Womens March Tells All Pro-Life Women They Can't Join in March

So everyone there agrees on every topic?
Abortion is the only women's rights issue?

A march for women's rights is no place for anti-abortionists because they are marching AGAINST a woman's right.

So again do they all agree on every issue?

And is abortion the only issue they care about ( short answer yes)

They are anti-abortion groups. THAT is their cause.
Liar. They are pro-life. And half of those lives will be female so they are more supportive of women's rights.

That's not the issue

What he's really saying is women's rights is a code word for pro abortion....we have known that, he just confirmed it for us.
Yes, that's what I meant in being leftists above all else.
A march for women's rights is no place for anti-abortionists because they are marching AGAINST a woman's right.

So again do they all agree on every issue?

And is abortion the only issue they care about ( short answer yes)

They are anti-abortion groups. THAT is their cause.
Liar. They are pro-life. And half of those lives will be female so they are more supportive of women's rights.

That's not the issue

What he's really saying is women's rights is a code word for pro abortion....we have known that, he just confirmed it for us.
Yes, that's what I meant in being leftists above all else.

I know I just wanted to state it and see if he has the balls to respond.
So again do they all agree on every issue?

And is abortion the only issue they care about ( short answer yes)

They are anti-abortion groups. THAT is their cause.
Liar. They are pro-life. And half of those lives will be female so they are more supportive of women's rights.

That's not the issue

What he's really saying is women's rights is a code word for pro abortion....we have known that, he just confirmed it for us.
Yes, that's what I meant in being leftists above all else.

I know I just wanted to state it and see if he has the balls to respond.
Carbie? He'll just claim victory and move on.
It's the same with feminists everywhere. They pretend to stand up for women but liberalism is their primary objective.

So you're attacking this pro-choice organization because they won't invite the abortion-is-murder crowd in?

It's a WOMAN'S March. What do you wanna bet they would allow transfreaks who are pretending to be women in.... 10 to 1 odds
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Have you seen the leftwing feminists....there n is nothing feminine about them.
I don't much care...my GF is a business owner, and one tough cookie, she's also way better looking than I deserve. She's a feminist liberal if there ever was one

Well if she's a feminist liberal and good looking, she should be in a.museum

Feminism was formed to
Promote abortion
Promote gays

But most important was to
allow uh ly chicks.access to mainstream society ( men like pretty women, sorry liberals it's not gonna change)
As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion

No all women are invited--why do you put on shit that is posted out of a BLOG called "hit & run" It has nothing to do with pro-choice or pro-life. It has EVERYTHING to do with electing a vile, vulgar, immature, sexist, female attacking misogynist and putting him into the Oval office.

Do you really think this board is that stupid to follow a link like that, and actually believe it?


You're wrong again.
View attachment 107284

That's another fucking lie. It is NOT a pro-choice platform. Donald Trump is pro-choice and always has been, except when he's on the campaign trail. It is an ALL Women regardless of political or ideological platform. They're sick and tired of old white men that continually degrade the majority population in this country with sexist, inflamatory, vulgar foul mouthed remarks. Continually attacking their intelligence & integrity. Now you have installed one into the Oval office.

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As we saw during the Clinton Administration, women's rights are second to a political agenda for the "pro" women's groups.

Women's March Waffles on Sex-Worker Rights, Disinvites Women Who Oppose Abortion

No, all women can participate--why do you put on shit that is posted out of a BLOG called "hit & run?" It has nothing to do with pro-choice or pro-life. It has EVERYTHING to do with electing a vile, vulgar, immature, sexist, female attacking misogynist chimpanzee and installing him into the Oval office.

Do you really think this board is that stupid to follow a link like that, and actually believe it? You must be very concerned about this march on Washington D.C. to post shit like this.


And then the left wonder why they lost.

Who's stupid?
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Have you seen the leftwing feminists....there n is nothing feminine about them.
I don't much care...my GF is a business owner, and one tough cookie, she's also way better looking than I deserve. She's a feminist liberal if there ever was one

Well if she's a feminist liberal and good looking, she should be in a.museum

Feminism was formed to
Promote abortion
Promote gays

But most important was to
allow uh ly chicks.access to mainstream society ( men like pretty women, sorry liberals it's not gonna change)
You wish...

Feminism was formed to get the right to vote for women.

