CDZ Women should embrace both owning and carrying guns as acts of personal empowerment.

Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

No you weren't ... :21:


Sure I was...the only conclusion that one can draw is that you're more likely to kill or injure yourself if you have a gun in the house; thus you're not safer with a gun. Facts are not your friend.

No, that's "the only conclusion to draw" merely because it's the only conclusion you will accept, and will remain so regardless of what facts you are given.

In the case of suicide, the danger to you is not the gun, or the poison, or the hanging rope, or the whatever. It is your own will to die. Period. Short of being enclosed in a bubble and put on 24/7 suicide watch, no amount of "taking away dangerous objects" is going to change that.
Statistics indicate otherwise. You're far more likely to be the victim of gun violence if you have a gun in the house. Something I found surprising was that over once a day, someone accidentally shoots and kills themselves with a gun (and this is a "record low"???). Add that to the 20,000 +/- suicides via firearms daily.... You're better off without one.

Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales

Can you determine which number is bigger when you are given different numbers? I ask because the facts, the stats and the reality show that you are wrong when you say you are better off without a gun......

Americans use their guns to stop violent criminal attack on average, 1,500,000 times a year....that is according to bill clinton's Department of Justice gun self defense study, and it is backed up by barak obama's CDC research in 2013....

there were 495 accidental gun deaths in 2016.... v 1,500,000 self defense actions with guns in the United States...

Can you tell which number is bigger...?

There were 11,004 gun murders in 2016....70-80% of the victims were criminals murdered by other criminals.....

11,004 gun murder victims v 1,500,000 self defense actions with guns...

Can you tell which number is bigger?
My wife could be the victim of any stronger male wishing to harm her. However, as long as she has her Sig nobody is going to do much harm to her.

Guns are the great equalizer. God bless our Bill of Rights so that she can protect herself if the need be.
Good for you.....but someone offering polite help and you act like that? It is your Right in Maryland to own and also carry a was also the Right of Black Americans to sit at those lunch counters when the democrats refused to let them under Jim have the Right, they have taken it from you...

Nobody has taken anything from me, but you are trying hard. Orders, control moves, put downs. Back off!! A pile of "you do what I tell you, woman," is hardly polite. I'm guessing you don't have any women in your life. I liked your question, I answered your question, I don't need a lot of instruction from you or any other man about how to live.

Jeepers creepers, men, you know?? A lot of them, there is something just wrong with them.

I didn't tell you to do anything, I made a suggestion based on experience and research that you do not have yet.....

I have a strong suspicion that you don't have men in your life...and if you sad for them...
Statistics indicate otherwise. You're far more likely to be the victim of gun violence if you have a gun in the house. Something I found surprising was that over once a day, someone accidentally shoots and kills themselves with a gun (and this is a "record low"???). Add that to the 20,000 +/- suicides via firearms daily.... You're better off without one.

Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales

You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Your point has no meaning because actual research shows that the homes where the majority of those "accidents" happen are dysfunctional....crime, drug and alcohol abuse trying to say that normal people having a gun or carrying a gun is unusually dangerous is just silly....

Here...actual research...

You Know Less Than You Think About Guns

Is Having a Gun in the Home Inherently Deadly?

The idea that keeping a gun in the home puts owners and their families at elevated risk first rose to prominence in a 1993 New England Journal of Medicine article by Arthur Kellermann and his colleagues. "Although firearms are often kept in homes for personal protection," they concluded, "this study shows that the practice is counterproductive."

The study has many flaws. In addition to the predictable failure to establish causality, there's a more glaring irregularity: Slightly less than half of the murders Kellermann studied were actually committed with a gun (substantially less than the national average in 1993 of around 71 percent). And even in those cases he failed to establish that the gun owners were killed with their own guns. If even a small percentage of them weren't, given that more than half of the murders were notcommitted with guns, the causal relevance of the harmed being gun owners is far less clear. (The study found that even more dangerous risks than having a gun at home included living alone, using drugs, or being a renter.)

A 2013 literature review in the journal Aggression and Violent Behavior, written by the University of Utrecht psychologist Wolfgang Stroebe, starts with Kellermann but rejects the idea that firearm possession is "a primary cause of either suicide or homicide." However, he writes, "since guns are more effective means for [actually killing someone] than poison or other weapons, the rate of firearm possession can be expected to be positively related to overall rates of suicide and homicide." But even then we can't be sure of causality, since guns might be the choice of people with more serious lethal intent, against themselves or others, to begin with.

