Worker charged with sexually molesting EIGHT caged immigrant children

We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

You cannot have it both ways, Doc. In one breath your "side" humanizes victim suffering and struggle. In the next breath it dehumanizes specific opposition politicians along with mass swaths of fellow Americans. Yet all the demonizing is done to exploit the victims for political currency; using children as weapons against the political opposition.
Exactly what is the dehumanizing factor you specifically are referring to as it relates to opposition politics? Personally, I see nothing more self rewarding to opposition politics than those who give a front to kidnapping.
Get this: what your "side" is doing?
They are protesting the inhumane treatment of separation, while the others are diametrically injecting deportation of the parents at the same time. The other side isn't doing that.
It is no different than the naïve child who when playing hide and go seek, never learns that hiding their eyes does not hide the rest of their bodies. Many of us are educating the American people thoroughly on identity politics and postmodernist philosophical operational doctrine so they can in turn educate millions of others;
And how has the Trump/Sessions kidnapping doctrine been working out?
yet you operate the same way, despite the fact we can see through you doing it. Won't work any longer.
Cite one example of the other side separating children at the border, and deporting the parent without the child, during the Obama administration?

Take that to the polls.
Plan on it.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

No one was ever molested before Trump.
If people want to keep asserting that parents who cross the border deserve to have their kids taken from them, then the law needs to be changed to more than a misdemeanor.

In the real world, if you get caught shoplifting, drinking and driving, or trespassing, they don't take your kids away.

They dont lock em up with them either.

On misdemeanors they might be in jail a few hours or a day or two. If it is longer than that they get visitation rights to see their kids, they don't ship them off 5 states away.

Obama spread illegals all over the country where they disappeared into the population.

What's that got to do with what I just posted?

You think there were no minors among them?
They didnt even know if they were the actual parents.

Why can't you stick to what I said?

There are some options to fixing the issues being caused. They can either make it into a felony instead of a misdemeanor, they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days while they verify their identity and if they are really related. We can put a person on Mars if we want, there is no reason it should take months to do a DNA test or verify if people are related.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Sounds like it took place, in part, on Obama’s watch. Lets wait for the facts.
Links with proof Obama gave kids to human traffickers, or you are a liar?
You have been saying it. Obama wouldn't seperate kids at the border. Geez, you're an idiot.

Trump doesn't separate kids at official border crossings.
The hell he doesn't.

The Trump administration’s separation of families at the border — taking children from their parents, arresting the parents, and taking the kids into custody — sounds almost too cruel to be real. But the separations are, in fact, real, and new data reported by the Associated Press shows just how many children have been separated from their parents.

The Trump administration separated 2,000 kids from their parents in just 6 weeks

Those are people who chose not to cross at an official border crossing.
When people come to an official border crossing, if there is capacity they are processed,
If not they are turned away and told to come back another time.
If they choose instead to attempt entry illegally, they are arrested.
Oh, really? That's the first I've heard a Right-winger say anything about a refugee seeking asylum as anything other than illegal up until your explanation. Before that, they were all illegals according to the Right. Glad to know that the Right knows the difference.

But ha, they still screwed up by committing human rights violations by kidnapping their children then deporting the parents. It doesn't matter whether they were illegally crossing or not. Trump and Sessions countered their illegal acts with one of their own, called kidnapping.

No, moron, they were not all illegals, you just refuse to hear the truth. All through the start of this fake crisis it was explained to numb nuts like you that when you appeared at a legal port of entry, you were not separated from your children and you could legally apply to enter the country...... you asshats simply refuse to hear the truth since you are blinded by leftism and blinded by the Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Conservatives welcome legal immigration...from all countries, you doofus. We just don't want illegal aliens 1) cheating other immigrants who are obeying the law 2) entering the country with no desire to actually become Americans 3) giving voting power to democrats even while they are illegal aliens.

I want the best, the brightest and if they aren't the best and brightest, the hard working to come here to make our country great..... but we need process that keeps out criminals and ensures the new immigrants uphold our Constitution and Bill of Rights....

You asshats just want the votes..
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

You cannot have it both ways, Doc. In one breath your "side" humanizes victim suffering and struggle. In the next breath it dehumanizes specific opposition politicians along with mass swaths of fellow Americans. Yet all the demonizing is done to exploit the victims for political currency; using children as weapons against the political opposition. Get this: what your "side" is doing? It is no different than the naïve child who when playing hide and go seek, never learns that hiding their eyes does not hide the rest of their bodies. Many of us are educating the American people thoroughly on identity politics and postmodernist philosophical operational doctrine so they can in turn educate millions of others; yet you operate the same way, despite the fact we can see through you doing it. Won't work any longer.

Take that to the polls.

We shall or shan't we?
My hunch is that you are wrong and I am right.
And that the judge(s) will concur -
Judges? What the fuck are you babling about?
They dont lock em up with them either.

On misdemeanors they might be in jail a few hours or a day or two. If it is longer than that they get visitation rights to see their kids, they don't ship them off 5 states away.

Obama spread illegals all over the country where they disappeared into the population.

What's that got to do with what I just posted?

