Words To Die By in Ohio

Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we start seeing "news stories" of children dying of COVID-19, in growing numbers! Gotta step it up on a notch and get the public even more scared!!! Fear sells and fear is their most effective tool in manipulating the public into willingly surrendering more rights and going along with their preplanned globalist agendas.
This is pure craziness. People die. 12 out 100k die because of this. Let's relax.

Of course people die. They have been counting other deaths as COVID-19 deaths, and that is not an opinion, it is an objective fact, based on their own words! None of their numbers are reliable, and anyone who is awake figured that out a long time ago.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.

I've seen this inflated number's so much in the past week but no one has presented any actual evidence. The opposite I've read is the number's are under reported with very little evidence. So when someone produces concrete evidence I say both and people that spread these lies are bullshit.
I've seen this inflated number's so much in the past week but no one has presented any actual evidence. The opposite I've read is the number's are under reported with very little evidence. So when someone produces concrete evidence I say both and people that spread these lies are bullshit.


Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.

I've seen this inflated number's so much in the past week but no one has presented any actual evidence. The opposite I've read is the number's are under reported with very little evidence. So when someone produces concrete evidence I say both and people that spread these lies are bullshit.
Kind of like when the media reports anything about Trump.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

Point taken. Now take seriously that the economy needs to be restarted also. Or people will be dying from more the the virus. They tried to jump start the economy in the Great Depression. There are differences. We are a high tax state with massive social programs now. Back then we had none. We are the world leader still. Back then we were slower to take our destiny. The Republic still had some strings in it back then and our unalienable rights were more if our social justice ones a bit less. Today we are a Democracy bordering on pure authoritarian rule. And that is closer then you think.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)

Most schools are closed for this school year. Yep I know quite a few people that will continue to work from home and a couple of small business owner's that put money away for an emergency that won't re-open for a few more months.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

I wouldn't be surprised at all if we start seeing "news stories" of children dying of COVID-19, in growing numbers! Gotta step it up on a notch and get the public even more scared!!! Fear sells and fear is their most effective tool in manipulating the public into willingly surrendering more rights and going along with their preplanned globalist agendas.
This is pure craziness. People die. 12 out 100k die because of this. Let's relax.

Of course people die. They have been counting other deaths as COVID-19 deaths, and that is not an opinion, it is an objective fact, based on their own words! None of their numbers are reliable, and anyone who is awake figured that out a long time ago.
REALISTICALLY, let's take the current 40,000 figure. At least half those people were in their 60s, 70s and 80s. Half of them had serious ailments and were just a few months or years away from dying anyway of some pending cause working on them. Then you have to figure at least 10% of those cases were deaths due to other factors wrongly attributed to Covid, maybe they tested + with a few viruses in them, or just to pump up the numbers. So I think it fair to say 15,000 of those people likely weren't just walking down the street whistling when Covid came out of the blue and cut them off in the prime of their lives! So an HONEST Covid figure is really closer to 25,000 deaths wholly covid related of people who otherwise had a good deal of living left to do. Of course, the Left won't want to hear that.
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Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

Yet, more proof that the Darwin Principle works....
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How was he stupid ? It was probably a heart attack.. secondly a girl got coronavirus she hasn’t left her house in three weeks
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.

I've seen this inflated number's so much in the past week but no one has presented any actual evidence. The opposite I've read is the number's are under reported with very little evidence. So when someone produces concrete evidence I say both and people that spread these lies are bullshit.

First of all, Birx openly stated in a press conference that they're counting people who died with CV19 as CV19 deaths. In addition to that, the CDC states that they are counting "probable" or "presumed" CV19 deaths AS CV19. Do you see how easy it is to inflate numbers when you can count "probable" deaths as CV19? Why would they do that? It's political. It's classic Problem-Reaction-Solution, to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned agendas.

If you want more, watch the video below.... it is long but he shows how they are manipulating the whole thing.

Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

AtD - I KNOW you are smarter than this. Kids spread germs like I spread cream cheese on a bagel. They may be asymptomatic, but then bring it home to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa in addition to sharing it with their teachers. How many teachers ya figure are gonna wanna come back? We have a teacher shortage as it is without putting the ones we have in harms way!

Me. I am a public school teacher in MICHIGAN, in one of the worst hit areas, and I want to go back.

I would rather live, and REALLY live, doing what I love, boldly, than die cowering in fear.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

You think it would be better if he died from Wuhan during the inevitable second wave that results from the bullshit lockdown?
You’re evil, celebrating someone’s death.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.
I went to the doctor today and the NP was telling me similar things. She even said when the aids pandemic started way back when and everyone thought they were all gonna die no one shut down the country. We also agreed that no President no matter who they were would be able to handle something of this nature effectively.
AIDS isn't contagious by breathing or touching something. But there sure was a whole lot more protected sex going on.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

AtD - I KNOW you are smarter than this. Kids spread germs like I spread cream cheese on a bagel. They may be asymptomatic, but then bring it home to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa in addition to sharing it with their teachers. How many teachers ya figure are gonna wanna come back? We have a teacher shortage as it is without putting the ones we have in harms way!

Me. I am a public school teacher in MICHIGAN, in one of the worst hit areas, and I want to go back.

