hopefully the police protecting them from the mob will be chicks, too. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Actually, the gays should be sent to the front lines first. They were the ones kicking and screaming to get into the military.


What's the MOS for cannon fodder?

The gay dudes in those parades are pretty buff. I bet they would kick some serious ass.

And then poke it.

"YEAH! That's what you get for messin' with 'Merka!!!"
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This is something that hits close to home for me. I joined the US Army in 1967 (just out of high school) and spent 6 years in the Army, serving 2 of those years in Vietnam. Now I'm retired and have an 18 y/o granddaughter. She will graduate from high school in June and has her heart set on going to college and medical school.
Personally, I don't believe women should be drafted or allowed to serve in combat units. However should women be required to register for the draft, and to be allowed or required to serve in combat units, I can't in good conscience say that my granddaughter should be exempted from such requirements or service. If a law were passed to require her to register, and then be called to report for duty, I would not discourage or hide her from either.
Women are now allowed to go into combat zones as soldiers. I support this as long as, they don't create a draft that would force women into combat zones!

This is about paychecks overriding national security. The chicks want to be sent to the front so they can get promotions. Who gives a shit if a chick can't do a man's job in battle? There are bigger things at stake here. Money, honey. Baby needs a new pair of shoes.

.....And, John McCain DREADS.....


"There are currently 700 female pilots in the Air Force and 60 female combat pilots.

Leavitt, 46, has logged more than 2,700 hours — 300 in combat over Iraq and Afghanistan — and dropped bombs on enemy targets and avoided enemy fire."
The argument that the wisdom of putting women in combat is supported by the presence of exceptional women reminds me of the pedophile's argument that some children are mature for their age and therefore sex with all kids should be legal.
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Can you have the best fighting force in the world with an all male military?


Can you have the best fighting force in the world with an all female military?


A quick perusal of the physical fitness requirements for men and women in the military tells you all you need to know. This is about paychecks over security.
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You know...we draft some Snooki and Paris Hilton wannabe girls and some mall rat chicks and toss them into battle against some Chinese Red Army babes someday, and there will be torch rallies in front of the houses of all the dipshits who thought women in combat was a great idea.

And hopefully the police protecting them from the mob will be chicks, too. BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Actually, the gays should be sent to the front lines first. They were the ones kicking and screaming to get into the military.

They've BEEN in the military!!!!


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