Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

And you are 100% sure of this because?
At the risk of repeating myself. I have known and represented many many rapists. I have attended numerous seminars on the psychology of rape and even taught a few.

The roofie guy is primarily looking for a woman who is trusting. She might be good looking or not. She might be wearing,a mini skirt and no underwear or not. All that runs a distant second. Will she leave her drink alone long enough for him to slip something into it. Will she go to the bathroom and not take her drink with her. While she's gone and roofie guy orders her another drink, will she send it back.

No matter how provocatively a woman is dressed, if roofie guy can't get that trust, he moves on.

So what she looks like plays no role whatsoever in his approaching women?
Not if his intention is to rape her.

How do you know? Do you have the mind of a rapist?

People are lumping violent knife/gun point psychopath rapists with lazy roofie opportunist rapists.
I dont have to have the mind of a rapist. All I need to do is understand the psychosis. Its about power.

For some of them, for some of the roofie guys its a way to get laid.
Republicans are sick thinking a drunk is looking to get raped just because they are drunk. Being drunk isn't that good of sex. You want to be sober so you can enjoy it and remember how much you enjoyed it. One wonders if rape sex is what Republicans are used to.

Wrong discussion Rdweeb.
That younger women get raped more often than older one's do. If 'power' were the only motive, it would be evenly spread.
Why would it be evenly spread? Are young women more likely to be out and about or are old women?

Rape victims skew younger than any other victim of a major violent crime. If 'out and about' were the standard, this wouldn't be the case.
You avoided my question. I will rephrase it. Is it more likely that a young female is going to be more available to be victimized or an elderly female?

Absolutely. But you're missing my point. If age played no role in rape, then rape victims would be the same average age as the victims of other violent crimes. As access would be the only relevant factor. Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.

Rape victims have the lowest average age of any major violent crime. With rape among older women comparatively rare. Women over 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

I think you are right about age but I think you are using the wrong logic. There are a myriad of factors that go into choosing a victim for a particular crime.

Robbery? An older woman is more likely to have more money as well as being less likely to cause a physical challenge. They are also more prone to already be married. (crimes of passion)

A younger girl/woman may be viewed as a more desirable target because they are less likely to report it. An older woman wouldn't have the hangups younger women do.

Among the myriad of factors is physical attraction. It makes no sense to perfectly and pristinely void sexual attraction from consideration when discussing the motivations for rape. As you said, its a myriad of factors. Sexual attraction is one of them.
So says Chrissie Hynde...

Singer Chrissie Hynde has come under fire for suggesting it can be a woman's fault if she is raped.

"You know if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him," she said, in an interview in the Sunday Times.

The Pretenders singer, 63, said she takes "full responsibility" after she was sexually assaulted aged 21 in Ohio.

"If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk. Who else's fault can it be?" Hynde told Krissi Murison.

Chrissie Hynde under fire for rape remarks

How ignorant can a person be? I don't care if a woman is walking naked down the middle of the street, she is not looking to be raped. Anyone who believes a person's attire is an invitation to rape needs a good slap to the head...

I doubt anyone is "looking" to be raped, but wearing provocative clothing, or walking "naked" as you suggest will likely up the odds of a sexual assault.
Whats your rationale for that opinion?

That younger women get raped more often than older one's do. If 'power' were the only motive, it would be evenly spread.
Why would it be evenly spread? Are young women more likely to be out and about or are old women?

Well I'd say it could still be about power. Younger women are more likely to not know what to do after, and its especially "handy" for the perp in cases where the victim is known (I'd say the vast majority), are less likely to talk to the police about it because they don't want to get so-and-so in trouble.