Stroebe notes that the two major post-Kellermann studies most often used to demonstrate an association between gun ownership and risk of homicide shared one of Kellermann's fatal flaws: They offer no information about whether the gun used to kill the gun owners was their own. And despite Kellermann's finding that living alone was very risky, one of the follow-ups, a 2004 study by Linda Dahlberg and colleagues, found that it was only those with roommates who faced a higher risk of a specifically gun-related homicide.
"Feminist propaganda" is all in favor of arming for self-defense? What feminist group are YOU talking to?

And while I am not, and never have claimed to be, "the whole of womanhood", I am a hell of a lot more of womanhood than YOU are.
Really,,,have you been watching any of the protests......offered to get my wife a pistol for her office, she does taxes and works there have been some lib gals here admit to owning a weapon but you dont see any lib organized female support for 2A or open carry....

Oh, okay. I cite my experience, and I get "are you the whole of womanhood?" And then you cite your wife, and THAT proves something?

Let me ask you something: has your wife ever been the victim of a violent crime? Because I have. If your wife doesn't want a gun, then that's certainly her choice to make. But do NOT condescend to me about MY safety based on what your wife thinks and feels and believes, and FOR SURE don't condescend to me based on what YOU think women in general think, or should think.

Maybe I can help answering this condescending issue. People think that they can control women. Interesting that women play along with that. Controlling an attacker with a gun that you are pointing at him is a special skill. Can women enjoy the sporting value of hand guns and rifles? I think it is fun to go to the range with girls. Target practice is an empowering feeling. What is your opinion?

I have always enjoyed target practice, probably because I have a natural skill for aim. For entertainment value, I prefer archery. Either way, it's always fun to encounter men who want to patronize me and assume I don't know which end of the weapon to point. Come to that, my natural aim also makes me quite good at pool, and it's never a good night out without letting some ass napkin explain ALL about what I'm doing wrong and how I "should" be playing, and then running the rest of the table on him.

As you can imagine, I don't have a lot of tolerance for men who want to treat my femaleness as though it were a birth defect.
Care to comment on what I actually said?

Did that already. The post you have responded to here was not addressed toward you, so I'm not obligated to "comment on what you said" when talking to someone else.

Get the hell over yourself.
Statistics indicate otherwise. You're far more likely to be the victim of gun violence if you have a gun in the house. Something I found surprising was that over once a day, someone accidentally shoots and kills themselves with a gun (and this is a "record low"???). Add that to the 20,000 +/- suicides via firearms daily.... You're better off without one.

Accidental gun deaths hit record low, even amid recent boom in firearms sales

You know why you're "more likely to be a victim of gun violence" if you have a gun in your house? Because statistically, you're more likely to live in a high-crime neighborhood if you have a gun in your house, because that's WHY you have a gun in your house.

And yes, less than 1% of all accidental deaths (did you miss that part of your article?) is both a record low, and quite good. More people die from accidentally drowning.

Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts | Home and Recreational Safety | CDC Injury Center

Don't even get me started on the notion of "prevent suicide by taking guns". As if the guns are talking people into killing themselves.

More than one accidental death per day by gunshot (presumably by the gun owners or a close friend with a weapon) is not "quite good". To put that in perspective, we have more accidental killings per year than other developed nations have in total. As far as the neighborhood thing; I thought the "good guy with a gun" would take care of the crime in the neighborhood. Are gun owners just pussies or what?

Guess we gotta ban cars huh CC. helluva lot more accidental deaths with them.

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Actually, getting a gun requires more paperwork....and guns are a Right, cars aren't......but if you have a gun in the home and a car, you will most likely be killed in the car...

Accidental gun deaths are nowhere close to car deaths...even gun murder isn't even close to accidental car deaths....

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC




gun murder 2016....


Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Cars are far more dangerous than guns........

But I will ask you. Why do you want to make the rapists of this world jobs any easier than they already are?

Because candycorn is well aware that if you scream, vomit and/or piss yourself to stop a rapist ... You aren't a pussy like those gun owners.


Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

This old lie...

Japan, China and Korea all have extreme gun control.....only criminals and cops can have guns in those countries....and their suicide rates are higher than ours..they don't use guns, they jump off buildings, in front of trains or use waiting period at all.....and they still kill themselves at higher rates....

And, since you don't know what you are talking about....actual research...

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Driving is a privilege, not a right ... That's even a question on the current driver's license exam in the state where I live ... :thup:


Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.

And, there is no minimum age to buy a car, is the left implying they want no minimum age to buy a gun?

I think it depends on the State. In NY I know I had to show my valid license before I could take possession of my new car.

