Workers in DC strike...

Same place Costco pays their employees 12.50$ to start out with...same prices as Wal Mart's Sams Club. Oh and it says in the article the workers work in the Smithsonian Museum which is owned/operated by the government..they should just print some more money up they manage to do it to pay for killing kids with drones and starting wars they should be able to do it to make sure people have a livable wage.I am glad wal marx isn't expanding in DC to hell with them and their fascist policies of not paying a livable wage to their employees.

Comparing Costco to Walmart is comparing apples to oranges.
Well showing the stupidity is common around wife graduated high school and was employed at Wal Marx and only made 8.05 and that was with a damn raise!

Out of High School? What should she have made and how long ago was this?

Talk to a Costco worker..their CEO claims they start workers off at 12.50 an hour. Yes they should have made it for every job not just certain ones.

"Costco pays its employees an average hourly wage of $11.50 to start. After five years, they make $19.50 an hour and get an "extra check," a bonus of more than $2,000 every six months, according to Slate . "

Costco Is The Perfect Example Of Why The Minimum Wage Should Be Higher - Yahoo! Finance

So a pharmacist @ Costco should be making $12.50 an hour...the same wage as the night time clean up crew.
I just thought of something for you to do AnCapAtheist, next time you are shopping at Walmart, or getting a meal from McDonalds or Subway (or your favorite fast food joint), feel free to tip the staff $5 for the service they provided you. That will help boost their salary. After all, there is no law that says YOU can't pay MORE for the service you received.

Case in point:
Yesterday I took my car to the shop, they offer what they call a 5-Pack Special. Change the oil, rotate the tires, top all the fluids, wash the car, clean the interior (windows included) -- all for $49.00. The kid that cleans the car isn't a mechanic, so he probably doesn't get paid much. My car looked like shit on the outside when I took it in, and it sparkled when I picked it up, so I gave the kid that cleaned it a $10 tip.

Gee, and I did that without the damn government mandating it. So can you.
There is a fee to shop at their competitor Sam's Club as well. Some how Sams owner Wal Marx manages to pay 8$ an hour and Costco's pays 12.50. Amazing stuff.

Wrong as usual...maybe you would understand if you had a family to take care of and took whatever job you could find.
Still a different business model. Costo only has membership fee based shopping. Can you see the difference.

I've already raised my family, during which time, I worked jobs that took care of us. It wasn't always easy but I've always had a fair days wage for a fair days labor. Even as a teenager I never settled for minimum wage and neither did my children when they got their first teen jobs.
Well showing the stupidity is common around wife graduated high school and was employed at Wal Marx and only made 8.05 and that was with a damn raise!

Out of High School? What should she have made and how long ago was this?

Talk to a Costco worker..their CEO claims they start workers off at 12.50 an hour. Yes they should have made it for every job not just certain ones.

"Costco pays its employees an average hourly wage of $11.50 to start. After five years, they make $19.50 an hour and get an "extra check," a bonus of more than $2,000 every six months, according to Slate . "

Costco Is The Perfect Example Of Why The Minimum Wage Should Be Higher - Yahoo! Finance

So a pharmacist @ Costco should be making $12.50 an hour...the same wage as the night time clean up crew.
No she was in her early 20's when she worked for the 2nd thing no I think a minimum wage should be something people can live off of...not a practical slave wage...not sure if wal mart realizes it or not but by paying these wages they are forcing people to get on the government dole...They should just pay a livable wage to people and this won't be a problem. They whine about prices going up to pay a livable wage yet their CEO's make MILLIONS...just cut their pay back some and give it to the workers who are actually doing the work not some fat asshole sitting on his ass dictating to people all day.
I just thought of something for you to do AnCapAtheist, next time you are shopping at Walmart, or getting a meal from McDonalds or Subway (or your favorite fast food joint), feel free to tip the staff $5 for the service they provided you. That will help boost their salary. After all, there is no law that says YOU can't pay MORE for the service you received.

Case in point:
Yesterday I took my car to the shop, they offer what they call a 5-Pack Special. Change the oil, rotate the tires, top all the fluids, wash the car, clean the interior (windows included) -- all for $49.00. The kid that cleans the car isn't a mechanic, so he probably doesn't get paid much. My car looked like shit on the outside when I took it in, and it sparkled when I picked it up, so I gave the kid that cleaned it a $10 tip.

Gee, and I did that without the damn government mandating it. So can you.
I refuse to shop at wal mart and I really hate fast food...its really disgusting to me since my surgery last year...just tastes different.But I do leave a tip whenever I go out...usually its more than I should leave but I know how hard things are.
There is a fee to shop at their competitor Sam's Club as well. Some how Sams owner Wal Marx manages to pay 8$ an hour and Costco's pays 12.50. Amazing stuff.

Wrong as usual...maybe you would understand if you had a family to take care of and took whatever job you could find.
Still a different business model. Costo only has membership fee based shopping. Can you see the difference.

I've already raised my family, during which time, I worked jobs that took care of us. It wasn't always easy but I've always had a fair days wage for a fair days labor. Even as a teenager I never settled for minimum wage and neither did my children when they got their first teen jobs.

Sam's club is the same exact thing as Costco's. You have to pay for a membership to shop there...I know I used to have a membership there as did my parents and wife.
There is a fee to shop at their competitor Sam's Club as well. Some how Sams owner Wal Marx manages to pay 8$ an hour and Costco's pays 12.50. Amazing stuff.

Wrong as usual...maybe you would understand if you had a family to take care of and took whatever job you could find.
Still a different business model. Costo only has membership fee based shopping. Can you see the difference.

I've already raised my family, during which time, I worked jobs that took care of us. It wasn't always easy but I've always had a fair days wage for a fair days labor. Even as a teenager I never settled for minimum wage and neither did my children when they got their first teen jobs.

Sam's club is the same exact thing as Costco's. You have to pay for a membership to shop there...I know I used to have a membership there as did my parents and wife.
Sam's club is a division of Walmart. Did you not know that?
Well showing the stupidity is common around wife graduated high school and was employed at Wal Marx and only made 8.05 and that was with a damn raise! Sad to see so many fascists here who would rather use the worker and toss them away while letting ceos making millions and millions and the workers starving to usual blame the abused instead of the abuser.

Once again, you are the fascist when you advocate artificial labor costs increases.

If you truly believed in the free market, you would let the free market determine the price of labor.
Still a different business model. Costo only has membership fee based shopping. Can you see the difference.

I've already raised my family, during which time, I worked jobs that took care of us. It wasn't always easy but I've always had a fair days wage for a fair days labor. Even as a teenager I never settled for minimum wage and neither did my children when they got their first teen jobs.

Sam's club is the same exact thing as Costco's. You have to pay for a membership to shop there...I know I used to have a membership there as did my parents and wife.
Sam's club is a division of Walmart. Did you not know that?

Indeed I do. You still have to pay to shop there.

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