Worried Trump could 'go rogue' Milley took top-secret action to protect nukes

He kept a mad man from starting a nuclear war in order to stay in power. That is not a coup. But January 6th was an attempted coup. Go ahead and try Milley. I would love to see the evidence of a Treasonous trump come to light.
That is not for Milley to decide. He worked outside the chain of command. He betrayed his office, his oath, and this country.
He kept a mad man from starting a nuclear war in order to stay in power. That is not a coup. But January 6th was an attempted coup. Go ahead and try Milley. I would love to see the evidence of a Treasonous trump come to light.
who did Trump threaten a preemptive strike on ? are you saying Milley did what he did in case the POTUS of the US went crazy ? if so you have no problem with him doing it again just in case the current POTUS should go crazy ...
He kept a mad man from starting a nuclear war in order to stay in power. That is not a coup. But January 6th was an attempted coup. Go ahead and try Milley. I would love to see the evidence of a Treasonous trump come to light.
Millet engaged in espionage against The United States. He promised to spice for a hostile foreign country.
What Milley did was Treason so I'm hoping he really did it instead of making up a story to sell books. His career is over. Everything he has done, everyone he spoke to is going to come under intense scrutiny. He needs to leave office and retire to Costa Rica.
Who the hell is going to investigate? Charge him? Who?
It doesn't matter why. It's still illegal.
From Yahoo

Worried over what Trump might do, Milley warned military officials to follow procedures to the letter in carrying out any orders, including involving him in the process. Military officers gave Milley their word, in what he considered to be an "oath," the book says.

"You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley had told his senior staff at the time, according to the book.

These reports suggest that Milley may have over-stepped his role as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a role that advises the president and defense secretary but is not part of the chain of command for operational decisions like the launching of nuclear weapons.

Milley was so concerned that Trump might start a war with China, he privately called his Chinese counterpart twice to assure him that the US would not strike, per the book.

Milley had also grown anxious that Trump would take military action against Iran and warned him not to, according to another forthcoming book by the New Yorker's Susan Glasser and New York Times' Peter Baker, slated to come out next year.

Go ahead and investigate. The only thing this proves is trump is nuts.
Take him to court and lets see all the facts. I want to see why he took such extraordinary steps. He did not break the law. He said to follow the procedures and not allow the Liar in Chief to start a nuclear war.

These allegations do indeed warrant a full-blown, no-holds-barred investigation by Congress. Why? Because, as Progressives always insist about any charge against a Republican, "It's not whether there's any evidence that matters, it's the seriousness of the charge."
Undoubtedly, Woodward and Costa have fabricated a lie to hit at Trump, and hit Gen. Milley instead unintentionally that may soon be shown to be the demise of Gen. MIlley's reign as Chairman of the JCOS. He has become too controversial and in the political scene is prime target to take the rap for the Afghan debacle of August 2021.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of Gen. Mark Milley.
There were more people involved in deciding to totally ignore the Feb 29, 2020 Agreement with the Taliban. All heads should roll, but we all know those truly involved within the Bai Dung administration will continue on incompetently in their roles of power.
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These allegations do indeed warrant a full-blown, no-holds-barred investigation by Congress. Why? Because, as Progressives always insist about any charge against a Republican, "It's not whether there's any evidence that matters, it's the seriousness of the charge."
Undoubtedly, Woodward and Costa have fabricated a lie to hit at Trump, and hit Gen. Milley instead unintentionally that may soon be shown to be the demise of Gen. MIlley's reign as Chairman of the JCOS. He has become too controversial and in the political scene is prime target to take the rap for the Afghan debacle of August 2021.
After January 6th....Milley had every right to fear that trump would go rouge and launch a nuclear attack or start a war in an effort to retain power. Milley appears to state empathically that all the procedures must be followed. He knew that if possible trump, would unilaterally launch nuclear weapons. Milley took steps to assure that would not happen. SIMPLE!
From Yahoo

Worried over what Trump might do, Milley warned military officials to follow procedures to the letter in carrying out any orders, including involving him in the process. Military officers gave Milley their word, in what he considered to be an "oath," the book says.

"You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley had told his senior staff at the time, according to the book.

These reports suggest that Milley may have over-stepped his role as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a role that advises the president and defense secretary but is not part of the chain of command for operational decisions like the launching of nuclear weapons.

Milley was so concerned that Trump might start a war with China, he privately called his Chinese counterpart twice to assure him that the US would not strike, per the book.

Milley had also grown anxious that Trump would take military action against Iran and warned him not to, according to another forthcoming book by the New Yorker's Susan Glasser and New York Times' Peter Baker, slated to come out next year.

Go ahead and investigate. The only thing this proves is trump is nuts.
It proves Milley committed treason, no matter how you justify it.
If we can believe what's in any Woodward book Milley is in big trouble....the republicans need to call Milley in immediately before he can consult with the democrats....call Woodward and Milley in.....we need to get to the bottom of this because next time it may be a pro nuke the enemy general taking steps above the commander and chief....
After January 6th....Milley had every right to fear that trump would go rouge and launch a nuclear attack or start a war in an effort to retain power. Milley appears to state empathically that all the procedures must be followed. He knew that if possible trump, would unilaterally launch nuclear weapons. Milley took steps to assure that would not happen. SIMPLE!
The Lieutenant Col. who broke chain-of-command and usurped his authority is complaining about the Joint Chief’s Chairman breaking chain-of-command and usurping his authority.
Yeah, you really can’t make this up folks.

No, Milley had to do what was done in Nixon's final days when he was wandering about the WH drunk and mumbling to himself. KEEP HIS ASS AWAY FROM THE NUKE SUITCASE!

i don’t understand what was trump threatening to nuke??

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