What do they do about people who buy cars for the purpose of someone else driving them around?
Hey, if you want to make the use of firearms equal to the hoops you have to jump through to drive a car, I'm with you. Feel like going there...Huh Pop?

Driving is a privilege, not a right ... That's even a question on the current driver's license exam in the state where I live ... :thup:


Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.

And, there is no minimum age to buy a car, is the left implying they want no minimum age to buy a gun?

I think it depends on the State. In NY I know I had to show my valid license before I could take possession of my new car.

What do they do about people who buy cars for the purpose of someone else driving them around?

That person probably has to take delivery of the vehicle, or someone else with a license.
Let me end CC delusion quickly

You don’t need license, registration or insurance to buy or drive or carry (trailer) a car.

You need those to drive on publicly roadways.

If we equate those to guns, then the only time you would need to register, license or insure a gun would be when using it at a publicly funded shooting range.

Ok, what’s the point CC?

I think that depends on the state you live in. In my state, it is illegal to have a car that is not registered and insured on your property. You will get fined for it and keep getting fined until you either get it legalized or get rid of it.

There is no such law if the car is properly stored.

It depends on your state's laws. In some states, the only people who can keep unregistered cars are car dealerships or people who obtain a special license or tag for their car.

Can I keep an uninsured and unregistered car in my parking?

Respectfully, read the link. The street and public parking lots are tax payer funded.

Keeping an unregistered car in your garage is not illegal. And if it’s a private parking garage? It is the garage owners decision.

That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.
Just reporting the facts.

I would theorize that the 20,000 or so suicides by gunshot are not done by people who decide they want to kill themselves, go out and buy a gun, wait five days or whatever, and then go home and do it. The gun is there so they tragically take their own lives. As for the accidental hit jobs they perform on themselves; just blood over the dam.

No you weren't ... :21:


Sure I was...the only conclusion that one can draw is that you're more likely to kill or injure yourself if you have a gun in the house; thus you're not safer with a gun. Facts are not your friend.

There are over 600 million guns in private hands.....over 90 million homes with those guns, likely far more....and over 17 million people carry their guns for self defense....

accidental gun death in a country of over 320 million people...


Now......with that can we take any point you make as being rational....given the actual numbers, the facts, and the reality....?
I think that depends on the state you live in. In my state, it is illegal to have a car that is not registered and insured on your property. You will get fined for it and keep getting fined until you either get it legalized or get rid of it.

There is no such law if the car is properly stored.

It depends on your state's laws. In some states, the only people who can keep unregistered cars are car dealerships or people who obtain a special license or tag for their car.

Can I keep an uninsured and unregistered car in my parking?

Respectfully, read the link. The street and public parking lots are tax payer funded.

Keeping an unregistered car in your garage is not illegal. And if it’s a private parking garage? It is the garage owners decision.

That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.

Whatever the reason, they will ticket you for having an unregistered vehicle parked in your yard was the point. They are strict with cars and registering them, but driving or owning a car is not a right anyways, so it is a moot point. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. The liberals trying to compare owning a gun to owning a car are just trying to confuse issues and comparing apples to oranges.
There is no such law if the car is properly stored.

It depends on your state's laws. In some states, the only people who can keep unregistered cars are car dealerships or people who obtain a special license or tag for their car.

Can I keep an uninsured and unregistered car in my parking?

Respectfully, read the link. The street and public parking lots are tax payer funded.

Keeping an unregistered car in your garage is not illegal. And if it’s a private parking garage? It is the garage owners decision.

That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.

Whatever the reason, they will ticket you for having an unregistered vehicle parked in your yard was the point. They are strict with cars and registering them, but driving or owning a car is not a right anyways, so it is a moot point. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. The liberals trying to compare owning a gun to owning a car are just trying to confuse issues and comparing apples to oranges.

I do not want to argue, but no, you do not have to have a license to own a car, you do a gun. Both are equally deadly, but the one that is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected right requires what the not protected right does not.

And that is the point.
Driving is a privilege, not a right ... That's even a question on the current driver's license exam in the state where I live ... :thup:


Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.

And, there is no minimum age to buy a car, is the left implying they want no minimum age to buy a gun?

I think it depends on the State. In NY I know I had to show my valid license before I could take possession of my new car.

What do they do about people who buy cars for the purpose of someone else driving them around?

That person probably has to take delivery of the vehicle, or someone else with a license.

Sounds ridiculous. I'm a rich person living in New York, and I have to have my chauffeur buy my car for me?

