Womens March Tells All Pro-Life Women They Can't Join in March

Oh good, another whiney snowflake thread on this. Can't these crybabies organize their own march?
Boy look at the liberals proving the op right.

It isn't about women's rigthts, it's about the politics.

Funny, I thought pro-life women were women too.

I guess they aren't women like black conservatives aren't black.

You ever notice women aren't women, black aren't black, if they vote Republican, but men are still MEN when they vote Democrat?

So men are men when they vote either party, but you aren't women or black unless you vote Democrat?

That's some laughable hypocrisy.

There is some real racism and misogyny going on in the Democrat party.

Boy look at the liberals proving the op right.

It isn't about women's rigthts, it's about the politics.

Funny, I thought pro-life women were women too.

I guess they aren't women like black conservatives aren't black.

You ever notice women aren't women, black aren't black, if they vote Republican, but men are still MEN when they vote Democrat?

So men are men when they vote either party, but you aren't women or black unless you vote Democrat?

That's some laughable hypocrisy.

There is some real racism and misogyny going on in the Democrat party.


Do you really believe what you have posted, or is it simply a means to get attention and be included in the current wave of groupthink?
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion

It is a women's group who doesn't want to get into the political tangle of abortion, they have a right maybe they don't agree with pro-life
. Let the Pro-Life start their own group.

Just because you vote democrat or republican doesn't mean that you automatically agree with everything in that party ..
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion

It is a women's group who doesn't want to get into the political tangle of abortion, they have a right maybe they don't agree with pro-life
. Let the Pro-Life start their own group.

Just because you vote democrat or republican doesn't mean that you automatically agree with everything in that party ..
Oppressing women because they do not hold the same views of you is anti-women's rights, dufus.
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion
I agree with this tweet from the article:
Intersectional feminism does not include a pro-life agenda. That's not how it works! The right to choose is a fundamental part of feminism.

Pro Lifers can, and will, organize their own protest, but if that is what they are there for, it is not for women's rights. So why would they be part of that march?
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion
I agree with this tweet from the article:
Intersectional feminism does not include a pro-life agenda. That's not how it works! The right to choose is a fundamental part of feminism.

Pro Lifers can, and will, organize their own protest, but if that is what they are there for, it is not for women's rights. So why would they be part of that march?
So you agree. The women's rights movement is just a political agenda.
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Your mom must have been pro life, you're hear aint ya?
Funny you should bring that up.

And I'm going to be way more honest than either of us probably want.

When I was born, I had a birth defect where my chest muscles weren't formed right.

The doctors said I would never be able to do sit ups, and would have cardiac and pulmonary issues, and probably die by 25.

Mum was no dummy and didn't tell me any of that. I learned after she died in 2004. She was a force to be reckoned with, and nobody that knew told me out of sheer terror. As a result...I developed somewhat normally, and played sports, but could never figure out why I couldn't throw a baseball straight

At any rate...with all that motherly love in mind...Mum was pro choice.

Mum was educated and understood the physiology of a fetus without a fully developed cerebral cortex.

She, like Margaret Sanger, had also been exposed to children that would have been better off not born.

The concept of choice is just that. Being able to decide if it's not time for the mother or infant to develop the cerebral cortex, because after that, they're "living" humans capable of feeling pain, and laying down memories, among many other things that make us "human"

The broad brush religion inspired position of conception = life, is actually very selfish and intolerant.
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion

It is a women's group who doesn't want to get into the political tangle of abortion, they have a right maybe they don't agree with pro-life
. Let the Pro-Life start their own group.

Just because you vote democrat or republican doesn't mean that you automatically agree with everything in that party ..
Oppressing women because they do not hold the same views of you is anti-women's rights, dufus.

No it is not you Bird Brain...lol...

I find this group to be something I would walk in being that I am all for the same rights as a man, but I don't agree with pro-life exclusively
Boy look at the liberals proving the op right.

It isn't about women's rigthts, it's about the politics.

Funny, I thought pro-life women were women too.

I guess they aren't women like black conservatives aren't black.

You ever notice women aren't women, black aren't black, if they vote Republican, but men are still MEN when they vote Democrat?

So men are men when they vote either party, but you aren't women or black unless you vote Democrat?

That's some laughable hypocrisy.

There is some real racism and misogyny going on in the Democrat party.

The women's march has a platform, or whatever you call it when a group says what they stand for. It's not about everyone with a uterus and titties.
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Your mom must have been pro life, you're hear aint ya?

Talking about someone's mother is a no-no; but I suppose you have been forgiven by the M'Naghten Rule

I fixed it, whiner. good grief


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