You think there were no minors among them?
They didnt even know if they were the actual parents.

Why can't you stick to what I said?

There are some options to fixing the issues being caused. They can either make it into a felony instead of a misdemeanor, they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days while they verify their identity and if they are really related. We can put a person on Mars if we want, there is no reason it should take months to do a DNA test or verify if people are related.

they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days

The only ones who can do this is Congress....since a left wing judge declared that the kids can only be held 20 days while their parents can be held for months That can't be fixed without passing a law through congress, and the democrats refuse to allow anything like that through the Senate...
So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:

Actually they go back to 2014.

Drlove finds it funny that children are being molested.
What does that say about the Dr.....hmmmm.

Yes a lot of the Leftists also think it's funny when their Pet Muslims rape and molest children, they are twisted and sick, there is NOTHING funny about rape and molestation.

Jesus FUCK Lucy - Get your Shit TOGETHER
That’s funny coming from you!
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

Sounds like it took place, in part, on Obama’s watch. Lets wait for the facts.

This happened over the last 5 years.... Trump has been in office 1 year, 197 in part is not true, almost entirely on obama's watch is the truth, and given that it takes several months to get a handle on where the government is at for the new is almost entirely on obama's watch..
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:

Yes, and you know HOW many incidents of this nature occurred under Obama and under Trump?

According to the article you posted, all of them occurred under Obama.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:

Yes, and you know HOW many incidents of this nature occurred under Obama and under Trump?

According to the article you posted, all of them occurred under Obama.

Actually, police records go back 5 years..... Trump has been in office 1 year, 197 days.... so it is entirely obama's problem.
On misdemeanors they might be in jail a few hours or a day or two. If it is longer than that they get visitation rights to see their kids, they don't ship them off 5 states away.

Obama spread illegals all over the country where they disappeared into the population.

What's that got to do with what I just posted?

You think there were no minors among them?
They didnt even know if they were the actual parents.

Why can't you stick to what I said?

There are some options to fixing the issues being caused. They can either make it into a felony instead of a misdemeanor, they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days while they verify their identity and if they are really related. We can put a person on Mars if we want, there is no reason it should take months to do a DNA test or verify if people are related.

they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days

The only ones who can do this is Congress....since a left wing judge declared that the kids can only be held 20 days while their parents can be held for months That can't be fixed without passing a law through congress, and the democrats refuse to allow anything like that through the Senate...

The Democrats don't hold the majority in Congress, the Republicans do.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​
A homosexual being a homosexual apparently... I'd venture the reason that rates of child molestation are so high among the LGBT "community" as opposed to the general population is due to how various forms of disease, including sexual disease tend to be found together.

Sadly I guess there's no way of screening people for homosexuality or sexual disease before allowing them to enter a country...
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:

Yes, and you know HOW many incidents of this nature occurred under Obama and under Trump?

According to the article you posted, all of them occurred under Obama.

Actually, police records go back 5 years..... Trump has been in office 1 year, 197 days.... so it is entirely obama's problem.
Time for me to go. Moon bats like love and wtp aren’t worth the effort. Time for a bottle of Petrus and a juicy steak.
We told you that the Phoenix incident with the 14 year old girl would be one of many - Probably DOZENS.

This is on YOU Trump!

A youth care worker for Southwest Key has been charged with 11 sex offenses after authorities accused him of molesting at least eight unaccompanied immigrant boys over nearly a year at one of the company’s shelters in Mesa, Arizona, federal court records show.

The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case.​

Worker Charged With Sexually Molesting Eight Children at Immigrant Shelter — ProPublica

So a lefty fag with aids molested children.
What a shocker......:eek-52:

"The allegations against Levian D. Pacheco, who is HIV-positive, include that he performed oral sex on two of the teenagers and tried to force one of them to penetrate him anally. The other six teens — all between 15 and 17 — said Pacheco had groped them through their clothing. All of the incidents are alleged to have taken place between August 2016 and July 2017, according to a court filing last week that laid out the government’s case."

The incidents BEGAN in August 2016 when OBAMA was STILL President, so it's NOT Trump's fault, of course to the Trump Derangement Crowd things that happened when Obama was STILL President are Trump's fault :uhoh3:

Yes, and you know HOW many incidents of this nature occurred under Obama and under Trump?

According to the article you posted, all of them occurred under Obama.

Many do not read the entire article they post, many just read the Headline and the first paragraph
How so? It's pretty self explanatory for me. If another country comes to my country, takes over my politics, government, economy, and resources, that I have to go and flee my own country out of fear for my survival, then who's fault is it?
It doesn’t support your theory that the is is causing you to fear of survival and make you flee. That is your interpretation of events.
It isn't a theory. That is your convenient conclusion. I know people personally, who feared for their life because of a U.S. lead coupe of their country. They took over the government, the military, the resources, changed the Constitution in favor of the government, not the people, murdered those who resisted, and people who could, fled. And all this with U.S. support.