Not exactly rape I don't think, but when I was like 12 my older cousin, idk he was like 25 or something, was staying with my parents for some reason (I'm not entirely clear on why he was up here in Alaska and frankly I don't talk about him nor care to find out why; he died like 10 years ago in a motorcycle accident so it'll never come out to my family - respect for the dead and all.) I was curious about shit and I kind of looked up to him so I went along with his "games." There wasn't any actual penetration, and he never asked that I recall, it was hand jobs and blow jobs... He wasn't really violent, but he was controlling, pushy, insistent, maybe borderline forceful... He got off on telling me what to do like I was a little kid, which I mean I kind of was so... meh went on for like a year then he moved back to the lower 48.

Anyway, I never told my folks nor anyone but my closest friend (and that was like 5 years later,) I made damned sure to never tell my exe-husband, and forbid my closest friend, who later became his best friend, from telling him (or anyone) as well, because my exe might have met him somewhere down the line o_O I just didn't want him to get in trouble, he was family, my mother and her sister would be devastated, it would have been terrible... It would /still/ be terrible for them to have to know, and now, of course, absolutely meaningless pain for them since he died.

The really fucked up part is that in my head, even today kind of knowing that I didn't know any better back then, knowing that it's socially/morally wrong for him to have brought me into that kind of shit, knowing that he obviously had some kind of sexual problem, in my mind I consented to it all so it wasn't a "crime," I certainly never even had an inkling of a thought about it in that context until I got older. Logic and law says it was, but in my head... It's very strange. I don't hate him, never did, if anything I in some way I almost appreciated the "opportunity" to learn some shit... Though to be fair, I think that might just my personal psychology; I have an obsession with learning shit. I knew it was "wrong" and we had to keep it a secret, but it was more a "Mom would be mad" then a "this is illegal," it's very hard to explain heh

But my point is, I was a perfect "victim" because of those factors, because I was young and curious, because I looked up to him, because I wouldn't want to hurt my family by getting him in trouble, because I didn't /know/ any better before, nor perhaps even after. So yea about power, younger targets are easier to control and manipulate, which no doubt is even more of a thrill for a power hungry type.
And you are 100% sure of this because?
At the risk of repeating myself. I have known and represented many many rapists. I have attended numerous seminars on the psychology of rape and even taught a few.

The roofie guy is primarily looking for a woman who is trusting. She might be good looking or not. She might be wearing,a mini skirt and no underwear or not. All that runs a distant second. Will she leave her drink alone long enough for him to slip something into it. Will she go to the bathroom and not take her drink with her. While she's gone and roofie guy orders her another drink, will she send it back.

No matter how provocatively a woman is dressed, if roofie guy can't get that trust, he moves on.

So what she looks like plays no role whatsoever in his approaching women?
Not if his intention is to rape her.

How do you know? Do you have the mind of a rapist?

People are lumping violent knife/gun point psychopath rapists with lazy roofie opportunist rapists.
I dont have to have the mind of a rapist. All I need to do is understand the psychosis. Its about power.

Women in Arabia can be raped, but no man outside the family would know anything about her body underneath the burka. Then both would be killed, and yet men still rape.

Covering the body is not guarantee a women will not get raped, and barely dressed does not mean she will.
Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.
Not quite.

Persons age 50 or older made up:
30% of the population,
12% of murder victims, and
7% of serious violent crime


I'm speaking of average age. The average age of a murder victim for example....is 34. The average age of a robbery victim is 30. But rape? The average age is 26. The youngest of any major violent crime. With a full 1/5th of all rapes occurring among women age 18 to 21.

Just those 3 years.

While women who are over 50 are less than 3% of rape victims. Despite being a vastly larger demo.
That's because the average age of all victims of violent crime skews young.

Persons under 25 made up almost 50% of everyone
suffering a serious violent crime and almost
56% of rape/sexual assault victims.
Why would it be evenly spread? Are young women more likely to be out and about or are old women?

Rape victims skew younger than any other victim of a major violent crime. If 'out and about' were the standard, this wouldn't be the case.
You avoided my question. I will rephrase it. Is it more likely that a young female is going to be more available to be victimized or an elderly female?

Absolutely. But you're missing my point. If age played no role in rape, then rape victims would be the same average age as the victims of other violent crimes. As access would be the only relevant factor. Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.

