World War 3 Watch: Biden Suggests Ukraine is a Member of NATO in Shocking Remarks to Reporters (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
I'd pay good money if during that rambling speech of lies, someone would have hit him right in the puss with a snowball!

Too bad someone didn't jump in there as he spoke and demanded he tell them WHY.

Ukraine ain't shit. What is Biden's connection to that shithole? Remember, Nancy tried to impeach Trump for calling them and asking if they had dirt on Biden there.
Adolf Hitler Vladimir Putin was is attempting an Anschluss in Austria Ukraine.

If Hitler Putin had been is stopped then World War 2 3 could have been can be prevented.

America tried 19th century Isolationism before and it ended very badly for us and proved very costly.

Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

No thank you.

Every dollar of aid to Ukraine now avoids spending a hundred times as much later if our courage fails now.

Phukk the goddamned Russians.

Glory to Ukraine.

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I'd pay good money if during that rambling speech of lies, someone would have hit him right in the puss with a snowball!

Too bad someone didn't jump in there as he spoke and demanded he tell them WHY.

Ukraine ain't shit. What is Biden's connection to that shithole? Remember, Nancy tried to impeach Trump for calling them and asking if they had dirt on Biden there.
It's the US congress favorite money laundry....
Adolf Hitler Vladimir Putin was is attempting an Anschluss in Austria Ukraine.

If Hitler Putin had been is stopped then World War 2 3 could have been can be prevented.

Every dollar of aid to Ukraine now avoids spending a hundred times as much later if our courage fails now.

Phukk the goddamned Russians.

Glory to Ukraine.


I'm sure Zelensky* will reward you.

*WTF is spellcheck telling me his stupid name now ends in skyy not sky? Buzz off.
When a politician borrows $1 billion dollars in taxpayer money, then uses it to extort bribes from Ukraine to line his own pockets, well now you know how Washington works.

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