Also to end the idea that women should not work outside the home.

Also to give women fair access to high level jobs

And not to promote abortion, but to give women the choice, not men.

I've not seen feminists involve themselves in LBGT stuff, because LBGT folks have their own people for that.

It sounds like you believe what righties who oppose feminism, are saying feminists think.

Lefties will tell you all righties are racist, sexist, and intolerant.

Righties will tell you lefties are all too tolerant, and enemies of God, morality, and America.

I don't hate anyone
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Have you seen the leftwing feminists....there n is nothing feminine about them.
I don't much care...my GF is a business owner, and one tough cookie, she's also way better looking than I deserve. She's a feminist liberal if there ever was one

Well if she's a feminist liberal and good looking, she should be in a.museum

Feminism was formed to
Promote abortion
Promote gays

But most important was to
allow uh ly chicks.access to mainstream society ( men like pretty women, sorry liberals it's not gonna change)
You wish...

Feminism was formed to get the right to vote for women.

Also to end the idea that women should not work outside the home.

Also to give women fair access to high level jobs

And not to promote abortion, but to give women the choice, not men.

I've not seen feminists involve themselves in LBGT stuff, because LBGT folks have their own people for that.

It sounds like you believe what righties who oppose feminism, are saying feminists think.

Lefties will tell you all righties are racist, sexist, and intolerant.

Righties will tell you lefties are all too tolerant, and enemies of God, morality, and America.

I don't hate anyone

Well your confusing first wave with women's suffrage for 2nd wave the Disgusting people they are.

First they not only want an option to work outside the home, they disparage women who dont.
Second they are very close with the LBGTQREUO community and do many events with them as well as have many members that are in both groups.

And they do promote abortion, even at the democrat convention they were promoting abortion as a normal procedure and people shouldn't be ashamed of having them.

And why aren't men supposed to be included on the gate of their children? That's a rediculous idea.
Well your confusing first wave with women's suffrage for 2nd wave the Disgusting people they are.

First they not only want an option to work outside the home, they disparage women who don't.
Second they are very close with the LBGTQ+ community and do many events with them as well as have many members that are in both groups.

And they do promote abortion, even at the democrat convention they were promoting abortion as a normal procedure and people shouldn't be ashamed of having them.

And why aren't men supposed to be included on the gate of their children? That's a ridiculous idea.

One: Women should have the right to work whether it's inside the home or not. I have never disparaged a woman who chose not to work.

Two: I'm bisexual myself and lesbians and transwomen are still women. And there's nothing wrong with defending the LGBTQ+ community. I've been a member of the advocacy group I'm in for 3 years. We work with developmentally disabled adults who identify as LGBTQ+.

Three: The right to choose IS NOT JUST ABOUT ABORTION GODDAMN IT. It's about women having the right to choose what they do with their bodies, whether to have children or not have children and get the procedures they need without idiots harassing them. If a woman has an abortion that is HER choice and HER business and she has nothing to be ashamed about.
Pro life women are hags and sell outs.

They shouldn't be allowed in a women's rights march

Have you seen the leftwing feminists....there n is nothing feminine about them.
I don't much care...my GF is a business owner, and one tough cookie, she's also way better looking than I deserve. She's a feminist liberal if there ever was one

Well if she's a feminist liberal and good looking, she should be in a.museum

Feminism was formed to
Promote abortion
Promote gays

But most important was to
allow uh ly chicks.access to mainstream society ( men like pretty women, sorry liberals it's not gonna change)
You wish...

Feminism was formed to get the right to vote for women.

Also to end the idea that women should not work outside the home.

Also to give women fair access to high level jobs

And not to promote abortion, but to give women the choice, not men.

I've not seen feminists involve themselves in LBGT stuff, because LBGT folks have their own people for that.

It sounds like you believe what righties who oppose feminism, are saying feminists think.

Lefties will tell you all righties are racist, sexist, and intolerant.

Righties will tell you lefties are all too tolerant, and enemies of God, morality, and America.

I don't hate anyone

Well your confusing first wave with women's suffrage for 2nd wave the Disgusting people they are.

First they not only want an option to work outside the home, they disparage women who dont.
Second they are very close with the LBGTQREUO community and do many events with them as well as have many members that are in both groups.