On the other hand, lots of things about living in New York sound ridiculous to me, which is likely why I don't live there.
It depends on your state's laws. In some states, the only people who can keep unregistered cars are car dealerships or people who obtain a special license or tag for their car.

Can I keep an uninsured and unregistered car in my parking?

Respectfully, read the link. The street and public parking lots are tax payer funded.

Keeping an unregistered car in your garage is not illegal. And if it’s a private parking garage? It is the garage owners decision.

That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.

Whatever the reason, they will ticket you for having an unregistered vehicle parked in your yard was the point. They are strict with cars and registering them, but driving or owning a car is not a right anyways, so it is a moot point. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. The liberals trying to compare owning a gun to owning a car are just trying to confuse issues and comparing apples to oranges.

I do not want to argue, but no, you do not have to have a license to own a car, you do a gun. Both are equally deadly, but the one that is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected right requires what the not protected right does not.

And that is the point.

I said the CAR has to be REGISTERED, and that is the case in some states.
Plus imagine how much more of a pain being at the DMV would be if the powers in charge didn't want people to get licenses.

A 3 hour hell marathon would turn into weeks of multiple visits, fees in the thousands of dollars, and multiple rejections because some DMV employee didn't feel that your really "needed" to drive a car.

also, going to a dealer would mean a 30 day waiting period before you got your car, after you paid for it.

And, there is no minimum age to buy a car, is the left implying they want no minimum age to buy a gun?

I think it depends on the State. In NY I know I had to show my valid license before I could take possession of my new car.

What do they do about people who buy cars for the purpose of someone else driving them around?

That person probably has to take delivery of the vehicle, or someone else with a license.

Sounds ridiculous. I'm a rich person living in New York, and I have to have my chauffeur buy my car for me?

On the other hand, lots of things about living in New York sound ridiculous to me, which is likely why I don't live there.

Unless of course you have a valid license.

If you were said rich person you probably would just send your valet to pick up the car.
Respectfully, read the link. The street and public parking lots are tax payer funded.

Keeping an unregistered car in your garage is not illegal. And if it’s a private parking garage? It is the garage owners decision.

That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.

Whatever the reason, they will ticket you for having an unregistered vehicle parked in your yard was the point. They are strict with cars and registering them, but driving or owning a car is not a right anyways, so it is a moot point. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. The liberals trying to compare owning a gun to owning a car are just trying to confuse issues and comparing apples to oranges.

I do not want to argue, but no, you do not have to have a license to own a car, you do a gun. Both are equally deadly, but the one that is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected right requires what the not protected right does not.

And that is the point.

I said the CAR has to be REGISTERED, and that is the case in some states.

If you are talking about California, then here is the law:

SECTION 4000-4023

4000. (a) (1) No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a
highway, or in an offstreet public parking facility, any motor
vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole or pipe dolly, or logging dolly,
unless it is registered and the appropriate fees have been paid under
this code or registered under the permanent trailer identification
program, except that an off-highway motor vehicle which displays an
identification plate or device issued by the department pursuant to
Section 38010 may be driven, moved, or left standing in an offstreet
public parking facility without being registered or paying
registration fees.

(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "offstreet public parking
facility" means either of the following:
(A) Any publicly owned parking facility.
(B) Any privately owned parking facility for which no fee for the
privilege to park is charged and which is held open for the common
public use of retail customers.
(3) This subdivision does not apply to any motor vehicle stored in
a privately owned offstreet parking facility by, or with the express
permission of, the owner of the privately owned offstreet parking

(b) No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a highway
any motor vehicle, as defined in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section
39010) of Part 1 of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, which
has been registered in violation of Part 5 (commencing with Section
43000) of that Division 26.
(c) Subdivisions (a) and (b) do not apply to off-highway motor
vehicles operated pursuant to Sections 38025 and 38026.5.
(d) This section does not apply, following payment of fees due for
registration, during the time that registration and transfer is
being withheld by the department pending the investigation of any use
tax due under the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(e) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a vehicle that is towed by a
tow truck on the order of a sheriff, marshal, or other official
acting pursuant to a court order or on the order of a peace officer
acting pursuant to this code.
(f) Subdivision (a) applies to a vehicle that is towed from a
highway or offstreet parking facility under the direction of a
highway service organization when that organization is providing
emergency roadside assistance to that vehicle. However, the operator
of a tow truck providing that assistance to that vehicle is not
responsible for the violation of subdivision (a) with respect to that
vehicle. The owner of an unregistered vehicle that is disabled and
located on private property, shall obtain a permit from the
department pursuant to Section 4003 prior to having the vehicle towed
on the highway.
(g) For purposes of this section, possession of a California
driver's license by the registered owner of a vehicle shall give rise
to a rebuttable presumption that the owner is a resident of

I dunno, but that seems to say you don't have to register a car if stored on your own private property, or the private property of another, in which that is not kept in common with other residents, with the owners permission.
And, there is no minimum age to buy a car, is the left implying they want no minimum age to buy a gun?

