Woody Harrelson get's cancelled!

Well it was played on a recorded tape in Trump's own words but I can't prove the recording existed or it was even Trump or even that it was Woodward.
hahahahahahaahahahaha, you went to Trump with my post? On the post I replied to? hahahahahaahahhaaha, son, if you can't follow along go home and have a cookie.

You must be mr. ricochet huh?
hahahahahahaahahahaha, you went to Trump with my post? On the post I replied to? hahahahahaahahhaaha, son, if you can't follow along go home and have a cookie.

You must be mr. ricochet huh?
Trump fast tracked the vaccine. How can he be omitted from a conversation about the vaccine?

Are you ok?

The loveable character Woody Harrelson sadly had to be cancelled today.

Lawrence Richard
Sun, February 26, 2023 at 3:55 AM EST

Woody Harrelson’s opening monologue during "Saturday Night Live," where he referenced the COVID-19 pandemic and collaboration between the medical industry and the government to push vaccines, has sparked backlash online. And Twitter CEO Elon Musk chimed in on the discussion.
Closing out the segment, Harrelson talks about a film pitch that included one of the "craziest script" he’s read, which included the "biggest drug cartels" forcing people to remain in their homes unless they agreed to take and keep taking their drugs.
"So the movie goes like this," the actor explained. "The biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in their homes. And people can only come out if they take the cartel’s drugs and keep taking them over and over."
Harrelson then joked: "I threw the script away. I mean, who was going to believe that crazy idea? Being forced to do drugs? I do that voluntarily all day."

The comments were widely covered by media outlets, who called them "anti-vax" or "vax conspiracies."

Woody is survived by 3 children and a wife who will also be shunned for the rest of their lives.

Would anyone like to say a few words?

Then again, with a name like Woody, he may have more kids on the way!

F**k around and find out.
Woody's finding out.
I am curious what Trump thinks about this narrative of the Trump vaccine.

Does he suspect Trump and Biden worked together with big pharma? Trump fast tracks it, Biden distributes.

Why would you be curious about what Trump thinks about a comedy sketch?

Harrelson is correct. The idea that the drug companies bribed all of the politicians in the world to lock down the world so they could profit is preposterous. And utterly unbelievable to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Every conspiracy theory forgets the first law of crimes and criminals: Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. The Trump connections to Russia were first exposed when one guy got drunk in a bar in London, England. Watergate was exposed when John Dean developed a conscience and said "What we're doing is wrong", and flipped.

Democrats aren't "going after" Republicans for political reasons, Democrats are prosecuting Republicans on the basis of Republican whistleblowers reports of criminal behaviour by Republican politicians. Democrats impeached Trump the first time after MULTIPLE members of the Trump Administration who listened in on that phone call, filed reports of illegal behaviour by the President.

ALL of the Republican investigations of Democrats are based on rumours created by Republicans. All of which are lies. There are so many investigations that Republicans C0ULD be doing that could be damaging to Joe Biden or the Democrats. Like the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Instead, we get another round of Russian propaganda and rumours about Hunter Biden.

Republicans appear to have learned nothing from making shit up about the Clintons, and then investigating their own rumours. Of course investigations of policy require actual work and investigation. You can't just make something up and let FOX News run with it.
Why would you be curious about what Trump thinks about a comedy sketch?

Harrelson is correct. The idea that the drug companies bribed all of the politicians in the world to lock down the world so they could profit is preposterous. And utterly unbelievable to anyone with a functioning brain cell.

Every conspiracy theory forgets the first law of crimes and criminals: Three can keep a secret, if two of them are dead. The Trump connections to Russia were first exposed when one guy got drunk in a bar in London, England. Watergate was exposed when John Dean developed a conscience and said "What we're doing is wrong", and flipped.

Democrats aren't "going after" Republicans for political reasons, Democrats are prosecuting Republicans on the basis of Republican whistleblowers reports of criminal behaviour by Republican politicians. Democrats impeached Trump the first time after MULTIPLE members of the Trump Administration who listened in on that phone call, filed reports of illegal behaviour by the President.

ALL of the Republican investigations of Democrats are based on rumours created by Republicans. All of which are lies. There are so many investigations that Republicans C0ULD be doing that could be damaging to Joe Biden or the Democrats. Like the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Instead, we get another round of Russian propaganda and rumours about Hunter Biden.