And they do promote abortion, even at the democrat convention they were promoting abortion as a normal procedure and people shouldn't be ashamed of having them.

And why aren't men supposed to be included on the gate of their children? That's a rediculous idea.
I've highlighted the only part of your response worth discussing.

No...men aren't supposed to be included on "the gate" of their children, whatever that means anyway.

Here is your (our) proper role with children.

Wear a condom...or be financially accountable and emotionally responsible for any children resulting from the unprotected sex you've had till the child is at least 18.

Men have NO say so regarding the mother's decision to carry, or not carry ANY pregnancy to term.

You (We) will shut our yaps, and speak only when it benefits the child if carried to term

You (We) will pay child support, and will not trash the child's Mother in front of said child.
Have you seen the leftwing feminists....there n is nothing feminine about them.
I don't much care...my GF is a business owner, and one tough cookie, she's also way better looking than I deserve. She's a feminist liberal if there ever was one

Well if she's a feminist liberal and good looking, she should be in a.museum

Feminism was formed to
Promote abortion
Promote gays

But most important was to
allow uh ly chicks.access to mainstream society ( men like pretty women, sorry liberals it's not gonna change)
You wish...

Feminism was formed to get the right to vote for women.

Also to end the idea that women should not work outside the home.

Also to give women fair access to high level jobs

And not to promote abortion, but to give women the choice, not men.

I've not seen feminists involve themselves in LBGT stuff, because LBGT folks have their own people for that.

It sounds like you believe what righties who oppose feminism, are saying feminists think.

Lefties will tell you all righties are racist, sexist, and intolerant.

Righties will tell you lefties are all too tolerant, and enemies of God, morality, and America.

I don't hate anyone

Well your confusing first wave with women's suffrage for 2nd wave the Disgusting people they are.

First they not only want an option to work outside the home, they disparage women who dont.
Second they are very close with the LBGTQREUO community and do many events with them as well as have many members that are in both groups.

And they do promote abortion, even at the democrat convention they were promoting abortion as a normal procedure and people shouldn't be ashamed of having them.

And why aren't men supposed to be included on the gate of their children? That's a rediculous idea.
I've highlighted the only part of your response worth discussing.

No...men aren't supposed to be included on "the gate" of their children, whatever that means anyway.

Here is your (our) proper role with children.

Wear a condom...or be financially accountable and emotionally responsible for any children resulting from the unprotected sex you've had till the child is at least 18.

Men have NO say so regarding the mother's decision to carry, or not carry ANY pregnancy to term.

You (We) will shut our yaps, and speak only when it benefits the child if carried to term

You (We) will pay child support, and will not trash the child's Mother in front of said child.

Yes they do, If they don't, why do they have a financial obligation?...you're a hypocrite and a brainwashed lefty......

Men have a say in their children being killed.......a woman can use birth certificate control or make a man wear a condom first......if they don't want a kid.....isn't that what sex ed is supposed to promote?
Well your confusing first wave with women's suffrage for 2nd wave the Disgusting people they are.

First they not only want an option to work outside the home, they disparage women who don't.
Second they are very close with the LBGTQ+ community and do many events with them as well as have many members that are in both groups.

And they do promote abortion, even at the democrat convention they were promoting abortion as a normal procedure and people shouldn't be ashamed of having them.

And why aren't men supposed to be included on the gate of their children? That's a ridiculous idea.

One: Women should have the right to work whether it's inside the home or not. I have never disparaged a woman who chose not to work.

Two: I'm bisexual myself and lesbians and transwomen are still women. And there's nothing wrong with defending the LGBTQ+ community. I've been a member of the advocacy group I'm in for 3 years. We work with developmentally disabled adults who identify as LGBTQ+.

Three: The right to choose IS NOT JUST ABOUT ABORTION GODDAMN IT. It's about women having the right to choose what they do with their bodies, whether to have children or not have children and get the procedures they need without idiots harassing them. If a woman has an abortion that is HER choice and HER business and she has nothing to be ashamed about.

First thank you for proving my point, feminists and the gay community are involved with each other.

Second many feminists are snobs that look down on homemakers and sometimes very hostile to them.

Abortion is killing.a baby, no excuse for it.
The problem choice position is.bullshit, because you guys would be proud drugs, pro prostitution, AND you would fight the regulations that reduce choice, but most of you make laws that reduce choice.

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