Rape victims have the lowest average age of any major violent crime. With rape among older women comparatively rare. Women over 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

I think you are right about age but I think you are using the wrong logic. There are a myriad of factors that go into choosing a victim for a particular crime.

Robbery? An older woman is more likely to have more money as well as being less likely to cause a physical challenge. They are also more prone to already be married. (crimes of passion)

A younger girl/woman may be viewed as a more desirable target because they are less likely to report it. An older woman wouldn't have the hangups younger women do.

Among the myriad of factors is physical attraction. It makes no sense to perfectly and pristinely void sexual attraction from consideration when discussing the motivations for rape. As you said, its a myriad of factors. Sexual attraction is one of them.
No. Sexual attraction has nothing to do with rape at all. That's why rape victims can be 84 years old, wearing diapers, confined to a wheel chair.
Okay, no excuse for rape, but, you go out on a date with this woman below, she comes up to your place for a drink, is sitting on your lap grinding on you and making out but, says she's not that kind of girl.

I would think it would be difficult for a guy to stop... but what do I know?

At the risk of repeating myself. I have known and represented many many rapists. I have attended numerous seminars on the psychology of rape and even taught a few.

The roofie guy is primarily looking for a woman who is trusting. She might be good looking or not. She might be wearing,a mini skirt and no underwear or not. All that runs a distant second. Will she leave her drink alone long enough for him to slip something into it. Will she go to the bathroom and not take her drink with her. While she's gone and roofie guy orders her another drink, will she send it back.

No matter how provocatively a woman is dressed, if roofie guy can't get that trust, he moves on.

So what she looks like plays no role whatsoever in his approaching women?
Not if his intention is to rape her.

How do you know? Do you have the mind of a rapist?

People are lumping violent knife/gun point psychopath rapists with lazy roofie opportunist rapists.
I dont have to have the mind of a rapist. All I need to do is understand the psychosis. Its about power.

For some of them, for some of the roofie guys its a way to get laid.
You can get laid without roofies.
So what she looks like plays no role whatsoever in his approaching women?
Not if his intention is to rape her.

How do you know? Do you have the mind of a rapist?

People are lumping violent knife/gun point psychopath rapists with lazy roofie opportunist rapists.
I dont have to have the mind of a rapist. All I need to do is understand the psychosis. Its about power.

For some of them, for some of the roofie guys its a way to get laid.
You can get laid without roofies.

I've always gotten laid without roofies.

Now mutual consensual inebriation on the other hand....
What some on this thread are saying is that they'd be more likely to rape a woman in a bikini than a woman in a business suit. That's pretty messed up.

I'm saying men are more likely to be aroused by seeing a woman wearing a bikini than a business suit. Do you disagree with that ?
Drunk women aren't sexy to me. Neither are stinkos or droolers. And I never want to get barfed on or catch something.

I didn't say anything about being drunk.
Why would it be evenly spread? Are young women more likely to be out and about or are old women?

Rape victims skew younger than any other victim of a major violent crime. If 'out and about' were the standard, this wouldn't be the case.
You avoided my question. I will rephrase it. Is it more likely that a young female is going to be more available to be victimized or an elderly female?

Absolutely. But you're missing my point. If age played no role in rape, then rape victims would be the same average age as the victims of other violent crimes. As access would be the only relevant factor. Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.

Rape victims have the lowest average age of any major violent crime. With rape among older women comparatively rare. Women over 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

I think you are right about age but I think you are using the wrong logic. There are a myriad of factors that go into choosing a victim for a particular crime.

Robbery? An older woman is more likely to have more money as well as being less likely to cause a physical challenge. They are also more prone to already be married. (crimes of passion)

A younger girl/woman may be viewed as a more desirable target because they are less likely to report it. An older woman wouldn't have the hangups younger women do.

Among the myriad of factors is physical attraction. It makes no sense to perfectly and pristinely void sexual attraction from consideration when discussing the motivations for rape. As you said, its a myriad of factors. Sexual attraction is one of them.