Republicans appear to have learned nothing from making shit up about the Clintons, and then investigating their own rumours. Of course investigations of policy require actual work and investigation. You can't just make something up and let FOX News run with it.
Because if the right wing is so sure that malfeance was involved in the creation of the vaccine and Trump was the president who went against the advice of his advisor to not fast track the vaccine, using socialist money no less, Trump certainly must feel he has culpability for any negative press regarding the vaccine.
That's why house Repubs need to investigate the socialist money Trump threw at pharma to fast track the vaccine. Follow the money!
I think if you follow the money, you'll see Pelosi and Schumer's fingerprints all over the money...........Trump just signed the check.
Or, as a leader, try to keep Americans from panicking?
The guy who said illegals were moving into suburbia to rape and murder was worried about panicking people?

Well if its true, his worry likely killed thousands more then was necessary.

That said, Obama said you could keep your doctor because he didn't want to panic people.

Biden didn't go to Ohio train wreck because he didn't want to panic people.

As a matter of fact, anything negative you can think of, that past presidents have done or said, was because they didn't want to panic people.

Is that really what you are going with?
I think if you follow the money, you'll see Pelosi and Schumer's fingerprints all over the money...........Trump just signed the check.
This is true. Trump's "add to inflation" socialist checks did have his name on them. I had forgot about that. Lol. I think he even delayed their dissemination until he could get his name on them. A true patriot Trump is.

I think trying to push the narrative that somehow Trump wasn't behind the creation of the vaccine or that he simply unwittingly handed money to big pharma while Pelosi and schiff of all people were somehow profiting off Trump's incompetence is an argument of desperation.

Can Repubs ever debate anything without throwing in some kind of unfounded, unproven, speculative conspiracy as an argument?
The guy who said illegals were moving into suburbia to rape and murder was worried about panicking people?
I'd say Trump was spot on, now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt under Biden.
As a matter of fact, anything negative you can think of, that past presidents have done or said, was because they didn't want to panic people.
So a leader would get up to the podium and tell his citizens "you are going to die a terrible, miserable death, your lungs filling up, you won't be able to breathe"?
Biden didn't go to Ohio train wreck because he didn't want to panic people.
No, wouldn't have been a good photo op, nobody there supported him.....that's why.
That said, Obama said you could keep your doctor because he didn't want to panic people.
No, Obama outright lied...
Well if its true, his worry likely killed thousands more then was necessary.
Meh..................they were dropping like flies because there was no 'vax' at the time. Media absolutely killed any chances of therapeutics.
I'd say Trump was spot on, now proven beyond a shadow of a doubt under Biden.

So a leader would get up to the podium and tell his citizens "you are going to die a terrible, miserable death, your lungs filling up, you won't be able to breathe"?

No, wouldn't have been a good photo op, nobody there supported him.....that's why.

No, Obama outright lied...

Meh..................they were dropping like flies because there was no 'vax' at the time. Media absolutely killed any chances of therapeutics.
No. A leader gets in front of the country and states that COVID is worse then the flu and dangerous but as a country we will pull together and get through it.

He doesn't lie, and say the virus is no big deal, giving everyone the impression it was safe to send the kids to grandma's house after school.

Obama only lied so as not to panic people, right? Isn't that how it works?
Because if the right wing is so sure that malfeance was involved in the creation of the vaccine and Trump was the president who went against the advice of his advisor to not fast track the vaccine, using socialist money no less, Trump certainly must feel he has culpability for any negative press regarding the vaccine.

Trump feels betrayed by it. It was one of the few real achievements of his Administration, although he did little but write the cheques, and it succeeded more in spite of him, not because of him. When he was doing his tour with Bill 0'Reilly, audiences booed when he told them to get the vaccine and he was shocked by this reaction.
No. A leader gets in front of the country and states that COVID is worse then the flu and dangerous but as a country we will pull together and get through it.
He did.
Obama only lied so as not to panic people, right? Isn't that how it works?

Obama: 'If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan' | PolitiFact

He doesn't lie, and say the virus is no big deal, giving everyone the impression it was safe to send the kids to grandma's house after school.
A president is only as good as his advisors.

Maybe too much Fauci?


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