I think it depends on the State. In NY I know I had to show my valid license before I could take possession of my new car.

What do they do about people who buy cars for the purpose of someone else driving them around?

That person probably has to take delivery of the vehicle, or someone else with a license.

Sounds ridiculous. I'm a rich person living in New York, and I have to have my chauffeur buy my car for me?

On the other hand, lots of things about living in New York sound ridiculous to me, which is likely why I don't live there.

Unless of course you have a valid license.

If you were said rich person you probably would just send your valet to pick up the car.

Or have it delivered, I suppose. I wouldn't fall off my chair in shock to learn there are all manner of special provisions for the people with the money to qualify for them.
That is not true. It says right in there that as far as parking an unregistered car in your driveway, it depends on the state, and I know this for a fact because it happened to a neighbor of mine who kept getting tickets for having an unregistered vehicle (her daughter's car) parked in her yard until she finally made her daughter get it registered.

That's likely more of a "the neighbors don't want you to start a junkyard of derelict cars" sort of thing. I know that was the city ordinance in my old neighborhood for precisely that reason.

Whatever the reason, they will ticket you for having an unregistered vehicle parked in your yard was the point. They are strict with cars and registering them, but driving or owning a car is not a right anyways, so it is a moot point. Owning a firearm is a constitutional right. The liberals trying to compare owning a gun to owning a car are just trying to confuse issues and comparing apples to oranges.

I do not want to argue, but no, you do not have to have a license to own a car, you do a gun. Both are equally deadly, but the one that is a CONSTITUTIONALLY protected right requires what the not protected right does not.

And that is the point.

I said the CAR has to be REGISTERED, and that is the case in some states.

If you are talking about California, then here is the law:

SECTION 4000-4023

4000. (a) (1) No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a
highway, or in an offstreet public parking facility, any motor
vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, pole or pipe dolly, or logging dolly,
unless it is registered and the appropriate fees have been paid under
this code or registered under the permanent trailer identification
program, except that an off-highway motor vehicle which displays an
identification plate or device issued by the department pursuant to
Section 38010 may be driven, moved, or left standing in an offstreet
public parking facility without being registered or paying
registration fees.

(2) For purposes of this subdivision, "offstreet public parking
facility" means either of the following:
(A) Any publicly owned parking facility.
(B) Any privately owned parking facility for which no fee for the
privilege to park is charged and which is held open for the common
public use of retail customers.
(3) This subdivision does not apply to any motor vehicle stored in
a privately owned offstreet parking facility by, or with the express
permission of, the owner of the privately owned offstreet parking

(b) No person shall drive, move, or leave standing upon a highway
any motor vehicle, as defined in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section
39010) of Part 1 of Division 26 of the Health and Safety Code, which
has been registered in violation of Part 5 (commencing with Section
43000) of that Division 26.
(c) Subdivisions (a) and (b) do not apply to off-highway motor
vehicles operated pursuant to Sections 38025 and 38026.5.
(d) This section does not apply, following payment of fees due for
registration, during the time that registration and transfer is
being withheld by the department pending the investigation of any use
tax due under the Revenue and Taxation Code.
(e) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a vehicle that is towed by a
tow truck on the order of a sheriff, marshal, or other official
acting pursuant to a court order or on the order of a peace officer
acting pursuant to this code.
(f) Subdivision (a) applies to a vehicle that is towed from a
highway or offstreet parking facility under the direction of a
highway service organization when that organization is providing
emergency roadside assistance to that vehicle. However, the operator
of a tow truck providing that assistance to that vehicle is not
responsible for the violation of subdivision (a) with respect to that
vehicle. The owner of an unregistered vehicle that is disabled and
located on private property, shall obtain a permit from the
department pursuant to Section 4003 prior to having the vehicle towed
on the highway.
(g) For purposes of this section, possession of a California
driver's license by the registered owner of a vehicle shall give rise
to a rebuttable presumption that the owner is a resident of

I dunno, but that seems to say you don't have to register a car if stored on your own private property, or the private property of another, in which that is not kept in common with other residents, with the owners permission.

OMG. The POINT is that they are very strict with cars being registered in SOME states but that has nothing to do with one of our constitutional RIGHTS.

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