I'm not voiding sexual attraction as a factor. I'm dismissing it as the primary factor in rape.
What is with you idiots putting up pictures of women to prove they would be easily raped? Do you really have such a low opinion of men in general?
Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.
Not quite.

Persons age 50 or older made up:
30% of the population,
12% of murder victims, and
7% of serious violent crime


I'm speaking of average age. The average age of a murder victim for example....is 34. The average age of a robbery victim is 30. But rape? The average age is 26. The youngest of any major violent crime. With a full 1/5th of all rapes occurring among women age 18 to 21.

Just those 3 years.

While women who are over 50 are less than 3% of rape victims. Despite being a vastly larger demo.
That's because the average age of all victims of violent crime skews young.

Persons under 25 made up almost 50% of everyone
suffering a serious violent crime and almost
56% of rape/sexual assault victims.

But rape victims skew the youngers. On average 8 years younger than murder victims. 4 years younger than robbery victims. With a full 1/5th of all rape victims being between 18 and 21. They are only 7% of the population but 21% of rape victims.
Rape victims skew younger than any other victim of a major violent crime. If 'out and about' were the standard, this wouldn't be the case.
You avoided my question. I will rephrase it. Is it more likely that a young female is going to be more available to be victimized or an elderly female?

Absolutely. But you're missing my point. If age played no role in rape, then rape victims would be the same average age as the victims of other violent crimes. As access would be the only relevant factor. Yet victims of murder, assault, robbery, etc......all skew older. Much older.

Rape victims have the lowest average age of any major violent crime. With rape among older women comparatively rare. Women over 50 make up less than 3% of rape victims.

I think you are right about age but I think you are using the wrong logic. There are a myriad of factors that go into choosing a victim for a particular crime.

Robbery? An older woman is more likely to have more money as well as being less likely to cause a physical challenge. They are also more prone to already be married. (crimes of passion)

A younger girl/woman may be viewed as a more desirable target because they are less likely to report it. An older woman wouldn't have the hangups younger women do.

Among the myriad of factors is physical attraction. It makes no sense to perfectly and pristinely void sexual attraction from consideration when discussing the motivations for rape. As you said, its a myriad of factors. Sexual attraction is one of them.

I'm not voiding sexual attraction as a factor. I'm dismissing it as the primary factor in rape.

I think its relevant enough that not drawing attention to yourself can significantly reduce the odds of being raped.
So says Chrissie Hynde...

Singer Chrissie Hynde has come under fire for suggesting it can be a woman's fault if she is raped.

"You know if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him," she said, in an interview in the Sunday Times.

The Pretenders singer, 63, said she takes "full responsibility" after she was sexually assaulted aged 21 in Ohio.

"If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk. Who else's fault can it be?" Hynde told Krissi Murison.

Chrissie Hynde under fire for rape remarks

How ignorant can a person be? I don't care if a woman is walking naked down the middle of the street, she is not looking to be raped. Anyone who believes a person's attire is an invitation to rape needs a good slap to the head...

This crap doesn't even rise to the level of tabloid trash. Your Hollywood driven news media is a joke.
It is not how a woman is dressed but if she is vulnerable, walking alone in a dark street or living alone and a door ow window is unlocked.

Clothing does not invite rape. A sick mind and opportunity do.

Date rape and drugs have their own opportunities.

Rape of children is also different and usually by someone the family knows.

Snatch and grab or luring a child into an unsafe situation has its own patterns.

Dress or undress is not a cause of rape.
What some on this thread are saying is that they'd be more likely to rape a woman in a bikini than a woman in a business suit. That's pretty messed up.

I'm saying men are more likely to be aroused by seeing a woman wearing a bikini than a business suit. Do you disagree with that ?
No. I disagree that arousal = rape.

A slender attractive woman in a bikini is likely to be more arousing to a man than a woman in a business suit. Yes/no ?

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