You live in a convenient bubble cushioned by the harsh realities of people in Latin America endured for decades, because of our influence. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. I wouldn't either, but fortunately I know many people who have life altering experiences from the direct intervention through U.S. meddling. People are suffering because of it.
I know many people there as well. My company does business in many of those countries. I visit many of those countries regularly. You want the links to support your conclusion. It just isn’t the case. You may want to believe that we have been the bad guys, that we screwed up the region. You’re a fool if you want to lay it at our feet.
"We have been the bad guys"? We still are. Speaking of Fools. Would you care to un fool yourself by denying our involvement with this countries agenda? Copper used to belong to the people until we changed that; Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
There are mixed opinions within this writeup. Milton Friedman awarded him a Nobel prize for economics. Just because the copper belonged to the people doesn’t mean they were prosperous.
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!
If homosexuality was just punished swiftly and harshly by law, it might scare deviants and sodomites like this out of the thought of acting on their fantasies, and keep them confined to internet pornography or private fantasies.

Sadly, the promotion of deviant lifestyles by the LGBT cult likely emboldened this homosexual pedophile to stop repressing his urges.
It doesn’t support your theory that the is is causing you to fear of survival and make you flee. That is your interpretation of events.
It isn't a theory. That is your convenient conclusion. I know people personally, who feared for their life because of a U.S. lead coupe of their country. They took over the government, the military, the resources, changed the Constitution in favor of the government, not the people, murdered those who resisted, and people who could, fled. And all this with U.S. support.

You live in a convenient bubble cushioned by the harsh realities of people in Latin America endured for decades, because of our influence. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. I wouldn't either, but fortunately I know many people who have life altering experiences from the direct intervention through U.S. meddling. People are suffering because of it.
I know many people there as well. My company does business in many of those countries. I visit many of those countries regularly. You want the links to support your conclusion. It just isn’t the case. You may want to believe that we have been the bad guys, that we screwed up the region. You’re a fool if you want to lay it at our feet.
"We have been the bad guys"? We still are. Speaking of Fools. Would you care to un fool yourself by denying our involvement with this countries agenda? Copper used to belong to the people until we changed that; Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
There are mixed opinions within this writeup. Milton Friedman awarded him a Nobel prize for economics. Just because the copper belonged to the people doesn’t mean they were prosperous.
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!

Thank goodness Allende was ousted. Best thing that could have happened to Chile.
They dont lock em up with them either.

On misdemeanors they might be in jail a few hours or a day or two. If it is longer than that they get visitation rights to see their kids, they don't ship them off 5 states away.

Obama spread illegals all over the country where they disappeared into the population.

What's that got to do with what I just posted?

You think there were no minors among them?
They didnt even know if they were the actual parents.

Why can't you stick to what I said?

There are some options to fixing the issues being caused. They can either make it into a felony instead of a misdemeanor, they can house them together, or they can set up a system where they are only separated for a couple of days while they verify their identity and if they are really related. We can put a person on Mars if we want, there is no reason it should take months to do a DNA test or verify if people are related.

First of all no we cannot put someone on Mars.

We've never housed adults with children period.
Now if you'd like to keep the families together before we deport the whole lot of them thats fine I really dont have a problem with that.
Of course they'd have to be under constant surveillance until we deported them.
It doesn’t support your theory that the is is causing you to fear of survival and make you flee. That is your interpretation of events.
It isn't a theory. That is your convenient conclusion. I know people personally, who feared for their life because of a U.S. lead coupe of their country. They took over the government, the military, the resources, changed the Constitution in favor of the government, not the people, murdered those who resisted, and people who could, fled. And all this with U.S. support.

You live in a convenient bubble cushioned by the harsh realities of people in Latin America endured for decades, because of our influence. You have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about. I wouldn't either, but fortunately I know many people who have life altering experiences from the direct intervention through U.S. meddling. People are suffering because of it.
I know many people there as well. My company does business in many of those countries. I visit many of those countries regularly. You want the links to support your conclusion. It just isn’t the case. You may want to believe that we have been the bad guys, that we screwed up the region. You’re a fool if you want to lay it at our feet.
"We have been the bad guys"? We still are. Speaking of Fools. Would you care to un fool yourself by denying our involvement with this countries agenda? Copper used to belong to the people until we changed that; Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
There are mixed opinions within this writeup. Milton Friedman awarded him a Nobel prize for economics. Just because the copper belonged to the people doesn’t mean they were prosperous.
And you and Milton Friedman are? Look at the arrogance here. And who's business was this again?

Who did "Milton Friedman award a Nobel prize" to again? I didn't know Friedman was handing out prizes?

There are no "mixed opinions". 3000 people were murdered by an installed dictator by the U.S. Some of the murdered I know. I also know those who fled for their lives to Scandinavian countries because of a U.S. installed murdering thug, who opened the gates for U.S. business in the copper mines, while taking the power out of the people's hands. I know some of those people too, because they were there. No "mixed opinions". just facts!

There were Marxist Agitators they deserved death, the only good Commie is a dead one, Pinochet was a Hero as was Videla in Argentina, they saved Chile and Argentina from being Communist Shit Holes like Cuba and Operation Condor there needs to be a resurrection of it but for the whole Western World.

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