I would rather live, and REALLY live, doing what I love, boldly, than die cowering in fear.
Love it!
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

AtD - I KNOW you are smarter than this. Kids spread germs like I spread cream cheese on a bagel. They may be asymptomatic, but then bring it home to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa in addition to sharing it with their teachers. How many teachers ya figure are gonna wanna come back? We have a teacher shortage as it is without putting the ones we have in harms way!

Well of course you're right. But if the kids picked anything up, it wouldn't likely be from the kids proper but from adults they interacted with, at the school or home, then shared between kids, taken back to other homes, so yeah, you either shut down human contact and activity or you don't. That said, I wonder how many schools were ready to switch right over into virtual classroom mode to keep those educations going? I bet not many!!! Gotta protect those union jobs! :p

I am not part of the NEA because I abhor them. But do not mistake it: the union did not shut a darn thing down. The governors did--and that includes REPUBLICAN governors as well.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.
I went to the doctor today and the NP was telling me similar things. She even said when the aids pandemic started way back when and everyone thought they were all gonna die no one shut down the country. We also agreed that no President no matter who they were would be able to handle something of this nature effectively.
AIDS isn't contagious by breathing or touching something. But there sure was a whole lot more protected sex going on.
If you touch your Private part to an aids infected persons private part, you don't get aids?
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

The lockdown IS bullshit. That doesn't mean you can't die from the virus! And calling the lockdown what it is doesn't mean you don't think the virus isn't real. But there are 10,000 other things out there that can kill you just as easily. Like a car wreck. We have 40,000 of them every year too. Just like the virus. I bet you still drive your car.

You just gots to takes your chances. Like we do with idiots like you.

I was unaware that car wrecks were contagious. Now I feel better informed! ;)
they are worse,,, they come at you a lot faster and with more aggression,,,

Yes, but they aren't contagious and we have lost more Americans in the past 6 weeks than we lose to auto accidents in a year.

whats your solution?? turning the country into a police state and forcing people at gun point to stay in their houses???

cause thats what its going to take when more people start starving to death,,,,

Even if every governor in the country opted for business as usual tomorrow, most of the country would still work from home or not at all and smart parents would keep their children out of school. Of course, it might work out well if only Trumptards got back to work - Thinning the herd before the election might be a swell concept! ;)
Kids are not at risk. Why keep them home?

AtD - I KNOW you are smarter than this. Kids spread germs like I spread cream cheese on a bagel. They may be asymptomatic, but then bring it home to Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa in addition to sharing it with their teachers. How many teachers ya figure are gonna wanna come back? We have a teacher shortage as it is without putting the ones we have in harms way!

Well of course you're right. But if the kids picked anything up, it wouldn't likely be from the kids proper but from adults they interacted with, at the school or home, then shared between kids, taken back to other homes, so yeah, you either shut down human contact and activity or you don't. That said, I wonder how many schools were ready to switch right over into virtual classroom mode to keep those educations going? I bet not many!!! Gotta protect those union jobs! :p

I am not part of the NEA because I abhor them. But do not mistake it: the union did not shut a darn thing down. The governors did--and that includes REPUBLICAN governors as well.
People are panicked. I had the virus it’s not that bad. I ve had worse.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.
I went to the doctor today and the NP was telling me similar things. She even said when the aids pandemic started way back when and everyone thought they were all gonna die no one shut down the country. We also agreed that no President no matter who they were would be able to handle something of this nature effectively.
AIDS isn't contagious by breathing or touching something. But there sure was a whole lot more protected sex going on.
If you touch your Private part to an aids infected persons private part, you don't get aids?
What an immature, uneducated, ignorant moron you are.
Yes what he did was stupid. He shouldn't have to pay for that stupidity with his life.

He was a human being that did have a life, a family and was loved.

I really wish people would wake up. This virus kills. It doesn't matter how old you are, what political party you're a member of, where you live or anything.

It kills.

Please, all of you who aren't taking this seriously, TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!

You can't be free to enjoy life if you're dead.

The life you save may be your own.

How do you know it's true?

The important thing to know is that they're intentionally inflating the numbers, and that is in based in part on their own words, where they openly state they are counting "presumed" or "probable" COVID-19 deaths as COVID-19. In addition to that, numerous healthcare workers have come forward to say that fishy stuff is going on, and none of this is normal or can be trusted.

Nothing that comes out of the MSM can be trusted at face value. Including handpicked manipulative stories like this one. This is all agenda-driven and manipulative, and then you have shills like Dana who are doing the bidding of the criminals behind this whole thing, which is classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. They use FEAR and "emergencies" or "crises" to manipulate the public into willingly going along with their preplanned subversive agendas.
I went to the doctor today and the NP was telling me similar things. She even said when the aids pandemic started way back when and everyone thought they were all gonna die no one shut down the country. We also agreed that no President no matter who they were would be able to handle something of this nature effectively.
AIDS isn't contagious by breathing or touching something. But there sure was a whole lot more protected sex going on.
If you touch your Private part to an aids infected persons private part, you don't get aids?
What an immature, uneducated, ignorant moron you are.
what he said was true,,,so its you that an ignorant moron,,,

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