Worried Trump could 'go rogue' Milley took top-secret action to protect nukes

Nope.....they both had good reason to worry about an unhunged maniac.

Biden will pardon all of them. He knows trump is a Clown.

trump pardoned Flynn even after he pled guilty. He can pardon any of these people. We have know for months that Pelosi called and expressed her concerns to Milley....OLD NEWS!
Show us where in the Constitution, or the legal code, that Milley had justification to usurp the chain of command.
Your post is untrue. Milley just reassured the Chinese that Trump would not launch a nuclear strike against them.

Actually, there is most likely a lot more to this story. Were military forces on the move and Milley just sought to pipe down tensions? How close were we to conflict with China? Many questions.

Trump’s mental stability was always in question. Thank heaven we had gatekeepers to keep the lunatic in check.
Not his job nor his place. Diplomacy is conducted through the State Department. If there were concerns about Trump, there are proper protocols. Milley's actions are inexcusable.
I recall a incident where Bill Clinton left his Secret Service agent who carried the "nuclear football" at a photo op function and the agent had to make his way back to the W.H. on his own with the football. It's clear that Clinton "went rogue" with conventional weapons when he attacked a defenseless country in Europe without consulting congress after he was caught with his pants down. Was Miley in the Army at that time? Never mind the former president, this Miley character seems to have gone rogue on his own for the sake of the almighty buck in book contracts. If Miley is typical of the Military leadership we had in Afghanistan no wonder we left in disgrace.
The nuclear football for Biden has been transferred to a toddler Fisher Price pull string toy. Moo!
Your post is untrue. Milley just reassured the Chinese that Trump would not launch a nuclear strike against them.

Actually, there is most likely more to this story. Were military forces on the move and Milley just sought to pipe down tensions? How close were we to conflict with China? Many questions. It reminds me of Reagan’s joke that caused the Soviet Union to mobilize forces. Rhetoric can have consequences.

Trump’s mental stability was always in question. Thank heaven we had gatekeepers to keep the lunatic in check.
You're lying. Milley promised to spy for the Chicoms. Treason carries the death penalty.
Is Matty in prison for fucking 17 year olds yet? :lol:
From a supporter of the womanizers of the left?...give me a break....what do ya have to say about Newsom's wife putting pressure on the victims of Weinstein ala Hillary style ?...hypocrites fail every time....and you are the biggest one on this board....
Not his job nor his place. Diplomacy is conducted through the State Department. If there were concerns about Trump, there are proper protocols. Milley's actions are inexcusable.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Mark my words, I will not be surprised if there will be stories coming out that a 25th Amendment solution was being actively discussed by Trump officials and a plan for it’s implementation ready.

The anger towards Milley is misdirected. It is Trump’s actIons and words that caused Milley and others to be concerned.

Too many people look for excuses for Trump’s deviant behavior.
the trump humpers are freaking out over what probably was a hail mary move against a nuclear war with chinese.

damn, they are just as certifiable as their chosen one.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Mark my words, I will not be surprised if there will be stories coming out that a 25th Amendment solution was being actively discussed by Trump officials and a plan for it’s implementation ready.

The anger towards Milley is misdirected. It is Trump’s actIons and words that caused Milley and others to be concerned.

Too many people look for excuses for Trump’s deviant behavior.
Your fantasies about Trump are irrelevant. What Milley did is treason and you have backpeddled to severe TDS. Sad.
You lie. That is all you Trumpers have.
It's a fact, bro.

the trump humpers are freaking out over what probably was a hail mary move against a nuclear war with chinese.

damn, they are just as certifiable as their chosen one.
What war? There was no war. There wasn't even almost a war ..lol.

You people are freaking out because anti-Trumpers within our government got caught in a treason conspiracy. The chairman of the joint chiefs and the speaker of the house, at that.
This should come as a surprise to no one. After all, when Donnie was being briefed in advance of taking office he asked THREE TIMES about nukes: "If we have them, then why can't we use them?" :omg:

Two days after the January 6 attack on the US Capitol, President Donald Trump's top military adviser, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, single-handedly took top-secret action to limit Trump from potentially ordering a dangerous military strike or launching nuclear weapons, according to "Peril," a new book by legendary journalist Bob Woodward and veteran Washington Post reporter Robert Costa.​
Woodward and Costa write that Milley, deeply shaken by the assault, 'was certain that Trump had gone into a serious mental decline in the aftermath of the election, with Trump now all but manic, screaming at officials and constructing his own alternate reality about endless election conspiracies.'​
Milley worried that Trump could 'go rogue,' the authors write. "You never know what a president's trigger point is," Milley told his senior staff, according to the book.​
In response, Milley took extraordinary action, and called a secret meeting in his Pentagon office on January 8 to review the process for military action, including launching nuclear weapons. Speaking to senior military officials in charge of the National Military Command Center, the Pentagon's war room, Milley instructed them not to take orders from anyone unless he was involved.​
"No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I'm part of that procedure," Milley told the officers, according to the book. He then went around the room, looked each officer in the eye, and asked them to verbally confirm they understood.​

We are now a military dictatorship. Civilian control of the Pentagon has ended.
I guess Trumpism truly is a cult. Who else but a cultist would defend Trump’s right to launch a nuclear strike if Trump thought it would help him politically and then attack a man who sought to hold that mad man at bay? Who else but a cultist would not give a damn if they, theIr children and neighbors were incinerated in an unnecessary nuclear war?

Trumpism is way beyond Jim Jones at this point.
Nobody suggested Trump could or should launch a nuclear strike and he didn't order one, wasn't considering ordering one, and had no plans to order one.

What we do care about is the military plotting to strip the President of the authority that only he can have. If we had been attacked, those who were supposed to follow the President's orders for a retaliatory strike had committed to not follow those orders but to, instead, get permission from Milley.

Firing squad for every one who sat in on one of those meetings.
It's called TREASON and he should be tried, convicted and SHOT, in accordance with the UCMJ and definitely the following:
This is lie.

At no point did Milley refuse to obey an order, instruct anyone else to disobey an order, or otherwise advocate undermining the authority of the president.

Milley’s actions were appropriate, warranted, and patriotic; he correctly realized that Trump had gone beyond reckless and irresponsible becoming unpredictable, unstable, and dangerous.

This was reaffirmed by the American people when they voted Trump out of office, and thankfully so.
It proves Milley committed treason, no matter how you justify it.
At a minimum, the Chinese would take from these calls that Trump was not in control of the military and, had the Chinese chosen to attack anyone, Taiwan or Philippines, for instance, the President could not order a response because of the military coup and the military was friends with China.

Treason, absolutely treason.
This is the tip of the iceberg. Mark my words, I will not be surprised if there will be stories coming out that a 25th Amendment solution was being actively discussed by Trump officials and a plan for it’s implementation ready.

The anger towards Milley is misdirected. It is Trump’s actIons and words that caused Milley and others to be concerned.

Too many people look for excuses for Trump’s deviant behavior.
Spot on.
Treason???? As I recall it was not Milley, but Trump, that instigated an insurrection against the newly elected government of the United States of America. That is Treason.
I guess you are as dementia laden as Pedo Joe.
Your fantasies about Trump are irrelevant. What Milley did is treason and you have backpeddled to severe TDS. Sad.
In previous posts I wrote that I did not like what Milley did. It was wrong of Milley to tell his Chinese counterpart that he would give him news of any potential attack. But it was not wrong of Milley to reassure him that we would not attack China. There was more going on during the final days of the Trump Administration than we know. I still believe it is wrong not to focus on Trump. Trump’s actions and words werethe catalyst for the chaos.
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