World's oldest Quran: Prophet Muhammad-era manuscript found at Birmingham University

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
University of Birmingham: A Qur’an manuscript held by the University of Birmingham has been placed among the oldest in the world thanks to modern scientific methods.

Radiocarbon analysis has dated the parchment on which the text is written to the period between AD 568 and 645 with 95.4% accuracy. The test was carried out in a laboratory at the University of Oxford. The result places the leaves close to the time of the Prophet Muhammad, who is generally thought to have lived between AD 570 and 632.


Quran 7th century 1 Cadbury Research LibraryResearchers conclude that the Qur’an manuscript is among the earliest written textual evidence of the Islamic holy book known to survive. This gives the Qur’an manuscript in Birmingham global significance to Muslim heritage and the study of Islam.

Susan Worrall, Director of Special Collections (Cadbury Research Library), at the University of Birmingham, said: ‘The radiocarbon dating has delivered an exciting result, which contributes significantly to our understanding of the earliest written copies of the Qur’an. We are thrilled that such an important historical document is here in Birmingham, the most culturally diverse city in the UK.’

Understanding the Birmingham University s Find of the Oldest Qur anic Manuscripts
Birmingham Qur an manuscript dated among the oldest in the world
So ancient lion are they finding anything different or helpful from this earliest edition?
Anything to stop the Sunni- Shia in fighting?
Anything clearing up word translations or leaving trace evidences of Vaticans involvement or non involvement in it's creation thus proving or disproving those theories?
The first known book of FICTION.... written by lying arabs!
It's not exactly's a story of how Muslims should live and a story about who created Islam.
Some of the writings that have resulted from the Koran are fiction.
It's a work of bigotry and murder.
It's nothing like the New Testament, which was full of happiness and hope.
It takes on the worst aspects of the Old Testament and takes them a step further.
Wow, I am astounded the MSM has indoctrinated people with hatred so easily. That's the response eh?

My first response is I am curious if it translates the same as the Koran they are using today.
Wow, I am astounded the MSM has indoctrinated people with hatred so easily. That's the response eh?

My first response is I am curious if it translates the same as the Koran they are using today.

The Bible has been translated and some parts left out or the meaning changed.
The English Koran has some translated language that isn't exactly the same as the Arabic Koran.
So ancient lion are they finding anything different or helpful from this earliest edition?
Anything to stop the Sunni- Shia in fighting?
Anything clearing up word translations or leaving trace evidences of Vaticans involvement or non involvement in it's creation thus proving or disproving those theories?

The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

We have all seen some of the verses in the Talmud.
So ancient lion are they finding anything different or helpful from this earliest edition?
Anything to stop the Sunni- Shia in fighting?
Anything clearing up word translations or leaving trace evidences of Vaticans involvement or non involvement in it's creation thus proving or disproving those theories?

The Talmud will save Judaism

Given this set of predicaments, is a Jewish renewal possible in the 21st century? We believe it is. The secret to this renewal lies in understanding that the genius of Judaism resides in its Talmudic tradition.

The lyricism of the Koran is unsurpassed and the New Testament's teachings on universal love and brotherhood are more progressive than many a passage of Leviticus. Thus, emphasizing the Bible as the starting point to appreciating Judaism is a losing proposition. However, as anyone who has studied in a yeshiva knows well, the Bible is not the cornerstone of traditional Judaism. The Talmud is the key to appreciating Judaism.

Secularized Jews must be exposed to the depth and beauty of rabbinical literature in order to be captivated by their faith. For this approach to succeed, rabbis should start to deemphasize the divine origin of the Bible as a principle of faith. It is the Talmud whose quest deserves reverence as divinely inspired.

The sooner the Jewish and rabbinical establishments understand that teaching the Talmud is the key to Jewish continuity, the more successful are efforts to draw Jews back to Judaism bound to be. The Talmud may no longer shield Jews from assimilation thanks to its social and dietary restrictions. However it can disabuse many young Jews from the prejudice that Judaism is anachronistic. If anything, the Talmud was and remains well ahead of its times.

The Talmud will save Judaism - Israel Jewish Scene Ynetnews

We have all seen some of the verses in the Talmud.

???? you have never seen a verse of the Talmud, Penelope-----you imagine that you have ------why do you claim "we have all seen....."??? You have never been in the same room with a volume of the Talmud-----if you were-----you would have no idea how to read it
The Bible has been translated and some parts left out or the meaning changed.
The English Koran has some translated language that isn't exactly the same as the Arabic Koran.
That is why muslims are encouraged to learn to read, and even memorize, the entire Quran in the original Arabic language it was written. ...... :cool:
The Bible has been translated and some parts left out or the meaning changed.
The English Koran has some translated language that isn't exactly the same as the Arabic Koran.
That is why muslims are encouraged to learn to read, and even memorize, the entire Quran in the original Arabic language it was written. ...... :cool:

memorized crap is still crap
The Bible has been translated and some parts left out or the meaning changed.
The English Koran has some translated language that isn't exactly the same as the Arabic Koran.
That is why muslims are encouraged to learn to read, and even memorize, the entire Quran in the original Arabic language it was written. ...... :cool:
The Bible has been translated and some parts left out or the meaning changed.
The English Koran has some translated language that isn't exactly the same as the Arabic Koran.
That is why muslims are encouraged to learn to read, and even memorize, the entire Quran in the original Arabic language it was written. ...... :cool:

wise what? The Koran has been translated too. I have four different versions-----in English. The overwhelming majority of muslims never read the Koran----in fact the majority of muslims cannot read
ISIS will demand that this ancient Koran be sent to them, and they will cut off people's heads until the Birmingham Library complies.
You KNOW that Muslims will demand that the Quran be returned to them.

My guess is the Christians would make similar demands if a Muslim library held the oldest copy of the Bible.
When I first went to a mosque. I was amazed at how many people had memorized the Quran from cover to cover. Even people from non arabic speaking countries.

In fact, one of the prerequisites to be the Imam of a mosque is to have memorized the Quran.

Most mosques have classes for learning to read in arabic. And the children compete in Quran reciting contests.

Sure the Quran has been translated into many languages. But only a Quran written in arabic is considered valid and has religious authority in Islam. ...... :cool:
It seems rather xenophobic for Arabs to claim that the Koran is only valid if written in arabic.

I seriously doubt that the arabic-only rule was set forth in the Koran.
It seems rather xenophobic for Arabs to claim that the Koran is only valid if written in arabic.
I seriously doubt that the arabic-only rule was set forth in the Koran.
It's not a rule.......just common sense.

Why would anyone want to learn and memorize the Quran in a translated language?

When the Quran was given to Muhammad in the Arabic language. ...... :cool:

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