Worried Trump could 'go rogue' Milley took top-secret action to protect nukes

I recall a incident where Bill Clinton left his Secret Service agent who carried the "nuclear football" at a photo op function and the agent had to make his way back to the W.H. on his own with the football. It's clear that Clinton "went rogue" with conventional weapons when he attacked a defenseless country in Europe without consulting congress after he was caught with his pants down. Was Miley in the Army at that time? Never mind the former president, this Miley character seems to have gone rogue on his own for the sake of the almighty buck in book contracts. If Miley is typical of the Military leadership we had in Afghanistan no wonder we left in disgrace.
It's treason. Milley should be shot.

Imagine if liberals found out a republican called Russia and told them they thought Obama was dangerous and we'd let them know before we attacked them and single handedly told people not to let Obama launch nukes, liberals would want his head on a platter. But if it's against Trump its fine.
It proves Milley committed treason, no matter how you justify it.
Prove it...I want to see the evidence...including the rants and raves that trump inflicted on anyone that was in ear shot. I want cabinet members to testify how unhinged trump was and how many of them feared he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE!
It's treason. Milley should be shot.

Imagine if liberals found out a republican called Russia and told them they thought Obama was dangerous and we'd let them know before we attacked them and single handedly told people not to let Obama launch nukes, liberals would want his head on a platter. But if it's against Trump its fine.
Obama was not nuts like trump....Milley knew that
Prove it...I want to see the evidence...including the rants and raves that trump inflicted on anyone that was in ear shot. I want cabinet members to testify how unhinged trump was and how many of them feared he was on the verge of a mental breakdown. THAT IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE!
It's been proven. No matter how hard you try to justify it, Milley committed treason. So did Pelosi.
The Lieutenant Col. who broke chain-of-command and usurped his authority is complaining about the Joint Chief’s Chairman breaking chain-of-command and usurping his authority.
Yeah, you really can’t make this up folks.

What this actually says is how terribly dangerous trump is...then...now and if he is ever near the WH again. Biden will Pardon him...
trump conspired and planned an attempted insurrection against a constitutional process. He is a Traitor.
hahaha well Congress conducted an investigation and found this claim to be bogus.

Xiden’s DOJ has as well.

Move along
It's been proven. No matter how hard you try to justify it, Milley committed treason. So did Pelosi.
Nope.....they both had good reason to worry about an unhunged maniac.

Biden will pardon all of them. He knows trump is a Clown.

trump pardoned Flynn even after he pled guilty. He can pardon any of these people. We have know for months that Pelosi called and expressed her concerns to Milley....OLD NEWS!
Obama was not nuts like trump....Milley knew that
I guess Trumpism truly is a cult. Who else but a cultist would defend Trump’s right to launch a nuclear strike if Trump thought it would help him politically and then attack a man who sought to hold that mad man at bay? Who else but a cultist would not give a damn if they, theIr children and neighbors were incinerated in an unnecessary nuclear war?

Trumpism is way beyond Jim Jones at this point.
What this actually says is how terribly dangerous trump is...then...now and if he is ever near the WH again. Biden will Pardon him...

Your interpretation of the truth is typical for a Leftist.
That's treason. Contacting your enemy and telling them beforehand that if we are going to attack I will let you know first IS THE DEFINTION OF TREASON. That is aiding the enemy.
As I understand it, Milley just reassured the Chinese that Trump would not launch a nuclear strike against them.

Actually, there is most likely more to this story. Were military forces on the move and Milley just sought to pipe down tensions? How close were we to conflict with China? Many questions. It reminds me of Reagan’s joke that caused the Soviet Union to mobilize forces. Rhetoric can have consequences.

Trump’s mental stability was always in question. Thank heaven we had gatekeepers to keep the lunatic in check.
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In the age of information the truth is out there but you have to search for it when the left wing media is in the business of protecting democrats and attacking republicans. It isn't hard to find stuff on Milley that would point to treason but the media depends on the fact that the democrat party core is mostly ignorant in the true sense of the word.

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